Mittwoch, 5. Juni 2024

05.06.2024 - C. Milosz & Banquet Speech 1980 and Pegasus Author's Calendar etc.

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dali48 and writing books and photographing parks etc...

11/04/2008 - Interpretation of dali48

We are millions all over the world - because this is a century of... (C. Milosz, Banquet Speech 1980)

Intellectual Freedom - always goes hand in hand with...

In 1936, he worked at a radio station in Vilnius (Lithuania), but was dismissed in the following year - because of...

And disaster struck - first in 1939, when Germany invaded Poland and...

The early work of Milosz also shows traces of dislike against - all forms of...

During the Second World War Milosz was active as a writer in the resistance movement - and was...

In 1944 he married...

In 1951, he sought political asylum in...

He saw that there was a dark attraction of totalitarian ideology, - and that the intellectuals were not...

Milosz believes in the redemptive power of art, - and treats it as...

After his fall - the works of Milosz in Poland were...

Milosz died at home... (C. Milosz, 1911-2004, Pegasus Author's Calendar)

05.06.2024 - Life and Death and Zen and Cosmic void etc.

Image result for photos of dali48
dali48 and studying & teaching in the 70s, and visiting & photographing in Tübingen etc.

23.11.1999 - Interpretation of dali48

We know neither the "Where from" of life - nor the "Where to" of...

That our life is thrown into this dark ignorance - makes our lives... 

That is why we practice Zen...

Life and death are one and the same. - Death takes me, like life has...

This fear, a fear of the cosmic void - which was repeated for years in heavy dreams...

An anchor in the “ego” - is at the same time the expression of an irrelevance to... (L. Groening)

Golden Snow I cannot say I have never wondered and even feared death ... most people do ... to have the life (spirit) lifted from ones body is a scary thought ... life is the hard one to get through or so it looks to me ... thank you again for your posts dali48 ... so helpful and interesting”...

05.06.2024 - Pema Dorje & Tibetan medicine / T. Clifford & emptiness / S. Dali & mother's death etc.

diary of dali48: 29.05.2019 - Chateaubriand / Cuneiform / Max Weber / Juvenal / ... … see dali48 on Twitter,Google,Blogspot,,FB,Pinterest,StumbleUpon
dali48 and writing books and cycling and photographing parks etc.

04.12.1996 - Interpretation of dali48
This is like a tree carrying a bird. - If there is no tree left (see deforestation etc.), - where will the bird then remain? - He flies away... (Pema Dorje, Tibetan doctor)

The fact that decay and death are inevitable - and that we will not be left with our relations, our interests, our status and our possessions - can be a crushing realization. - But if we suppress or deny this knowledge - we divide ourselves from reality, - and create a psychic tension that makes us sick. - The insight that our ego and our actions are ultimately empty - can be deeply frightening... 
(T. Clifford)

Tibetan medicinal substances:
Safran: for liver and gall ... Cardamom: for spleen and kidneys ... Ginger: for the blood ... Bamboo: for the lungs ... Beans for the heart ... Gentian for the bile ... Holarrhene antidysenterica against dysentery ... Castor as purgative ... Urine for wound treatment ... Pepper for mucus and digestion ... Valerian for the nerves and sleep ... Thistle for the liver ... Honey for the vitality ... Aconitum for heart and spirit ... Alant? ... Nutmeg for the heart and spirit ... Turmeric with digestion problems ... Cloves for the liver ... Kalmus? ... Juniper in fever ... Pomegranate for the stomach ... Pea pods? ... Magnolia for the bile ... Aloe for the mind ... Terminolia chebula (blue-flowering lotus-like plant) as a universal medicine ... (Pema Dorje)

Traditional Tibetan medicine also known as Sowa-Rigpa medicine, is a centuries-old traditional medical system that employs a complex approach to diagnosis, incorporating techniques such as pulse analysis and urinalysis, and utilizes behavior and dietary modification, medicines composed of natural materials ...
Salvador Domingo Felipe Jacinto Dalí i Domènech, 1st Marquis of Dalí de Púbol (11 May 1904 .... Dalí was 16 years old; he later said his mother's death "was the greatest blow I had experienced in my life. ... a being on whom I counted to make invisible the unavoidable blemishes of my soul. ...... Eberwein, Robert T. (2014).

05.06.2024 - Emotional Conflict & Household / Escape from Everyday Life / Daydreaming & Meditating etc.

dali48 and writing books and photographing a dandelion blossom in the park of Wickrath etc.

01.02.2014 - Emotional Conflict & Household or Work place and "modern madness" etc. by dali48

dali48 and private tuition and writing diary & books and cycling and photographing in Erkrath etc.

Interpretation of dali48
"Emotional conflicts and the intervention of the unconscious are the classical features of... medical psychology" for C. G. Jung. Equally, 'Freud's concept of emotional conflict as amplified by Anna Freud... 
Erikson and others is central in contemporary theories of...
Such conflicts in adult life may be defined as the presence in the subconscious of different and opposing emotions relating to a situation that has recently taken place or is in the process of...
'The early stages of emotional development are full of potential conflict and disruption'. Infancy and childhood are a time when 'everything is polarised into extremes of...
Defenses against emotional conflict include 'splitting and projection. They deal with intra-psychic conflict not by addressing it, but by sidestepping it'. Displacement too can help resolve such conflicts...
Inner emotional conflicts can result in physical discomfort or pain, often in the form of tension headaches, which can be episodic or chronic, and may last from a...
With respect to the post-industrial age, 'La Bier writes of "modern madness," - the hidden link between work and emotional conflict...
For Picasso 'the presence of death is always coincident - with the taste for life... (Wikipedia)

Golden Snow
“In homes where conflict is present it affects all in the household or work place ... feelings are felt even when not directly involved ... especially where children are concerned ... their health both physically and mentally ... leaving scares for life ... Conflict should be resolved and let go, but in most cases goes on for weeks or even years ... causing discomfort for all involved”...

01.02.2014 - Escape from Everyday Life & Noise and Creativity etc. by dali48

dali48 and teaching and writing diary & books and photographing his folding bike in Erkrath etc.

03.06.2001 - Interpretation of dali48
Many of those who follow the impulse to escape from the demands of everyday life are thin-skinned and openhearted. Perhaps they have suffered abuse, and since then cannot bear - the suffering in the world...
If we are indifferent, we are aloof and not affected, unable to express our interest in others or our sympathy for them. We keep emotional distance - from the fluctuations in our lives...
Can anyone seriously suggest that I should be grateful - for a life full of fear, shame, confusion and anger? We find it easier to condemn ourselves than to recognize and to express our painful emotions in reality, the necessity for forgiveness... (C. Grof)
Forgiveness is the answer to the children's dream of a miracle by which the broken is healed, - and the dirty is cleaned again... (D. Hammerskjöld)
Forgiveness is not for the benefit of one who has hurt us - yet it grows out of pity. It serves our own well-being...
Like a cat that has fallen asleep on a chair peacefully, in peace, - and one with the master of the house, with the mistress, - at home in the house of the living, - sleeping on the hearth, and yawning before the fire... (D. H. Lawrence)
Take the cotton from the ears - and stuff it in the mouth! ... (12-step program)
Those who have been cheated and abused, often have to react so that they withdraw - from the rest of the world and create protectives...
We will not get anyone close to us - because we have all the answers. What he might have to add?
Angeles Arrien says that where there is no sense of humor, we are “addicted.” - We can take our path (see e.g. Tao, Zen etc. - d.48) seriously, without being “addicted” to it... (C. Grof)

If we do not love our own bodies, - how can we ever love anyone? ... (T.N.H.)

Interpretation of dali48
Creativity refers to the phenomenon whereby a person creates something new (a product, solution, artwork, literary work, joke, etc.) that has some kind of value...
The lexeme in the English word creativity comes from the Latin term creō "to create, make" and its derivational suffixes also come from Latin. The word "create" appears in English as early as the 14th century...
This work disputes the earlier hypothesis that creative solutions to problems arise mysteriously from the unconscious mind while the conscious mind is...
In The Act of Creation, Arthur Koestler introduced the concept of bisociation - that creativity arises as a result of the intersection...
This idea was later developed into conceptual blending. In the '90s, various approaches in cognitive science that dealt with...
Other researchers have related creativity to the trait, openness to experience...
Creativity as measured by the Torrance Tests of Creative Thinking increased until 1990 in the United States. An effect similar to the Flynn effect. Thereafter scores have been declining...
This article also explored the links between creativity and sleep, mood and addiction disorders, and depression...
Barbara Fredrickson in her broaden-and-build model suggests that positive emotions such as joy and love broaden a person's available repertoire of cognition and actions, thus enhancing creativity...
In addition, several systematic studies of highly creative individuals and their relatives have uncovered a higher incidence of affective disorders (primarily bipolar disorder and depression) than that found in the general population... (Wikipedia)

Golden Snow
“Good one for me I always blame myself before I blame others , saying I am sorry when it’s not my fault ... condemning ourselves is so easy ... we only have ourselves to cope with ... letting someone other close to me is not easy ... people say I am strange , but I really am not,  just keep to myself ... coming from an abusive back ground is part to blame , I also find quite is less confusing ... my life is quite , most days I love this ... I believe I take my own path in life... Is it an escape? ... Yes I believe so... I find the world confusing and most days senseless chatter and noise ... I find joy in nature, in my sweet little kitten ... and interesting and quiet people”...

03.02.2014 - Mysterious Depths and Daydreaming & Meditating etc. by dali48
dali48 and writing books and visiting and walking and photographing in Baden-Baden, 8/2010

13.04.2001 - Interpretation of dali48
Rampant fear, loneliness oppressed many, emptiness and futility are spreading. - The ancient, mysterious depths, and questions have remained the same...
Then, suddenly there are diseases in animals (see e.g. BSE, FMD, etc. - d.48) and humans which present us with completely new questions... (Rhine Post, 12.04.2001)

Life Principles:
1 The "weed" principle. "Weed," increases on its own - "Weeds" (see e.g. dandelion & healthy wild herbs for bees etc. - d.48) does not pass...
2 The bounce-back principle: Since they have the priority in itself (see e.g. optimists, etc. - d.48), nothing really throws it around...
Love and honor yourself, keep your self-respect, and stay true to yourself. - Imagine in everything you do and think - there is always the question...
Daydreaming (see e.g. dali48 & meditating etc.) that has held the modern psychology is not "escapism" in the negative sense. You relax and create a positive attitude...
Similarly, you can wish all you want to savor it in your dreams to the last detail without being disappointed... (H. Kluge)

Interpretation of dali48
Daydreaming is a short-term detachment from one's immediate surroundings, during which a person's contact with reality is blurred and partially substituted by...
There are many types of daydreams, and there is no consistent definition among psychologists, however the characteristic that is common to all forms of daydreaming (see dali48 and “inner migration” because of being bullied etc. in Erkrath, 1989 - 5/2010 etc. – d.48)...
As craft production was largely replaced by assembly line that did not allow for any creativity - no place was left for positive aspects of...
Freudian psychology interpreted daydreaming as expression of the repressed instincts similarly to those revealing themselves in...
Humanistic psychology found numerous examples of people in creative or artistic careers - such as composers, novelists and filmmakers, developing new ideas...
Similarly, research scientists and mathematicians have developed new ideas by daydreaming about their subject areas...
Research by Harvard psychologist Deirdre Barrett has found that people who experience vivid dream-like mental images reserve the word for these, whereas many other people... (Wikipedia)

Golden Snow
“Daydreaming is one things I do well ... as a child I would go into the woods in search of my real home , I did this day after day my Mother worried because sometime I went deep into the woods in back of our home ... I would find a nice cool mossy place and lay back and close my eyes and all my heart desired was there ... as time went on I searched for my sweet Prince , this never left my mind even as I grew older I would find myself drifting into a world of beauty when people and places were too much to handle ... my sweet Prince was my safe place to comfort and protect me” …