Freitag, 16. August 2024

16.08.2024 - Water crisis & growth and desalination of sea water etc.

diary of dali48: 16.06.2018 - Boll2 and Chekhov etc... … see dali48 on Twitter,Google,Blogspot,,FB,Pinterest,StumbleUpon

dali48 and teaching and writing diary & books and photographing in Erkrath, 8/1983-5/2010

Interpretation of dali48
After researching the topic, I believe it is... - to invest in wastewater to drinking water technologies. The ecological & environmental risk of not doing... - the byproducts of the non-treated wastewater & solid waste threatens ecosystems and endangered... - Water resources (especially in California) are... (by Direxmd)

We may face serious water problems (see drinking-water etc. - d.48), if we will not use our water supply well... (UNDP, Gen Howitzer)

The years of 1930 -1938 were a time of drought - throughout the United States (see deserts etc. - d.48). This time of drought caused one of the largest population shifts - in U.S. History... (by newcapo)
Paris, 22 March 2024 – The United Nations World Water Development Report 2024, published by UNESCO on behalf of UN-Water, highlights that tensions over water are exacerbating conflicts worldwide. To preserve peace, States must boost international cooperation and transboundary agreements.22.03.2024
Future crisis:
1 Shortage of Air - 2 Water - 3 Room - 4 Raw materials, etc ...

Youth protest against the world of fathers because of:
Lack of perspective - threat - frustration - and sense of loss... (C. Thompson)

Individual growth and technological advances now create more... - than good...
Environmental destruction - the threat of ecological collapse - armament and nuclear disaster - exploitation of the 3rd World - Future growth crisis... (W. Hollstein)

Greed - is in Buddhism, one of the worst evils of which a person can be... - In fact, possessiveness - is of one of the main reasons for misery in the... (D. T. Suzuki)

It is estimated that more people die of the consequences of lack of water - than in wars or of HIV/AIDS (see frequency = 1 % of e.g. Alzheimer's etc. - d.48). - Solutions of water problems... - are being discussed every 3 years at the World Water Conference... (DW-World, 15.03.2009)

Interpretation of dali48
Water crisis is a general term used to describe a situation where the available water within a region is... - than the region's demand. The term has been used to describe the availability of potable... - in a variety of regions by the United Nations and other world organizations...
Lawrence Smith, the president of the population institute, asserts that although an overwhelming majority of the planet is composed of water, 97% - of this water is constituted of saltwater - the fresh water used to sustain humans is only 3% - of the total amount of water on Earth...
A novel approach to desalination is the Seawater Greenhouse - which takes seawater and uses solar energy to desalinate it in conjunction with growing food... - in a specially adapted greenhouse... (Wikipedia)

see dali48 and Water and Human Rights and "Flora and Fauna" etc. - see Seawater Desalination by solar and wind power etc.
see multiple use of Drinking Water as I experienced it in Japan in 1978 for the first time...
see water pipelines and Roman aqueducts etc. 
15.04.2024 — This article was originally published on 12 March 2024 and updated on 15 April 2024Desalination increases access to safe, clean drinking ...

16.08.2024 - Salvador Dali and Painting & Melting clocks (see soft watches) etc.

diary of dali48: 16.06.2018 - Progress2 and Cancer etc... … see dali48 on Twitter,Google,Blogspot,,FB,Pinterest,StumbleUpon

dali48 and private teaching and cycling along river Rhine and photographing in Düsseldorf etc.

Interpretation by dali48
Melting clocks (see soft watches), and burning giraffes were Dali’s (1904-1989) mark of...
"People asked me that I should finally decide to become a Stalinist or... - No... I would always remain one until death, I was Dali, and only... - I do not believe in the communist... - nor the national socialist revolution"...
In 1930 I was fired by my family without a penny in front of the... - I have only my global triumph thanks to... - and thanks to the heroic daily sacrifice of an incomparable woman, my wife...
The rational, orderly world, equipped with technical equipment of the modern... - which obeys the reality... - is confronted by Dalí with another world of sprawling vegetable, where the pleasure principle... - and even watches are soft... - He therefore advocates the Art Nouveau and paranoid architecture of Antoni Gaudi...
Crutches - are one of Dali's most important image content and are found in many of his... - such as in the painting "Riddle of William Tell". They are in first line symbols of... - and form the mental and physical support for addressing the deficiencies in... (Wikipedia)
I'm neither right nor left, see Salvador Dali in this context - I'm only dali48

16.08.2024 - Copenhagen 2009 and Climate Change & alternative energy & Air Pollution etc.

diary of dali48: 8.05.2018 - Ash clouds2 and Europe etc... … see dali48 on Twitter,Google,Blogspot,,FB,Pinterest,StumbleUpon

dali48 and teaching and writing diary & books and photographing in Erkrath etc.
Interpretation by dali48
Global Warming Causes Human Migration etc.
Into this population, people will migrate form Greenland, the Middle East, Northern Africa, and possibly India and even as far away as... - As the shorelines erode and the deserts... - people will move inward toward the... (P. Inglish)

There is polluted air despite environmental... - More and more cities are establishing environmental zones: In Bonn and Münster driving bans will be established in...

Pilot whales beached in... - 125 animals dead "You could see the pain and suffering in their eyes"... 

A scenario that will promote global... - and set the course (because of sea level rise on the plains and the melting of icebergs at the north and south pole) for powerful storms and... - which could lead to hunger...
Deforestation - on Haiti, an island nation in the Caribbean, reported that he has a history of... - Plagued by social and population problems, the forests are under threat in fact... (Gen. Howitzer)

Copenhagen climate conference 2009 -
Kopenhagen, Dänemark
[get directions]

COP 15: World leaders defend climate science

08 Dec, 2009 04:58 PM
... global warming was almost certainly a result of human activities... call for deeper cuts in greenhouse gases from wealthy nations... Direct Govt investment in renewable energy (42.9%)?

Google Launches Deforestation Tool to Make Trees More Valuable Alive Than Dead
by Jaymi Heimbuch, San Francisco, California on 12.11.09
Science & Technology

After going through your materials I managed to build 2 solar panels for under $100! They are just small panels but this is all I need for the lighting and fridge in my courtyard.
Kim C. Sydney, AU.

see dali48 and renewable and alternative energy - like wind power and solar energy and e-cars and e-bikes and solar cooker and solar lamps etc. - since the 70s...

see e.g. BeijingAir ‏@BeijingAir 

05-08-2015 22:00; PM2.5; 112.0; 180; Unhealthy (at 24-hour exposure at this level)

Retweeted by dali48
Beijing Air Pollution: Real-time Air Quality Index (AQI). Beijing北京 ... 2024. The World Air Quality Index Project the World Air Quality Index project .
2024 in climate change ... This article documents events, research findings, scientific and technological advances, and human actions to measure, predict, ...