Montag, 10. Juni 2024

10.06.2024 - Pain relief & arthritis and Joy of life & music etc.

Image result for photos of dali48
dali48 and teaching and writing and photographing a gold fish in Erkrath etc. 
10.06.2018 - Pain relief2 and Joy of life etc...
Interpretation of dali48
The biggest danger for a permanent aggravation of the joint-annoyance by arthritis and osteoarthritis are...
If this led to a tremendous abuse... - Without our prescription - the pharmaceutical industry would be...
Besides cancer, there is no chronic disease that is better suited to illuminate the heresies of the dominant...
Joy of life: by listening to music, relaxing, sleeping... (J. Hackethal) 
Golden Snow “prescription drugs, now that make my blood run faster, we have so much available that is natural... - Joy of life: by listening to music, relaxing, sleeping, dreaming, laughing, avoiding negative stress, thinking positive etc... (J. Hackethal) - medicine for the heart... Thanks dali48”

Golden Snow I watch those around me dali48 some ten years younger, with sore joints and finding it hard to walk ... so much arthritis and osteoarthritis coming to such young people, also cancer... - pain removes the joy of life ... I also suffer pain when I run into chemicals that do not agree with me including food chemicals... - also through your advise have brought music into my life (good music)... Joy of life: by listening to music, relaxing, sleeping... Zen and meditation ...
see dali48 and "I hope that Biontech (formerly in Mainz, now in London) & #mRNA #vaccines etc. - will develop a vaccination against cancer, see also #Xagainstcancer etc."

10.06.2024 - Optimal weight / Health problems and Foods / Normal blood pressure etc.

Image result for photos of dali48
dali48 and teaching and writing and photographing in Erkrath etc.

10.06.2018 - Health problems2 and Foods etc...

Interpretation of dali48
Optimal weight: for example Height = 179 cm - 100 = 79 kg weight + / - 10%, i.e. 71 kg and 87 kg = limits of ideal and normal weight = limits of tolerance, etc… (d.48)
Distrust all factory oils and fats as well as factory sugars - By cutting and diluting the natural products in the mills of the factories, too much...
In our affluent society the artificial “Overvitaminose” has become a bigger risk factor - than it was the vitamin malnutrition of children…
It is only a substitute gratification - but it reduces stress...
Vegetarians are just healthier - than instinct-less “omnivores”, but not as disciplined as…
Lifestyle change: 1 Mental hygiene - 2 Exercise training - 3 Changes in diet - 4 Smoking ban...
Happiness begins - with love that you give, emotionally and physically...
Industrial white sugar - like in chocolate and chocolate candy is...
Stimulants such as tobacco, coffee and tea are just as...
The most common “blockage of the arteries” is in the coronary vessels, in the brain and in the legs...
Normal blood pressure: 120/80, over 200 means danger…
Recommendations for athletes: 200 minus your age... (J. Hackethal) 
Golden Snow “When we finally wake up to what we are doing to our bodies, we have a lot to change ... never too late... I have found since I have become Vegetarian my health has improved... - thanks for your information dali48 ... your diary will be enjoyed by many”...