Sonntag, 7. Juli 2024

07.07.2024 - J. Seifert & blind mirror / T.N.H. and simple living & more vegetarian food & remaining silent etc.

dali48 and teaching and writing diary & books and cycling & photographing in Erkrath till 5/2010

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Interpretation by dali48
For the melancholy of a blind mirror, blind to the reflection... With his words he has only tried to take hold of life, and it is life itself that has taken hold of him, always and in spite of everything ... of a loving flame, source of fear, finally for everything that is doomed to death... (J. Seifert, Banquet Sp. 1984)

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Interpretation by dali48
Do not force your opinion on anyone, including children; neither through authority, threats, money, propaganda or education. But try to help others to renounce fanaticism and narrow-mindedness through sensitive dialogue. Actions motivated by anger or hatred cannot be considered non-violent ... Too much suffering can destroy the ability to love. But suffering can also help to open our eyes and has therapeutic power ... Those who are always looking for possessions and never feel fulfilled cause the increased emergence of impure actions (see sins, karma, etc. - d.48). In modern society, simple living also means staying as free as possible from the destructive elements of the social and economic machinery in order to avoid modern diseases such as stress, depression, high blood pressure and heart disease! We must be determined to resist modern life with its fears and constraints! The only way is to consume less. Sharing is difficult when you are rich... (Thich Nhat Hanh)

Tuesday, March 4, 2008
24.08.2000 - Part 2

Interpretation by dali48
Do not practice a profession that harms people and nature! ... Many of the modern industries are harmful to people and nature (see animals, plants, etc. - d.48), even the food industry ... The chemical poisons used by modern farmers harm the environment (and thus both people and animals, etc. - d.48) ... The act of killing is a collective one! In our carelessness we separate ourselves from the work of the butcher (see for me: striving for more vegetarian food to reduce complicity since the 80s etc. – d.48) ... (Thich Nhat Hanh)

Tuesday, March 4, 2008 

Interpretation by dali48
Do not create idols in the form of doctrines, theories or ideologies, including Buddhist ones, and do not cling to them. Do not accumulate wealth while millions are starving. Do not make the goal of your life fame, profit (see "exploitation" etc.? – d.48), wealth (unlike poverty and hunger etc. – d.48) or sensual pleasures (brief illusion + risk etc. – d.48). Live simply and share with those who need it...
6th rule: As soon as anger and hatred arise, turn your mindfulness to your breath in order to recognize the origin and understand the nature of the people who have provoked them in you... 
7th rule: Do not lose yourself in distraction (see e.g. fun-culture etc. - d.48) and in your surroundings. Practice mindful breathing and come back to the present moment. Be in touch with the wonderful, 
refreshing and healing in you and around you. Plant in yourself the seeds of joy, peace and understanding ... 
The most important rule: Always remain silent where words only disturb! ... (Thich Nhat Hanh)

07.07.2024 - World Conservation Centre / Stress and pollution / Nutrition and exercise / Buddhism etc.

dali48 and teaching and writing diary & books and cycling & photographing in Erkrath till 5/2010

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Interpretation by dali48
We feel the way we live, the way we think and act, the way we react to other people and events ... (Harvey / Cochrane)

We can no longer afford to see ourselves as separate from the environment! ... Of the 270,000 plant species on earth, 41,000 are threatened (approx. 1/7) ... (World Conservation Centre, Cambridge)

UNEP-WCMC has been part of UN Environment Programme since 2000 and has responsibility for biodiversity assessment and support to policy development and ...

Now we must pay the price for our greed, and stress and pollution are taking their toll (see noise & dirt, climate change & disasters, etc. – d.48) ...
Shocks, prolonged stress, poor nutrition and environmental toxins weaken the immune system. Negative emotions are particularly damaging! ... Among other things, we must learn to be compassionate and to love without expecting a reward. Our decisions constantly shape the rest of our lives. We create our own destiny. No two souls have ever traveled the same path; each chooses its own path! ... Resentment, hatred, hostility and contempt bind you to the person you don't like. One day you will have to break these karmic bonds ... Learn the art of taking life seriously in a cheerful way! ... (A. Cochrane)

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Interpretation by dali48
Incorrect nutrition, insufficient exercise, low oxygen supply, stress and hustle & bustle are just as stressful as alcohol, nicotine or other mood makers! ... 1st step: change your diet (e.g. muesli, bran, vegetables, fruit and whole grain products); also herbal tea or mineral water! ... (Dr. Hay)

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Interpretation by dali48
Attachment means being attached to dogmas, prejudices, bad habits and what one considers to be truth ... How do we deal with the arms race in the world, how do we deal with environmental problems, how do we deal with rich and poor, how do we create peace in our immediate environment and in our surroundings? ... Even Buddhism is not the truth, but only a means to its realization! ... (Thich Nhat Hanh)

Thích Nhất Hạnh war ein vietnamesischer buddhistischer Mönch, Schriftsteller und Lyriker. Thích ist ein Titel vietnamesischer Mönche. Neben dem Dalai Lama war Thích Nhất Hạnh ein zeitgenössischer Repräsentant der buddhistischen Lehre. Wikipedia

07.07.2024 - Jaroslav Seifert 1984, 1938, 1968 / J. Viorst and M. Chadwick / Find the balance! / "Personality impoverishment" etc.

dali48 and teaching and writing diary & books and cycling & photographing in Erkrath till 5/2010

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Interpretation by dali48
Jaroslav Seifert (1901-1986), poet and journalist who was the first Czech to receive the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1984. Seifert was the last great representative of the Czech avant-garde. He published over 30 volumes of poetry! ... (Pegasus Authors' Calendar)

Seifert was born into a poor family in Ziskov, a working-class suburb of Prague. His father was the manager of a small general store. To help him, Seifert spent his afternoons delivering goods to customers all over Prague ... In 1929 he was expelled from the Communist Party and the "Devetsil Collective" (a literary avant-garde movement in the 1920s) ... In 1938, Seifert's prophetic work (Put Out the Lights!) was published in Munich, after the betrayal of Czechoslovakia. The title work, about the Nazi threat hanging over Prague, is one of his most famous poems ... He fully identified with the people's grief and interpreted the common feelings of betrayal and hope for survival. In 1966 he was named Poet of the Nation ... "What is all this talk of grey hair/and wisdom/When the bush of life burns down/experience is worthless/It always has been" ... (from The Plague Column)

In 1968 Seifert condemned the Soviet invasion of his country, which aimed to stop all liberal tendencies ... During the 1970s his works circulated in underground editions. In 1977 he signed the Charter of Human Rights together with 500 others ... In these memoirs Seifert revived the spirit of the Czech avant-garde between the two world wars and during the Nazi occupation. Since he was too old and ill to travel to Stockholm for the award ceremony, the poet received the news from his hospital bed... Seifert died in Prague in 1986. As a folk artist, Seifert was entitled to a state funeral. It became a national event... (J. Seifert, P.A.C.)

Jaroslav Seifert war ein tschechischer Dichter, Schriftsteller, Journalist und Übersetzer. In den frühen Jahren war er ein bedeutender Vertreter der tschechischen Proletarischen Poesie, um später zu einem der wichtigsten Dichter des Poetismus zu werden. Wikipedia

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Interpretation by dali48
Most people are terribly afraid of death, which threatens us with abandonment, at the mercy of others (to a "lying and deceitful" society, etc. - d.48), loneliness, the hell of eternal damnation. But no matter how much we are against it (see "Every-man" etc. - d.48), he will come and get us...
Death is "the power over which we have no power," writes psychoanalyst Mary Chadwick. All we can hope to control is the way we confront it (see e.g. let go etc? – d.48) ... (J. Viorst)

"I will fall like the blossom of a shining cherry tree" (the cherry tree blossom is in harmony with nature, the kamikaze pilot is not – the blossom falls gently and quietly to the ground, the kamikaze on the other hand with a loud bang and hard impact – the blossom falls slowly like a bird's feather, carried by the wind – the kamikaze at great speed, artificially accelerated by the aircraft engine etc – d.48) ... Don't let go too soon, but don't cling on too long (see e.g. Buddha's middle way etc. – d.48). Find the balance! ... (M. Schwartz / T. Koppel)

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Interpretation by dali48
All of this (withdrawal tactics) could at least be cushioned by simply letting ourselves have our own way... In your current distress, you are alone, at least as far as this life here is concerned. If you are looking for a way out, take it yourself if you find even a trace of a way. Come back to life. Only you can do it. One thing is clear, either God or the laws of nature will ultimately let you fall or die. Until then, your task is, just to live (R. Price, writer), while "stagnation" describes a "personality impoverishment" that occurs when we only worry about our own concerns ... Withdrawal tactics punish our partner for withholding what we want by withdrawing our love or approval or by keeping us away from him ... Marriage is the continuation of war by other means... (J. Viorst)