dali48 and writing books and photographing in BAD etc...
21.03.2001 - Interpretation of dali48
Sexuality is what we make of it:
An expensive or cheap commodity, means of reproduction, defense of loneliness, a communication form, a weapon of aggression, a sport, love, beauty, an ideal condition, the evil, the good, luxury or relaxation, reward, escape, a reason Self - respect, an expression of duty, pleasure, union with the universe, mystic ecstasy, an indirect desire or death, a way to peace, a juridical dispute, a way of exploring new human realm, a technique, a biological function, Illness or simply a sensory experience ... (A. Offit / Schadow / H. Schallhammer)
Interpretation of dali48
Human sexuality is the capacity to have erotic experiences and responses. Human sexuality can also refer to the way someone is sexually attracted to another person - which is determined by their sexual orientation - whether it is to the opposite sex (heterosexuality), to the same sex (homosexuality), having both these tendencies (bisexuality), or not being attracted to anyone in a sexual manner (asexuality)... - Interest in sexual activity typically increases when an individual reaches puberty. Some researchers assume that sexual behavior is determined by genetics, and others assert that it is molded by the environment... - Evolutionary perspectives on human coupling and / or reproduction, including the sexual strategies theory, provide another perspective on sexuality, as does social learning theory. Socio-cultural aspects of sexuality include historical developments and religious beliefs... - Sigmund Freud, a firm supporter of the nature argument, believed that sexual drives are instinctive and viewed sexuality as the central source of human personality... -
Medieval philosopher Thomas Aquinas held sexuality in accordance with virtues such as temperance and charity not to be evil in itself... - The virtue of temperance tempers excess in acts and habits according to Aristotle and Aquinas's virtue ethics, where the aim is not necessarily total abstinence... - Hence Augustine says (De Bono Conjug. xvi):
"What food is to a man's well being, such is sexual intercourse to the welfare of the whole human race"... -
Eros (the life instinct), which covers all the self-preserving and erotic instincts, and Thanatos (the death instinct), which covers instincts toward aggression, self-destruction, and cruelty - Freud gave sexual drives a centrality in human life, actions, and behaviors that had not been accepted before his proposal... -
The sexual response cycle is a model that describes the physiological responses that take place in men and women during sexual activity. This model was created by William Masters and Virginia Johnson... - Early psychological analyses were carried out by Sigmund Freud, who believed in a psychoanalytic approach... - Gender identity is a person's own sense of identification as female, male, both, neither, or somewhere in between... - The social construction of gender has been discussed by a wide variety of scholars, Judith Butler notable among them. Recent contributions consider the influence of feminist theory and courtship research... - The sexuality of the adult originates in childhood. However, like thinking and other human capacities, sexuality is not fixed, it matures and develops... - When it comes to Judaism it is said that sex is sacred between man and women, within marriage, and should be enjoyed. Celibacy is sinful... - Traditionally, Christianity has viewed human sexuality as primarily though not exclusively aimed at reproduction and as tainted by concupiscence after the Fall... - Within the Islamic faith, sexual desire is considered to be a natural urge that should not be suppressed, although, the concept of free sex is not accepted... - The views on sexuality in Hinduism emphasizes that sex is only appropriate between husband and wife in which satisfying sexual urges through sexual pleasure is an important duty of marriage... - One of the sacred texts which happen to be popular within Western culture, the “Kama Sutra,” was created by the Hindus as manual for love making in marriage... - Buddhism emphasizes the “Middle Way” which is never reaching the extremes. According to this religion, moderation in everything is key to enlightenment or nirvana - therefore, human sexuality should fall in the middle on a continuum from extreme Puritanism to extreme permissiveness... - These civilizations consist of China, Greece / Rome, Persia, and India, and each has their own history in the sexual world... China - with the introduction of Confucianism under the later Zhou dynasty, and then greater acceptance of Confucian values under the mature Han dynasty had direct implications on sexual standards in classical China... Greece and Rome - the ancient Greeks and Romans placed a strong emphasis on marriage and the family. There was also a belief in procreation being the primary purpose of marital sex, and couples had children for the state... - During the 18th and 19th centuries, during the beginning of the industrial revolution, many changes in sexual standards have occurred. New dramatic artificial birth control devices are introduced such as the condom and diaphragm... - Victorian era—this era was during the 19th century after Queen Victoria reigned in England. It was an era of public prudery and purity. Sexual pleasure was denied... - Sexual Revolution and Birth Control - “The sexual revolution is a sign of a new youth culture that included commitment to sexual expression. ”The sexual revolution, occurring in the 1960s and ‘70s, happened to be an era of “free love"... - In the 1960s, the availability of birth control allowed for sexual freedom amongst women. The pill and the IUD came about... - Then in the 1980s, HIV/AIDs surfaced to existence... - Many believe that he was the major influence in changing 20th century attitudes about sex, and the Kinsey Institute for Research in Sex, Gender, and Reproduction at Indiana University continues to be a major center for the study of human sexuality... - Masters and Johnson opened the very first sex therapy clinic in 1965. In 1970, they described their therapeutic techniques in their book - “Human Sexual Inadequacy”... - According to a Time Magazine / CNN survey, 74% of teenagers said that friends and television were their main sources of sexual education... - In humans, sex has been claimed to produce health benefits as varied as improved sense of smell, stress and blood pressure reduction, increased immunity, and decreased risk of prostate cancer - Sexual intimacy, as well as orgasms, increases levels of the hormone oxytocin... - In contrast to its benefits - sexual intercourse can also be a disease vector. There are 19 million new cases of sexually transmitted diseases (STD) every year in the U.S., and worldwide... (Wikipedia)
(A. Offit / D. Schadow / H. Schallhammer) ... The place of sexuality in Buddhism is made manifestly clear in the Buddha's First Sermon in which the Great Teacher ...
Sigmund Freud (Moravia, 6 May 1856 – London, 23 September 1939) was an ... Freud is important in psychology because he studied the unconscious mind.
Residence: Austria
Nationality: Austrian
Died: 23 September 1939 (aged 83); London, ...
Alma mater: University of Vienna
The Masters and Johnson research team, composed of William H. Masters and Virginia E. Johnson, pioneered research into the nature of human sexual ...
Judith Pamela Butler (born 1956) is an American philosopher and gender theorist whose work has influenced political philosophy, ethics, and the fields of ...
Notable ideas: Gender as social construction; ...
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