Donnerstag, 11. Juli 2024

11.07.2024 - Religious fanaticism / Feminism versus machismo / G. Groddeck & our real life etc.

dali48 and teaching and writing diary & books and cycling & photographing in Erkrath etc.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Interpretation by dali48
I denounce: Religious fanaticism, cultural glory (see e.g. “leading culture” etc. – d.48), elitism, educational arrogance ...  
What can feminism do against machismo? We want to love, so we want to connect and not separate. But separation is the real everyday reality. - Women and men act sexually at cross purposes. That cannot be the meaning of partnership! ... 
When I feel this pleasure of being alone, then I feel separated from the others, because I do not feel and feel myself, but I can be who I am! ... However, not everything that is considered normal is also right (see e.g.  “12-year Reich” etc. – d. 48). Isn’t the word love very often similar to a business trick? With this label I can buy cheaply, use it and sell what I have used at a high price. In this way, love degenerates into a trick (see alienation in capitalism etc. – d.48) ... (P. Lauster)

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Interpretation by dali48
Subject: Documentation on Arte-TV on February 12th at 10:25 p.m. on the topic: Fat Rally. The first round took place in the USA in 2007: 5 teams drove from Washington DC to Costa Rica. Instead of driving with gasoline, they siphoned off used oil and fat from fast food shops, factories and farms. On the way, the "eco-drivers" looked for bio-fuel projects ...
For me, this means that bio-fuel is not an alternative at the moment as long as there is hunger and poverty. Food production is primary, spirits production is secondary. It made corn more expensive for poor people in Mexico, for example. I find it particularly bad that fuel was made from fish oil in a fish factory, that is, that fuel was made from foodstuffs that heated up and polluted the air! (see also Robert Koch's opinion on cars, about 100 years ago) ... (dali48)

Tuesday, February 12, 2008
11.02.2008 - Part 2

Interpretation by dali48
The sentence "I live" is only partially correct, and expresses a small partial phenomenon of the basic truth: Man is lived by the id! ... Isn't it strange that we don't know anything about our first three years of life? ... I have never met anyone who remembered their first step or the way they learned to speak, eat, see and hear. And all of that is unforgettable! ... When I am sad, my heart calls for my mother and cannot find her. - Should I be angry with God and the world? - It is better to laugh at yourself, at this childhood that you never get out of. Because adulthood is such a thing; you are rarely one, only on the surface, just playing at being grown-up, like a child. As soon as we live deeply, we are children. There is no age for the id, and the id is our real life! ... This mixture of man and woman is sometimes fatal. There are people whose id gets stuck in doubt, who see everything from two sides, who are slaves to a double childhood impression. I mentioned to you the wet nurses as such doubters. And in fact all 4 of those I told you about have an id that sometimes doesn't know whether it is a man or a woman! ... (G. Groddeck)

11.07.2024 - The media & climate of threat / Life & love & being understood / J. Brodsky 1987 & poems & uniqueness etc.

dali48 and teaching & writing diary & books and cycling & photographing in Erkrath etc.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Interpretation by dali48
The media (TV, radio, newspapers, etc. - d.48) use the complex contexts of our day to stir up fear. - Devastation, war, murder, fire, epidemics (disease), corruption and accidents dominate the news and create a climate of threat that has nothing to do with the reality of most of us! ... (A. Silberman)

This love is not the great and true love that lasts a lifetime, which is what the person holding on to it craves and strives for. They are right and are happy for the moment. Eternal love for a partner does not exist (illusion). It is an hourly miracle if he is in love again - if not, I let him go. "Life itself is love, and whoever lives it truly teaches love," says Ernesto Cardenal ... 
The free and lost person gains his psychosomatic health at the price of being understood by only a few! - He has to get used to being alone ... You cannot own something living, and certainly not such a highly complex and rational being as a human being ... Coercion, oppression, routine, being bought, obedience, orders, dependence - none of this is part of love! ... 
Reasons for separation: Love has died; you have fallen in love with another person and want to be with them; the other person has had an affair that you cannot get over; you have been cheated on by your partner and cannot forgive them; the nagging and constant criticism can no longer be tolerated; you have progressed while your partner stagnates and fights against change; emotions and rationality run counter to each other; sexually you only feel frustrated. There is no more sexual desire; you feel repelled by your partner, no longer attracted. Living with them becomes torture; you can no longer talk to each other, not live next to each other; you can no longer bear the constant lies; your partner demands too much closeness and does not resonate between the poles of distance and closeness - or he wants too much distance. In any case, the balance is disturbed; your partner is constantly aggressive or depressed. You can no longer bear his constant promises; your future life goals are different. One wants constant company, the other loves peace and quiet; one has made an irrevocable decision without asking your partner whether he is doing it. One is intensely involved in his hobby, his sport or his political work, - things that are foreign to the other; your partner becomes a workaholic and has no time anymore. He only talks about his job; your partner becomes a masochist, and you cannot get on with this sexual inclination; you find out that your partner speaks badly about you to other people. Your honor is insulted and you can't forget it; your partner is getting fatter from month to month, he's getting really fat. You can't cope with this physical change; you want children, but your partner doesn't want any (1-21 reasons) ... This list could go on for many pages (i.e. there are countless reasons for separation - but what are the reasons for staying together?) ... We are looking for a relationship, we want to hold on to each other, - we don't want to know about letting go. But we cling to the well-known but wrong techniques: Make the other person dependent by sex, money and gifts, promises and status symbols ... (P. Lauster)

Thursday, February 14, 2008 

Interpretation by dali48
Valentine's Day. - A person sets out to write a poem for various reasons: to win the heart of his beloved; to express his attitude towards the reality around him, be it a landscape or a state; to capture his state of mind at a given moment; to leave a trace on the earth - as he thinks at that moment! ...
Someone who finds himself in this kind of dependence on language is, I think, what is called a poet ... (J. Brodsky, Nobel Prize 1987)

Thursday, February 14, 2008
13.02.2008 - Part 2

Interpretation by dali48
If art teaches anything (for artists, first and foremost), it is the privacy of human existence. As the oldest and most literal form of private enterprise, it fosters in a person, consciously or unconsciously, a sense of his uniqueness, - thereby transforming him from a social animal into an autonomous "I" ... 
I am not advocating the replacement of the state with a library, although this thought has often occurred to me; but I have no doubt that there would be much less suffering on earth if we had chosen our leaders on the basis of their reading experience and not their political programs! ... (J. Brodsky)

11.07.2024 - Cows & antibiotics / Tantra & own attitude / A. Schweitzer & small earthly goals & existence / St Valentine etc.

dali48 and teaching and writing diary & books and cycling & photographing in Erkrath, 8/1983 - 5/2010

Monday, February 18, 2008

Interpretation by dali48
The "Tantra" teaches that man and woman, who are essentially one, must get rid of their fears and the shackles of all conventions imposed by society and find their own independent attitude with which they can live! ... (A. Thirleby)

The prohibition that we take so lightly, mindlessly breaking flowers, mindlessly crushing poor insects, etc. and then mindlessly, in terrible delusion because everything takes revenge, disregarding the suffering and life of people and sacrificing it for small earthly goals! ... (A. Schweitzer)

Monday, February 18, 2008

Interpretation by dali48
Cows are herded together, their food is carted across the continent, calves are pumped full of hormones and fattening accelerators, cattle are still allowed to be injected with antibiotics, etc ... (Rhine Post, 28.11.)

21.02.2024 — Multi-agency report highlights importance of reducing antibiotic use. News. 21 Feb 2024 ... "Using fewer antibiotics in livestock production pays ...

Whatever good we do to an animal is always just a debt of gratitude that we pay off for what the suffering creature has acquired for us! ... 
Anyone who has experienced the pain of the world knows the hours in which the horror of existence is stronger than the horror of no longer being ... One cannot say that humanity achieves any purpose in the world, but rather it is itself a purpose ... Finally, we let ourselves become numb and act according to the "eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth", deceit for deceit, suspicion for suspicion, slander for slander, which we see as everyday things around us! ... (A. Schweitzer)

Monday, February 18, 2008

Interpretation by dali48
In this poem "Parliament of Birds" by Chaucer - it is shown how the birds gather around the goddess nature on this very holiday (St Valentine) so that each one can find a partner ... (Wikipedia) 
Afterwards I notice that yesterday (14.2.) I encountered many birds in pairs when I was feeding ducks during cycling around Lake Morper ... (dali48)