Freitag, 5. Juli 2024

05.07.2024 - The Snow Dance Part 69 by Golden Snow / dali48 and photos etc.

dali48 and writing books and photographing a white feather in the park of Wickrath etc.

05.07.2018 - The Snow Dance Part 69 by Golden Snow

"Write your life - Or they'll wait till you're dead to write the lie"...  (@spectraspeaks)
Golden G. Snow (died, 7 March, condolence, 09.03.2024 by dali48)

Part 69... by Golden G. Snow
Sometimes the way is not clear, sometimes our head rules our heart, our minds get clouded, we are not certain what our next step should be. What will it be like, what will become of us with the decision we have made. I had guidance from Laura, but I was so afraid to let my babies out of my sight that I was walking right back into the fire...

All people make mistakes but they can cope and overcome them  and become better. Sometimes our weakness can become our strong point, but in our repressed minds we look only on the negative part of the lesson. These are lessons in our life but we do not recognize them as such at the time. As we heal we will know that our flaws and imperfection will some day determine our uniqueness...

I knew I had to work hard towards a future, and it never left my mind. I was a loving mother, and I could care and teach my children their roots. Even though I was leaving Laura I knew she would be there for me if I needed her. I had good friends with the people in the building. If I was going back to, so I would have friends there also. Having good friends in ones life tends to build you up, and we feel we are not alone. It was wonderful having the berth where the children could laugh and play in the small but private place. When we arrived at the station in London (Ontario, Canada - d.48), Danny was there to help us into the taxi. He said good bye, and that he would see us the next week. It was his week to see the children...

Golden Snow "Reading your Diairies keeps me encouraged dali48, thanks for your encouragement by posting ..."

Golden Snow
"Lots of memories and feeling, your posts are wonderful dali48, they encourage me to continue ..." 

Love everything to do with gardening, Herbs and healing, walking the beaches, reading good books (bible tops ) firesides in winter . good Friends.

05.07.2024 - Feeling uncomfortable and withdrawing & observing etc. / Fulfilling your needs etc.

dali48 and teaching and writing diary & books and cycling & photographing in Erkrath etc.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Interpretation by dali48
However, if you do not find yourself or lose yourself, your dialogue with life and with everything that is a partner will cease, and all that will remain is the cup filled with the misery of this world. So if you find yourself, you will experience opening and spaciousness; if you lose yourself, your feeling for life will shrink to a cup (suffering) that will become a prison ... (see help e.g. from Emotions Anonymous etc. - d.48) ... When life and love are distorted, then we are overcome by pain, fear and anger ... It is agonizing to face the ruins of our lives, to realize that we ourselves have sown the disastrous seeds that lead to our destruction, and also to see the self-destructive seeds of others sprouting that affect our lives ... Dying is easy, staying alive is difficult! ... Life is love, not anger and selfishness and controlling and suppressing! ... When I feel uncomfortable, I withdraw and observe. But others notice when I withdraw and they suffer ... (W.H. Lechler)

Monday, March 10, 2008
28.05.2000 - Part 2

Interpretation by dali48
Before I learned how to scream, I didn't realize that you can't talk about feelings, that you have to feel them! Most of us hate ourselves. We can't forgive ourselves for our inadequacies. If we feel unprepared, it means we are failures, and we can't stand failures. We compare ourselves with others. In our eyes, the others are the successful ones, and that is the source of our self-hatred. As long as we cannot admit to ourselves that we are failures, that we make mistakes, we will hate ourselves. We deny life and ourselves and live in anticipation of pain, fear and anger. So we are forced to flee, retreat or fight, or we keep ourselves ready to fight like rattlesnakes. The price for our behavior is deprivation and misery; a state of discomfort. Alcohol, drugs and other means of escape serve to make us forget our inadequacy. Peace comes when we reconcile ourselves with our very nature! ... My old basic belief tells me that I cannot bear the pain, so I must eradicate it. Killing the pain by suicide would of course mean the end of everything, and I do not want that. To eliminate the pain for a while, all I have to do is change my situation. The secret lies in changing our attitude, and the ability to change is within each of us ... When we surrender, our inflated ego is reduced to its true size and we can then accept all the gifts that are already waiting for us. With our inflated ego we cannot receive them; that remains a huge obstacle ... In America, we have heard a lot about Lourdes. Many miracles happen there, but it is not the place that causes them, but the faith of the people. It is important to create an atmosphere of trust in which everyone can let go and entrust themselves to "God". This is an unconditional surrender. Wherever you create such an atmosphere, miracles will happen. We have the power to create this atmosphere in our own families if we satisfy our lack by changing our attitudes and becoming one with ourselves, our family members, our environment. Bonding never ends, surrender knows no limits ... Our families, our schools, etc. want to deny us our right to exist because we are then easier to treat ... I am afraid to abandon the old behavior pattern because it offered a certain security. Changes, even for the better, always have traumatic effects! ... Being instead of doing - that is the solution! Only action that comes from our being makes sense. The angrier people are, the more fanatically they throw themselves into activities. How can we learn to deal with the business of angry people? Living in the moment is the answer (not in the past or future - d.48)! In this moment there is neither pain nor fear nor anger (anger). In this moment we live! ... In fact, my upbringing, my education through school and church, everything I have learned - wrongly learned - contribute to hindering me from fulfilling my needs ... We all want to HAVE something (greed). So we do something instead of BEING! But Wally (Minto) is of the opinion that the universe has a sequence of stages: from BEING to DOING and only then to HAVING! ... Attachment is a biological necessity ... Dan (Casriel) describes his screaming technique (see also A. Janov etc – d.48) as a process of personality discovery. He explains that we switch off our conscious content and scream out our pain, our fear, our anger. Then we can also have positive experiences on the mats ... An unspoken need cannot be fulfilled, that makes sense, so I live a life full of loneliness and despair ... (J.C. Lair / W.H. Lechler)

Lechler (* 24. Juli 1923 in Würzburg; † 22. Dezember 2013 in Röthenbach) war ein deutscher Psychiater und Psychotherapeut. Er war Begründer des Bad Herrenalber ..

05.07.2024 - W. Golding 1983 & P.A.C. etc. / C.G. Jung and depth psychology etc.

dali48 and teaching and writing diary & books and cycling & photographing in Erkrath etc.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Interpretation by dali48
I remember once at 3 a.m. I started to sneak away from the cradle with the sleeping child, she opened her eyes and said: "Daddy, say something funny!" (W. Golding, Banquet Sp. 1983)

In many novels Golding has revealed the dark sides of the human heart when isolated individuals or small groups are pushed into extreme situations. His 23 works are marked by exploration of the "darkness of the human heart", deep spiritual and ethical questions... (W. Golding, P.A.C.)

After his demobilization in 1945 Golding returned to writing and teaching and had a grim view of European civilization. Later recalling his war experiences he remarked: "Man produces evil as a bee produces honey!" ... Ironically, the adult world is devastated by nuclear war, and the protagonist imagines his survival and struggle against the sea and the cold! ... The story (The Double Tongue, 1995) is set in ancient Greece and depicts the life of the last Delphic oracle, the Pythia, who witnesses the rise of Roman power and the decline of Hellenistic culture! ... "They cried for their mothers much less often than one might have expected; they were very brown and dirty." (from Lord of the Flies) ... Golding's view is pessimistic: human nature is inherently corrupt and evil! Thus, the ideals of progress and education of the 19th century are based on false premises... (W. Golding, Pegasus Author's Calendar)

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Interpretation by dali48
But that's how it is for all of us: Anyone who has not loved, has been ill, has lost a wife, husband or child through death, has been persecuted, driven away, imprisoned, has been cheated on or abandoned by a spouse, is unable to empathize, to sympathize, to suffer with! Today, 24, smiling resignedly, I leave the world to "God" as it is. So serenity? Doesn't the word come from Christian mysticism? ... This, I now know, means, in depth psychology, reconciliation with the "shadow" of my psyche. I have become free of the negative ties to people who have hurt me or been guilty towards me. The instincts that were awakened by this hardly exist anymore; so I don't need to suppress them any more... Also, according to C.G. Jung, "the gigantic catastrophes that threaten us are not elementary events of a physical or biological nature, but psychological events." The psychological is a great power that overcomes all the powers of the earth many times over. Only the recognition of this fact, the common "mea culpa", would lead us out of the insane circle of mutual accusations, balancing and scapegoat projections and set the beginning of self-healing: the overcoming of the threat of death from psychological causes. Fear of God is in place in the face of the overwhelming power of the psychological... Death makes us mute insofar as it leads to the experience of our own insignificance. In this silencing, earthly strife suffocates! ... The cancer of irreconcilability is also growing in political history. That is why it has become so distant to me, alien, disgusting, sickly. Exitus, cause: lack of medical experience and/or medical impotence! ... Every illness causes a neurosis. Every neurosis demoralizes ... Mental suffering brings all the deep layers (see phylo- and ontogenetic subconscious etc. - d.48) of the human being "upwards", pushes them into the question of meaning ("It" becomes "I"). I have learned to leave what is inexplicable to humans, what remains a mystery to them, as it is! ... Physical ailments are tackled more actively, not so much the (psychological) suffering of humans. Suffering means introversion, psychological descent into hell, journey to Hades, twilight of the gods: revaluation of all values ​​... Because it is not the most active who really helps, as in pain, which causes loud cries, but the passive listener! Only the ability to survive such change processes, to adapt, is life, allows to survive at all! What is not meant, one should suffer. Anyone who fights against his suffering denies its meaning of change. Instead of change, repression follows, which easily leads to the catastrophe of self-abandonment. Suffering, in contrast to pain, is something silent, personal, secret. Envy, resentment, ignorance, slander and hybrid self-overestimation are everywhere. Doctors, homeopaths, healers, etc. show themselves morally naked - without being ashamed in front of the helpless patient. One does not only consume food and drink, one also needs the sexual partner and throws him away in turn like an empty tin can... Nothing becomes stale as quickly as pleasure, as cheap pleasure: Disco, arcade, travel agency, sports arena, TV studio, background music, motorized speeding, sex tourism, homosexuality, perversity, sodomy, drug consumption, psychotropic drugs etc. We live "like in ancient Rome." We live the life of a society in decline. It is the imagination that moves our world... (W. Trautmann)

Carl Gustav Jung, meist kurz C. G. Jung, war ein Schweizer Psychiater und 1913 der Begründer der analytischen Psychologie. Anhänger dieser Richtung werden Jungianer genannt. Wikipedia

see dali48 and reading & writing about Psychology & Psychiatry and e.g. Freud, Adler, Jung, and Groddeck, Frankl, Fromm, Reich, and Laing, Cooper, and M. Rufer, A. Wolf-Schuler, T. Wollf, I. D. Yalom, J. Bradshaw, V. Kast, A. Lowen, E. Reich, P. Lauster, P. Schellenbaum, J. Murphy, S. Steinbrecher, E. Kübler-Ross, R. A. Moody, K. Ring, I. D. Suttie, E. Jacobson, S. Forward, H. Gastager, C. M. Steiner, W. G. Niederland, R. Funk, N. Schwartz-Salant, J. Shaw, M. Woodman, R. Reich-Moise, M.-L. v. Franz, M.B. Roberts, H.-J. Maaz, etc.