Donnerstag, 11. Juli 2024

11.07.2024 - Religious fanaticism / Feminism versus machismo / G. Groddeck & our real life etc.

dali48 and teaching and writing diary & books and cycling & photographing in Erkrath etc.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Interpretation by dali48
I denounce: Religious fanaticism, cultural glory (see e.g. “leading culture” etc. – d.48), elitism, educational arrogance ...  
What can feminism do against machismo? We want to love, so we want to connect and not separate. But separation is the real everyday reality. - Women and men act sexually at cross purposes. That cannot be the meaning of partnership! ... 
When I feel this pleasure of being alone, then I feel separated from the others, because I do not feel and feel myself, but I can be who I am! ... However, not everything that is considered normal is also right (see e.g.  “12-year Reich” etc. – d. 48). Isn’t the word love very often similar to a business trick? With this label I can buy cheaply, use it and sell what I have used at a high price. In this way, love degenerates into a trick (see alienation in capitalism etc. – d.48) ... (P. Lauster)

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Interpretation by dali48
Subject: Documentation on Arte-TV on February 12th at 10:25 p.m. on the topic: Fat Rally. The first round took place in the USA in 2007: 5 teams drove from Washington DC to Costa Rica. Instead of driving with gasoline, they siphoned off used oil and fat from fast food shops, factories and farms. On the way, the "eco-drivers" looked for bio-fuel projects ...
For me, this means that bio-fuel is not an alternative at the moment as long as there is hunger and poverty. Food production is primary, spirits production is secondary. It made corn more expensive for poor people in Mexico, for example. I find it particularly bad that fuel was made from fish oil in a fish factory, that is, that fuel was made from foodstuffs that heated up and polluted the air! (see also Robert Koch's opinion on cars, about 100 years ago) ... (dali48)

Tuesday, February 12, 2008
11.02.2008 - Part 2

Interpretation by dali48
The sentence "I live" is only partially correct, and expresses a small partial phenomenon of the basic truth: Man is lived by the id! ... Isn't it strange that we don't know anything about our first three years of life? ... I have never met anyone who remembered their first step or the way they learned to speak, eat, see and hear. And all of that is unforgettable! ... When I am sad, my heart calls for my mother and cannot find her. - Should I be angry with God and the world? - It is better to laugh at yourself, at this childhood that you never get out of. Because adulthood is such a thing; you are rarely one, only on the surface, just playing at being grown-up, like a child. As soon as we live deeply, we are children. There is no age for the id, and the id is our real life! ... This mixture of man and woman is sometimes fatal. There are people whose id gets stuck in doubt, who see everything from two sides, who are slaves to a double childhood impression. I mentioned to you the wet nurses as such doubters. And in fact all 4 of those I told you about have an id that sometimes doesn't know whether it is a man or a woman! ... (G. Groddeck)

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