Donnerstag, 6. Juni 2024

06.06.2024 - True Zen and simple way of life and accept & let go etc.

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dali48 and writing books and photographing in the park of Wickrath etc.     

Interpretation of dali48
The East, although poor, has not experienced those excesses of fanaticism and...
Worldwide, the religious institutions are guided of material and...
Far better is it to keep ones mouth shut - and wait until...
Do you cut its roots, then the tree will...
Even without going - you’ll get...
The deepest truths - open up by...
Even if you are enlightened, even if the thoughts do not harass you anymore, there still remains a small dot to...
The shadow of the bamboo sweeps the floor of the... - but the dust does not...
Those who pass the test of emptiness - will be declared to be...
Those who feel compassion keep it for...
This respect for the intrinsic value of every single thing - be it animated or inanimate, leads to the desire that things be appropriately... - rather than that they thoughtlessly be...
To practice true Zen means...
If you remain closed to an insight into the true nature of... - and you cannot intuitively... - what else as dedicating yourself to a life of...?
In the middle of all the changes there is something... 
The true wealth of people is not evident in what they... - but in what they can let... (Thich Nhat Hanh) 
Golden Snow “As I read and see countries that are considered poor, I look with jealously, sounds a little crazy, but I love the simple way of life, hard but clean and without thought of what tomorrow might bring, moving through life with just what is needed... - dali48 will change come if we are still?"...
Golden Snow “what words of wisdom today
Interpretation of dali48, is full of answers to be taken to heart ...
To practice true Zen means then: is so fully explained, indeed the answers to a lot of my questions... - All will be taken to heart, thanks for your guide to understanding”…

Golden Snow Zen has changed my life forever dali48 ... I find myself accepting everything as it comes ... have overcome the feeling of desertion and being lost ... each day is an adventure to be enjoyed ... not that bad things can never happen, far from that ... but the strength to accept and let go..."

06.06.2024 - Addicted views / Nervous system / Zen / Wheel of Life / Dream journey etc.

diary of dali48: 10.05.2019 - Kimonos and Geishas and Japanese tea ... … see dali48 on Twitter,Google,Blogspot,,FB,Pinterest,StumbleUpon
dali48 and writing books and cycling and photographing sunflowers in Wickrath etc.

17.12.1996 - Interpretation of dali48
Addicted basic views:
I have no feelings. - I do not want to have feelings. - Life is a perpetual burden. - I have everything under control. - No one has everything under control. - I have to do everything myself. - Someone will look after me. - Something is wrong with me. - Something is wrong with the others...

In a safe environment - which offers us love, food and a warm place to sleep - we develop a healthy nervous system... (C. Criss)

Zen attracts us, since there is at last a belief - which we need not believe, - no dogmas, no holy scripture - what a sigh of relief... (R. Blyth)

We can not breathe - without air... (monk scholar Sojo, 14th century)

"Samsara" or "Wheel of Life" - revolves around birth and death in an endless circle...

Being revengeful is according to Fritz Perls, the not finished situation par excellence! - If you're revengeful, you're stuck, and you can neither let go - nor you'll get rid of it...
A deliberately undertaken dream journey is therapy! - Do not dream your life - but live your dream... (Perls / Goldner)

Addiction is a brain disorder characterized by compulsive engagement in rewarding stimuli ...... Main article: Personality theories of addiction · Personality theories of addiction are psychological models that associate personality traits or modes of thinking ...
Reginald Horace Blyth (3 December 1898 – 28 October 1964) was an English author and ... He also met in the camp Robert Aitken, later Roshi of the Diamond Sangha in Honolulu. After the war, Blyth worked diligently with the authorities, both ...
Saṃsāra (Sanskrit, Pali; also samsara) in Buddhism has part of the four ages birth, mundane ..... cosmology · Index of Buddhism-related articles · Nirvana (Buddhism) · Rebirth (Buddhism) · Secular Buddhism · Six realms · Wheel of Life ...
Friedrich (Frederick) Salomon Perls (July 8, 1893 – March 14, 1970), better known as Fritz Perls, was a noted German-born psychiatrist and psychotherapist.
Died‎: ‎March 14, 1970 (aged 76); ‎Chicago, Illinois
Born‎: ‎July 8, 1893; ‎Berlin‎, German Empire
Known for‎: ‎Coining term: ‎Gestalt Therapy 
Life · ‎Bibliography