Dienstag, 9. Juli 2024

09.07.2024 - S. Roman and uniqueness & accept yourself / dali48 & photos etc.

dali48 and writing books and cycling & walking and photographing apple blossoms in Wickrath etc.
04.09.1997 - Interpretation by dali48
The more you hate something, the more tightly you are tied to it, - you can leave something only when you love it. - At the beginning of an encounter both look so much for the good in the other - that they, so to speak, look through the "pink eyeglasses." - The more you concentrate on the problems, or on what you feel is disturbing you concerning the other person, - the sooner it will go downhill with your relationship. - Would you really protect your uniqueness and recognize that the way you have chosen is not like any other, - it would be easier to get rid of the views of others, - and to follow your own leadership. - One of the ways to love oneself is not to compare with others. - Even if you are a part of a whole, you have an individual self - which goes its own way. - Loving oneself means that you accept yourself - as you are now ... (S. Roman)

diary of dali48: 20.06.2019 - S. Roman and uniqueness / Self ...

20.06.2019 - SRoman and uniqueness / Self Acceptance Quotes etc... diary of dali48: 05.06.2019 - C. Criss and psychic build up of dali48 and private tuition ...

09.07.2024 - Eastern spirit & Zen & Suffering / A healthy diet & fruits & veggies etc.

dali48 and writing books and cycling & walking and photographing fruits in Wickrath etc.

Monday, February 25, 2008

Interpretation by dali48
The danger of the Eastern spirit is a tendency to dissolve boundaries and dissolve in the All-One (death of the ego), and the Western spirit, on the other hand, a tendency to freeze in fixed forms and to fragment life ... "Zen" only denies the idea of ​​God that corresponds to the fixed ego ... It is a question of fate whether in the race of the powers the old man, alienated from being (see e.g. H. Marcuse etc. - d.48), wins whose hardened spirit is heading for destruction, or the new man - who leads himself and the world to a new life ... (K. Dürckheim)

The fastest horse that will carry you to perfection is suffering ... (Meister Eckehart)

The root of suffering is threefold: The ever-threatening annihilation, the frightening uncertainty and transience of this life. - That is why people are looking for lasting meaning, security and lasting stability ... The drop (man) may know that it is in the ocean (people), but does it also know that the ocean (people) is also in them (man)? ... (K. Dürckheim)

Monday, February 25, 2008 

Interpretation by dali48
Diarrhea: Soups with rice or carrots, tapioca pudding, little sugar, bananas, rice, apple sauce, toast ... 
Also: Starchy liquids, corn, wheat, potatoes, lentil soup, coconut juice, noodle soup and chicken broth, wheat flour; 1/2 - 1 cup rice flakes, 2 T. water, 1/4 tsp salt; 1/2 tsp Greek hen seeds + water, 3 times a day; Pecarin (Sweden); Lactobacillus GG yogurt; forbidden: cow's milk, coffee, sweeteners with sorbitol, fruit juices... 
Potassium against stroke etc. is contained in:
Spinach, beets, molasses, tomatoes, oranges, melons, pumpkin, apricots, carrots, potatoes, beans, milk, avocado, almonds (nuts), soybeans, sardines in oil, fish ... 
Little salt: It increases blood pressure, the risk of stroke etc ... (J. Carper)

Monday, February 25, 2008

Interpretation by dali48
Heartburn is caused by: 
1. Fat, 
2. Chocolate, peppermint, garlic, raw onions, orange juice, chili sauce, tomatoes, coffee, alcohol.
3. Eating late followed by lying down ... (J. Carper)

Sugar acts as a painkiller directly on the brain in babies (and adults, etc. – d.48). Cabbage juice and musapep = dry powder from green plantains helps with stomach ulcers. Also Caved-s, licorice ... 
Liquid (hotter than 60°C) causes gastritis and damages the stomach. It can even lead to esophageal cancer! ... 
Kidney stone patients usually eat large amounts of protein (protein) and sodium (salt, etc). Cola (oxalate, phosphate) and citrus fruit juices (oxalate, sugar) are also harmful. Fruit and vegetables are top fighters against cancer! Vit A (lung), Vit C (stomach and intestines) in the blood help against cancer! ... 
What people eat who have never had cancer: 
1. Become a semi-vegetarian, 
2. No red meat, saturated animal fats (butter etc.), 
3. Few dairy products (cheese, whole milk etc). 
Lots of fruit and vegetables, wheat bran, dried beans, green tea, low-fat milk, lots of yogurt (Acidophilus), little alcohol, some eel (Vit D), mackerel (Omega-3 oils), no salted, smoked or cured products! Turkey meat (without skin), no bacon or salami, wholemeal bread, olive oil, rapeseed oil, linseed oil, lots of salad, broccoli, carrots, tomatoes, oranges, onions, garlic, strawberries, raspberries, melons, nuts (Vit E), no overweight! ...
Animals often show cell damage in the pancreas when fed a high-fat diet. Fruit, tomatoes, pulses etc. are good! ...
Stomach cancer: Salad is the solution! ...
Positive is: Cabbage, tea, garlic, onions, soybeans, vegetables, fruit, Vit C! ... Negative is: Salt, cured, smoked, marinated meat! ... (J. Carper)