Mittwoch, 21. August 2024

21.08.2024 - Dogen and Zen & consciousness / Taisen Deshimaru and Zazen etc.

diary of dali48: 25.06.2019 - A. M. Arokiasamy and inscription of faith in the ... … see dali48 on Twitter,Google,Blogspot,,FB,Pinterest,StumbleUpon

dali48 and writing diaries & books and photographing in Wickrath etc.

20.12.1997 - Interpretation of dali48
To explore Zen is to explore ourselves - that is, to forget ourselves, that is to find the Buddha-nature, our original nature... (Dogen, 13th century)
It is enough to be free of love and hate - so that the insight shows itself, suddenly clear how the light of the day in a cave...
The struggle in our consciousness between "right" and "wrong" - leads to illness of the mind...
Truly, if we wish to seize or to reject, we are not free. - When our mind finds rest, it disappears by itself...
"I shin den shin":
From my soul to your soul, from my heart to your heart - The most worn material can become the most beautiful and holiest, - like the most deeply sunken human being can achieve the highest awakening...

The stick of Zen Master. The hitting by the "Kyosaku" during the "Zazen" - has both a stimulating and a soothing effect... (Taisen Deshimaru)

Taisen Deshimaru was a Japanese Sōtō Zen Buddhist teacher, who founded the Association Zen Internationale. Contents. 1 Biography. 1.1 Early life; 1.2 War ...
Teacher‎: ‎Kodo Sawaki
Died‎: ‎April 30, 1982
Title‎: ‎Rōshi
Biography · ‎Early life · ‎War years · ‎Europe

Dōgen Zenji also known as Dōgen Kigen (道元希玄), Eihei Dōgen (永平道元), Kōso Jōyō Daishi ..... Soto Zen in Medieval Japan (Studies in East Asian Buddhism). University of Hawaii Press. ISBN 978-0-8248-3303-9 . Cleary, Thomas. Rational ...
School‎: ‎Sōtō
Title‎: ‎Zen Master
Died‎: ‎22 September 1253 (aged 53); ‎Kyoto, Japan
Religion‎: ‎Buddhism
"It’s better to walk alone than with a crowd going in the wrong direction." (@wise_chimp)
"You can only live forwards, understand life only backwards." (Søren Kierkegaard)  
"Zen finds religion in the daily activities." (I-tuan)

21.08.2024 - S. Rinpoche / Milarepa / Geshe Chekhawa / Shantideva / Tertön Sogyal / Buddha etc.

diary of dali48: 13.06.2019 - Mességué and herbal medicine / Hippocrates and food / ... … see dali48 on Twitter,Google,Blogspot,,FB,Pinterest,StumbleUpon

dali48 and living (1948-1968), and teaching (1979-1983), and photographing in SHA etc.

16.12.1997 - Interpretation of dali48
What we split up in our ignorance in "life" and "death" - are in reality only two different aspects of this totality by moving... (S. Rinpoche)

So many contradictory voices, commandments, and feelings are struggling to dominate our inner life - that we have fallen into small pieces scattered in all directions, - and no one is at home...
Meditation now means:
To bring the spirit home! - The real meaning of life is never revealed to those - who are envious, careless, or blinded by wealth...
If you exhale and then can not inhale again, - you are dead! As simple as that...
In Buddhism, six areas of existence are distinguished:
The worlds of the Gods, half-gods, humans, animals, hungry spirits, - and hell creatures (devils)...
They are each the result of the 6 central negative emotions:
pride, jealousy, desire, ignorance, greed and hatred...

Let advantage and profit for the others, - take defeat and loss upon you... (Geshe Chekhawa, 11th century, Tibet)

Our present circumstances, when we use them with skill and wisdom, - can become inspiration and free us from the fetters of suffering...
And when love comes to an end, - all that remains of her - her souvenir, so to speak - are the scars of attachment...

This thing, which we call corpse, and what we fear so much, lives with us - here and now... (Milarepa)

For from the spirit arise all fears, - and infinitely many worries... (Shantideva)

If you absolutely need to think of something, - then think about the uncertainty of your death... (Geshe Rinpoche)

It is a real miracle - if someone dissolves even a single negative feeling... (Tertön Sogyal, Tibetan mystic)

If we keep things for the long term, - we exclude the possibility of learning by changes...
Our whole existence is fleeting like clouds in the autumn! - The birth and death of beings appear like movements in the dance...
A life resembles the lightning in the sky. - It rushes past like a torrent down the mountain... (Buddha)

Milarepa (c. 1052—1135) is the most famous yogi, poet and Buddhist saint of Tibet. A collection of his teachings in the form of poetic songs called The Hundred ...
Sogyal Rinpoche is a Tibetan Dzogchen Lama of the Nyingma tradition. He has been teaching for over 30 years. He travels widely in Europe, America, Australia ...
This is a chronological list of important Tibetan writers. Contents. 1 7th-10th century; 2 11th ... Chekawa Yeshe Dorje, 1102–1176, 'chad ka ba ye shes rdo rjeGeshe Chekhawa, Wrote the Seven Points of Spiritual Training. Phagmo Drupa ...
Shantideva was an 8th-century Indian Buddhist monk and scholar at Nalanda. He was an adherent of the Madhyamaka philosophy of Nagarjuna. Contents.
Born‎: ‎c. 685
Religion‎: ‎Buddhism
Died‎: ‎c. 763
Biography · ‎Works · ‎Bodhicaryavatara
Tertön Sogyal Lerab Lingpa was a Tibetan Buddhist tertön and a teacher of the Thirteenth ... Fearless in Tibet: The life of the Mystic Terton Sogyal, Hay House, Inc, 2014. ISBN 978-1-4019-4146-8 · Matteo Pistono. In the Shadow of the Buddha: ...
Biography · ‎Disciples
A Lord Buddha is a very holy person in Buddhism. The word Buddha means "enlightened one" in Sanskrit. Buddha was born Siddhartha Gautama. He was the ...
Each day is our whole life - from sunrise to sunset etc… (dali48)
"The past is pain, the future uncertainty. The present is all we have" ... (Tao Wong)

21.08.2024 - S. Rinpoche and transformation etc. / Milarepa and NDE and silence etc.

diary of dali48: 13.06.2019 - Alan Watts and Taoism / Thich Nhat Hanh and... … see dali48 on Twitter,Google,Blogspot,,FB,Pinterest,StumbleUpon

dali48 and living (1948-1968), and teaching (1979-1983), and photographing in SHA etc.

17.12.1997 - Interpretation of dali48
The desperate situation on our planet makes people increasingly clear - how necessary a transformation is on a global scale... (S. Rinpoche)

It is a sad fact that most of us begin to appreciate their lives only - when it comes to dying...
One of the most important revelations of the Near-death experiences is the fact - that those who had such experiences have fundamentally changed their attitude to life:
the craving for money has changed to the thirst for spiritual understanding (see e.g. Rinpoche, Kübler-Ross, R. Moody etc. - d.48)...
One can not find any better armor than tenacity and endurance. - In a world devoted to distraction, silence has something frightening. - We protect ourselves from it through noise and irrational activity. - The fear of death has led me into solitude of the mountains. - Now it's all over with fear of death... (Milarepa)

Whatever you do, never suppress your pain, - accept it and stay vulnerable...
Because the law of karma is inevitable and infallible! - We always hurt ourselves when we harm others - but if we make them happy, we create future happiness for ourselves...
Everything is indissolubly interwoven:
We come to the realization that we are responsible for all what we think - say - or do...
We are really responsible for ourselves, everyone and everything else, - the whole universe. What is born will die, - what has been brought together will be scattered, - what has accumulated will be exhausted, - what has been built up will collapse, - and what is high will be low...
When you go to the toilet, imagine that all your Illusions and blockages are washed away, - only when you suffer you know what it means for others who suffer...
Gradually you understand that both hope and fear - are enemies of your inner peace...
Death is a profound mystery - but we can say about it:
It is absolutely certain that we are going to die, - and it is uncertain when, (and where - d.48) or how we will die... (S. Rinpoche)

Sogyal Rinpoche is a Tibetan Dzogchen Lama of the Nyingma tradition. He has been teaching for over 30 years. He travels widely in Europe, America, Australia ...
Milarepa (c. 1052—1135) is the most famous yogi, poet and Buddhist saint of Tibet. A collection of his teachings in the form of poetic songs called The Hundred ...
see e.g. E. Kübler-Ross and R. Moody and Near Death Experiences, - and my own experience in Erkrath in the 80s (an out-of-body experience (OBE), and 12/2011 in hospital with renal failure & blood poisoning (NDE), and 3/2013 in hospital after surgery of catheter wound in bed in the early morning "bodily flying to heaven" (OBE) etc. (dali48)
"Zen finds religion in the daily activities." (I-tuan)