Freitag, 23. August 2024

23.08.2024 - Osho and Zen and humor and religion and Church and poetic truth etc.

dali48 and teaching and writing diary & books and photographing an exhibition near Lake Morper in Erkrath etc.

25.01.1998 - Interpretation of dali48
A good sense of humor always helps. - Zen is the only tradition with humor, and is clearly favored by Osho (also by myself, see spiritual freedom instead of dogmas, "Gods" etc. - d.48). - He talks more about Zen than anything else. - The mind is old and always afraid of the new and the fresh. - Christ will bring the unknown again, but the mind is the known, and the known is always afraid of the new. - The unknown will bring uncertainty, and the mind is always in search of security. - It will bring chaos, and the mind wants a comfortable life that is not a real life. - The more comfortable, the less alive! - The most comfortable life is in the grave ... (Osho)

Religion is a permanent revolution because religion is life. - Dead religion becomes a church. - Dead religion becomes Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism etc. - Living religion is Jesus, Buddha etc. - Why is Jesus so against law and order? - Because he knows a greater law because he knows a larger order. - A man-made order is only a pretense of false facts. - The divine order is exactly the opposite. - There is chaos on the surface, and order is at the bottom in the depths. - When in the outside disorder and chaos reigns, where are you going then? - You start to go inside, and you come to your center. - Love is the Tao, which Buddha called Dharma. - When you crucify Jesus, you crucify your own being in favor of your periphery (i.e. you crucify "love" in favor of money, power, etc. - see Erich Fromm: "to Have or to Be" etc. - d.48). - For existence has not the slightest interest in proving oneself to anyone. - Yes, whoever wants to prove that there is a "God" - somehow doubts his own existence! - A poetic truth (myth) stands on a higher level than any scientific truth - because scientific truths constantly change. - A poetic truth is eternal! - This rose is only a single flower that represents all the blossoms of the past and future ... (Osho)

Rajneesh - Wikipedia

Rajneesh also known as Acharya Rajneesh, Bhagwan Shri Rajneesh, and later as Osho was an Indian godman, mystic, and founder of the Rajneesh movement ...
Movement‎: ‎Neo-Sannyas Movement
Known for‎: ‎Spirituality‎, ‎mysticism
Nationality‎: ‎Indian
Died‎: ‎19 January 1990 (aged 58); ‎Pune‎, Maha...
Zen - Simple English Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The goal in Zen is to attain satori. This Japanese word translates as "enlightenment". The practice also includes using riddles, called Koans. Koans are also ...

23.08.2024 - C. Steiner and cooperation and therapist and "rescue etc.

dali48 and private tuition and writing diaries & books and cycling and photographing in Erkrath etc.

01.02.1998 - Interpretation of dali48
With some certainty, Mr. X will have defeated his wife after a few rounds - since she has a good prerequisite for a defeat as a woman:
She does not have a strong adult ego, and she tends to "rescue" and "nurture." - Control and power in itself provide no well-being. - We only find it when we have enough food, shelter, space, caress, love and soul peace. - All of this is not achieved through "powerplay," but through collaboration. - No help without contract. - Do not hold anyone for helpless. - If your counterpart feels helpless, help him to use his existing powers. - Do not use a special chair or seat. - Do not go to the phone during the group sessions (see during tutoring, see house-door bell, see fake calls in Erkrath etc. - d.48). - Do not dress more expensive than the group participants (see pupils etc. - d.48). - Only draw the attention of the group to you if it is therapeutically justified. - Do not interrupt anyone. - Reject all the salutations spoken from a subordinate position. - Flattery of the type "you are fantastic!" should be rejected. - Keep attention that you speak from a position of equality on all subjects except where you are referred to as an expert (see therapist, teacher, doctor, etc. - d.48). Your telephone number must be in the phone book. - If you are annoyed by a (see e.g. a pupil etc. - d.48), then you have probably got involved in "rescue" (for fear of hurting others) ... (C. Steiner)
Claude Michel Steiner (6 January 1935 – 9 January 2017) was a French-born American ... He became one of the founders of Radical Therapist Collective and wrote extensively about radical ... "Cooperation", Issues in Radical Therapy Vol.
see dali48 and reading & writing about Psychology & Psychiatry and e.g. Freud, Adler, Jung, and Groddeck, Frankl, Fromm, Reich, and Laing, Cooper, and M. Rufer, A. Wolf-Schuler, T. Wollf, I. D. Yalom, J. Bradshaw, V. Kast, A. Lowen, E. Reich, P. Lauster, P. Schellenbaum, J. Murphy, S. Steinbrecher, E. Kübler-Ross, R. A. Moody, K. Ring, I. D. Suttie, E. Jacobson, S. Forward, H. Gastager, C. M. Steiner, W. G. Niederland, R. Funk, N. Schwartz-Salant, A. Janov, A. & M. Mitscherlich, H. König etc.