Mittwoch, 5. Juni 2024

05.06.2024 - C. Milosz & Banquet Speech 1980 and Pegasus Author's Calendar etc.

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dali48 and writing books and photographing parks etc...

11/04/2008 - Interpretation of dali48

We are millions all over the world - because this is a century of... (C. Milosz, Banquet Speech 1980)

Intellectual Freedom - always goes hand in hand with...

In 1936, he worked at a radio station in Vilnius (Lithuania), but was dismissed in the following year - because of...

And disaster struck - first in 1939, when Germany invaded Poland and...

The early work of Milosz also shows traces of dislike against - all forms of...

During the Second World War Milosz was active as a writer in the resistance movement - and was...

In 1944 he married...

In 1951, he sought political asylum in...

He saw that there was a dark attraction of totalitarian ideology, - and that the intellectuals were not...

Milosz believes in the redemptive power of art, - and treats it as...

After his fall - the works of Milosz in Poland were...

Milosz died at home... (C. Milosz, 1911-2004, Pegasus Author's Calendar)

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