Samstag, 24. August 2024

24.08.2024 - Sogyal Rinpoche and uncertainty & simplicity & balance etc. / Tibetan proverbs etc.

diary of dali48: 03.06.2019 - Müller-Stahl and Age /  Gautama Buddha and daily... … see dali48 on Twitter,Google,Blogspot,,FB,Pinterest,StumbleUpon

dali48 and teaching and writing books and photographing "flora & fauna" in Erkrath etc.
Each day is our whole life - from sunrise to sunset etc… (dali48)
"The past is pain, the future uncertainty. - The present is all we have" ... (Tao Wong)

07.01.1998 - Interpretation of dali48
If you absolutely have to think of something - then think about the uncertainty of your death... (S. Rinpoche)
Our body can suddenly stop functioning, - broken like our car...
If I had to die tonight, what then? - We do not know whether we wake up tomorrow, nor where. - When you exhale and can not breathe again, you're dead! - It is as simple as that...
Tomorrow or the next life - which comes first, we never know... (Tibetan proverb)
The body lies flat on the deathbed, voices whispering last words, a last memory passes by in the mind:
When will this drama happen to you? - It is important to think about it again and again - that death is real and comes without warning...
A dying person had only one message for all - who would survive her, to take life and death seriously!  Our task should be to find a balance, - a middle way...
We must learn not to overwhelm ourselves with inessential activities and occupations - but try to simplify our lives more and more. - The key to a happy balance in modern life is simplicity...
The most important thing in life are human relationships and love, - and not material goods...
Everything you do in life remains stored. - Even if you do something unconsciously and it should go unrecognized, - it will come back to life...
What we have done in our lives is shaping us to who we are when we die, - and everything really matters... (S. Rinpoche)

Sogyal Rinpoche is a Tibetan Dzogchen Lama of the Nyingma tradition. He has been teaching for over 30 years. He travels widely in Europe, America, Australia ... 
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