Dienstag, 9. Juli 2024

09.07.2024 - C. Simon 1985 & the hot Mistral / J.P. 2 / T.N.H. / P. Tillich / W. Soyinka & his mental health etc.

dali48 and teaching and writing diary & books and cycling & photographing in Erkrath, 8/1983 - 5/2010

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Interpretation by dali48
Both stories (Le Vent, 1957, and L'Herbe, 1958) are set in the south of France, where Simon himself has his roots and lives as a winegrower! ... And above everything howls the hot Mistral (see also a book I read, Hot Blows the Wind of Yucatan etc. - d.48), the wind that fills people with its eternal, drying, dusty indefatigability, - an inhuman element in which people live as if, despite their activities and interference, they were trapped in conditions that are more permanent and powerful than themselves ... (C. Simon, Nobel Prize 1985)

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Interpretation by dali48
If he (Jesus) were only a sage like Socrates, a prophet like Mohammed or an enlightened person like Buddha, then he would certainly not be what he is ... (John Paul II)
The idea behind the statement is that philosophy is the only way to salvation, and all other religious traditions are worthless ... (T.N.H.)

When the wave realizes that its ground of being is water, it overcomes all fear and grief... One no longer believes that life begins with birth, and ends with death - because both concepts have been transcended ... (P. Tillich)

Paul Johannes Tillich war ein deutscher und später US-amerikanischer protestantischer Theologe mit Schwerpunkt auf Dogmatik und ein Religionsphilosoph. Wikipedia

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Interpretation by dali48
As a human rights activist, he (W.S.) was a courageous voice for justice, freedom and the end of tyranny... But the ultimate lesson is to just sit down and write! That's all ... (UC Berkeley)

Soyinka wrote a series of radio plays (1961) until the government stopped his efforts because of excessive criticism ... After being falsely accused of conspiring (1965) to broadcast false election results on the radio, he was arrested. An international group of writers, including Norman Mailer and William Styron, organized a protest against his imprisonment and three months later he was released ... While in prison, Soyinka secretly wrote lyrics on discarded cigarette packets, toilet paper and between the lines of books he had secretly obtained ... It was good for my mental health to be able to scribble a few things now and then. And I think that is true of most writers ... (BBC, Radio 4)

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