Montag, 10. Juni 2024

10.06.2024 - Sexuality and Means of reproduction & the “Middle Way” etc.

dali48 and studying & teaching in the 70s, and visiting & photographing near river Neckar in Tübingen etc.

05.02.2014 - Sexuality1 and the “Middle Way” etc.

21.03.2001 - Interpretation of dali48
Sex is what we make of it: An expensive or cheap goods, means of reproduction, defense against loneliness, a form of communication, a weapon of aggression, a sport, love, beauty, an ideal condition, the evil (see Catholics, etc. - d.48), the good, luxury or relaxation, reward, escape, a reason of self-esteem, an expression of duty, pleasure, union with the cosmos, mystical ecstasy, indirect death wish or death experience, a path to peace, a legal dispute, a kind of exploring uncharted territory of human, a technique, a biological function, expression of mental health or illness, or simply a sensory experience… 
(A. Offit / D. Schadow / H. Schallhammer)

Interpretation of dali48
Human sexuality is the capacity to have erotic experiences and responses. Human sexuality can also refer to the way someone is sexually attracted to another person, whether it is to the opposite sex (heterosexuality), to the same sex (homosexuality), to either sex (bisexuality), to all gender identities (pansexuality), or not being attracted to anyone in a sexual manner (asexuality). Human sexuality impacts cultural, political, legal, and philosophical aspects of life. It can refer to issues of morality, ethics, theology, spirituality, or religion. It is not, however, directly tied to gender. Some cultures have been described as sexually repressive... Sigmund Freud, a firm supporter of the nature argument - believed that sexual drives are instinctive and viewed sexuality as the central source of human personality... Freud gave sexual drives a centrality - in human life, actions, and behaviors that had not been accepted before his proposal. His instinct theory suggested that humans are driven from birth by the desire to acquire and enhance bodily pleasures, thus supporting the nature debate... Psychological studies of sexuality focus on psychological influences that affect sexual behavior and experiences. Early psychological analyses were carried out by Sigmund Freud - who believed in a psychoanalytic approach... Gender identity is a person's own sense of identification as female, male, both, neither, or somewhere in between - The social construction of gender has been discussed by a wide variety of scholars, Judith Butler notable among them. Recent contributions consider the influence of feminist theory and courtship research… The results of a recent interview study involving 3,000 adults 57 to 85 years of age have shown that health - plays a role in the level of older adults' sexual activity. The percentage of sexually active older adults is higher for those that are in good health than those in poor health... A gradual decrease in testosterone production may cause physical symptoms such as a lack of energy - erectile dysfunction, and muscle deterioration. The weakening health of a man's heart, prostate, kidneys, hearing and digestive systems are also signs of aging that occur during a males later life, or climacteric period. What can impact sexuality in old age is partner availability and health (two factors that have an impact throughout the lifespan)... There are certain diseases, health situations, and medications - that can have an impact on sex and sexual activity. There are also many ways to accommodate the changes. Medications can be altered and the way we express ourselves sexually can be changed to accommodate physical limitations. Whatever the case, the need for intimacy continues throughout the lifespan and throughout late adulthood... Sex is the right of the woman, not the man and it will or should only be experienced in times of joy - because it is a selfish personal satisfaction that must be pleasurable for both parties. Men cannot force women to have sex, and women cannot take away sex as punishment because it is an offense to use sex to manipulate or as a weapon - Finally, sex cannot be experienced while intoxicated or quarreling... Buddhism emphasizes the “Middle Way” which is never reaching the extremes. - According to this religion, moderation in everything is key to enlightenment or nirvana; therefore, human sexuality should fall in the middle on a continuum from extreme Puritanism to extreme permissiveness... (Wikipedia)

Golden Snow
“Hi dali48 , next to the weather I believe sex is the next most discussed ... but unlike the weather which just happens around us , sex seems to be the more discussed and most abused than anything else in the world ... what a shame once it was a beautiful thing that happened between a man and a woman because it expressed their complete love for each other ... now used to obtain a better position at work and a night of "FUN" ... sex can be beautiful , caring and exiting when with the one you love ... but to me real love starts in the heart a caring the moves
above lust , just wanting to care for , protect ."

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