dali48 and studying and teaching and photographing in Tübingen etc...
05.07.1998 - Interpretation of dali48
Dirty or pure, eating or leaving something out - these terms exist only in our minds. Reality is unswervingly both at the same time. - Are we attentive to eating, drinking, meditating, etc? - Or do we waste our time because we are scattered and forgotten? - If one attaches to being fully aware of what one does, says and thinks, one also makes the beginning to build a dam against the flooding of ones environment and of all false perceptions. - Is the enlightenment given to you then a new view of reality emerges that leads to deep peace, great silence and spiritual power. - Its hallmark is the absence of any fear. To look into ones own nature is the goal of Zen. - Buddhism is a doctrine of awakening (and knowledge etc. - d.48), insight and understanding. Words are no good - to express the truth of the ultimate reality ... (Thich Nhat Hanh)
Thích Nhất Hạnh (/ˈtɪk ˈnjʌt ˈhʌn/; born October 11, 1926) is a Vietnamese Zen Buddhist monk, teacher, author, poet and peace activist. He lives in the Plum ...
ediary5 by dali48 on FB is about healing in the past and the future - focused on the present. It includes the following authors: Ayya Khema, S. Hite, VE Frankl, ...
05.10.2015 - Autoreninterview.doc - docs.google.com/document/d/17R… see dali48 on Google,Blogspot,Bod.de,StumbleUpon,Pinterest,Twitter,Goodreads...
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this URL: diary3 by dali48 on twitter
Collection ediary 6-12 of dali48
dali48 and writing books and cycling and photographing etc...
see dali48 and warning of neo-fascism since 1989 and Climate Change since ca. 2000 and "Banking Crisis" 2008 and poor people and social diseases and speculation and homelessness and robots etc. - instead of UBI & Ecology - Uncontrolled capitalism produces evil as bees produce...
see dali48 and Climate Change and heat waves and dryness and fires (Australia, Amazonas etc.) and also floods and hurricanes etc. - since ca. 2000 and despite Copenhagen 2009 etc. - instead of #ZeroHunger, solar & wind energy & UBI etc...