Samstag, 18. April 2020

18.04.2020 - Ghosts and distant "God" / Witchcraft and Inquisition etc...

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dali48 and meditating in SHA in the 60s etc...

27.02.2001 - Interpretation of dali48

Ghosts are also known as death messengers. - They usually occur shortly before (see my awakening from a dream in my roof room in SHA in November 1960 with the fear that Mom will die, awakened by trumpet blowers before our doorstep - d.48), or after the death of relatives (see appearance of the spirit of Dad in the living room in Erkrath in the 90s, although he had died in SHA in 1983, before the death of his younger brother Joachim in Australia, 1997/98? - d.48) ...
What would happen if we reverted the air, the water, the fire, the earth, and the fellow human beings (see animals and plants)? - What a world would we have if we gave priority to these concrete things - instead of abstract values ​​like money, profit, or a distant "God" (see Christians, Islam, Jews) ... (Starhawk / Wynne-G.)

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Starhawk is an American writer, teacher and activist. She is known as a theorist of feminist Neopaganism and ecofeminism. She is a columnist for ...
According to estimates, from the 15th (13th) to the 16th (18th) century, 9 million people, mostly women (magicians, old, senile, mentally vulnerable people), had been murdered for witchcraft. - Officially the Roman Catholic Church abolished the Inquisition not before 1834 (Germany 1775). -
First highlight: in the 13th century after the crusades by Pope Gregory IX a Dominican, 2nd high point: in the 15th century, at the time of the plague (25 million dead), for comparison (World War I about 25 million dead), after the end of the 100 years war between England and France the East-West schism of the Church between Rome and Constantinople. The Inquisition gave the clergy an excuse for enriching the possessions of their innocent victims (see Nazis, etc. - d.48). - The 3rd climax of the witchcraft was in the 16th and 17th centuries (Italian Renaissance and Protestant Reformation), at the time of Luther, Pope Leo X, Calvin, Paul III, 1543 Inqusition in Rome, see Copernicus, Giordano Bruno (Dominican) etc. - The witchcraft (goddess movement) is not tied to any dogma - but is inspired by the cycle of the nature, the circling of the stars, the flight of the birds and the change of the seasons ...

Witch-hunt - Wikipedia

witch-hunt or a witch purge is a search for people who have been labelled "witches" or a ... heresy and of witchcraft, particularly when, in the 13th century, the newly formed Inquisition was commissioned to deal with the Cathars of Southern ...

Annex4 to the blogs of dali48

see William Eggleston  Wikipedia Seite, see 

dali48author ‏@dali48
05.10.2015 - Autoreninterview.doc - see dali48 on Google,Blogspot,,StumbleUpon,Pinterest,Twitter,Goodreads...

dali48 on Goodreads Share  
this URL:  diary3 by dali48 on twitter

diary of dali48: 08.10.2018 - Ecology and Environment and Interaction... … see dali48 on Twitter,Google,Blogspot,,FB,Pinterest,StumbleUpon

Image may contain: plant, flower, nature and outdoor

Collection ediary 6-12 of dali48

dali48 and writing books and cycling and photographing etc...
see dali48 and warning of neo-fascism since 1989 and Climate Change since ca. 2000 and "Banking Crisis" 2008 and poor people and social diseases and speculation and homelessness and robots etc. - instead of UBI & Ecology - Uncontrolled capitalism produces evil as bees produce...
see dali48 and Climate Change and heat waves and dryness and fires (Australia, Amazonas etc.) and also floods and hurricanes etc. - since ca. 2000 and despite Copenhagen 2009 and Coronavirus since 2020 etc. - instead of #ZeroHunger, solar & wind energy & UBI & biodiversity etc...
© Wolfgang G. Greiner (dali48) 8/2013 - 2019 etc...

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