Montag, 3. Juni 2024

03.06.2024 - Women, games and agriculture / Hans Küng and Global Ethic / 1000 international scientists etc.

dali48 and studying and teaching in the 70s, and visiting and photographing near river Neckar in Tübingen etc.

28.10.1998 - Interpretation of dali48
There are 3 methods you can use to ruin yourself - women, games and agriculture. - My father chose the most boring of the three ... (John XXIII)

We could have as many priests as we wanted if they were allowed to be fathers, too ... (H. Küng)

Vatican Roulette:
the "Knaus-Ogino" method of contraception. - We declare that we will no longer be impressed by appeals for world peace and compassion from a man (Paul VI) whose actions help to promote ... (approx. 1000 international scientists)

Hans Küng - Wikipedia

Hans Küng is a Swiss Catholic priest, theologian, and author. Since 1995 he has been President of the Foundation for a Global Ethic (Stiftung Weltethos).
Nationality‎: ‎Swiss
Born‎: ‎19 March 1928 (age 92); ‎Sursee, Switze...

03.06.2024 - Zen and thinking & a natural way & the real and philosophy etc.

dali48 and writing ediary4+5 and photographing in the park of Wickrath etc.

"Zen" - calls for us a different way of thinking ... (F.-A. Viallet)

Zen is profoundly understood as a natural way of man, as a return to himself. - This, however, presupposes that the path has been lost. - Zen makes man inwardly free, and makes him discover his love of the real - which he has lost... (cf. H. Marcuse, Alienation in Capitalism, etc. - d.48) ...

The twentieth century has brought revelations about the matter that overthrow everything - that thousands of years of intellectual work have brought together... (S. Lupasco)

Noosphere = Whole of the thinking beings on Earth...

Zen is not a statistic of a rosy future, no promise of an earthly or supernatural paradise. - Zen is the only school that makes a philosophy from the inarticulate ... (A. Koestler)

François-Albert Viallet (Bürgerlicher Name Karl Friedrich Boskowits, Zen-Name Soji-Enku), (* 20. März 1908 in Budapest; † 17. Mai 1977 in Frankfurt am Main) war PhilosophAutor und Zen-Mönch.