Montag, 14. September 2009

02.12.2016 - M.A. Asturias2 and N. Sachs etc...

dali48 and writing books and photographing overflying wild geese etc...

08.09.2009 - Interpretation of dali48

"I'm very poor - but I've got my work, my wife and my hut, and I don't think I'm to be pitied," - stammered the wood-cutter like a man talking in his sleep - hoping to ingratiate himself with this angel, who might recompense his Christian resignation by changing him from a wood-cutter to a king, if he wished... (from Mr. President, M.A. Asturias, P.A.C.)

Let it suffice here to mention the mystery play Eli (1950) about an 8-year-old boy - who is beaten to death by a German soldier in Poland - when he blows on his shepherd's pipe to call on heaven's help - when his parents are taken away... (N. Sachs, Pres. Sp. 1966)

Nelly Sachs's writing is today the most intense artistic expression of the reaction of the Jewish spirit to suffering - and thus it can indeed be said to fulfill the humane purpose underlying Alfred Nobel's will...

Annex2 to the blogs of dali48

02.12.2016 - M.A. Asturias2 and Guatemala etc...

dali48 and writing books and photographing "flora and fauna" etc...

07.09.2009 - Interpretation of dali48

Miguel Angel Asturias (1899 - 1974). Guatemalan poet, diplomat, and winner of the Nobel Prize for Literature 1967 - Asturia's writings combine the mysticism of the Maya with epic impulse toward social protest - His most famous novel is El Senor Presidente (1946), about life under the rule of a ruthless dictator - Asturias spent much of his life in exile - because of his public opposition to dictatorial rule... - If you write novels merely to entertain - then burn them... - His father, who refused to take legal actions against antigovernment student demonstrators - and mother were forced to move to the town of Salamá - Their clash with the Guatemalan dictator Estrada Cabrera taught Asturias his first lesson in fighting oppressive forms of power! - After returning to Guatemala City with his family, Asturias became a sugar and flour importer... - The society of the novel is corrupted - evil spreads downwards from the ruler - Justice is a mockery - and army officers spend their time plotting or in brothels - El Senor Presidente (novel) utilized surrealistic techniques - it reflected Asturia's idea that Indians' nonrational perception of reality is an expression of subconscious forces - the collective dream of mankind... (M.A. Asturias, P.A.C.)

Annex2 to the blogs of dali48