Donnerstag, 16. Januar 2025

16.01.2025 - "Me Inc" and Writers and Pantheism and C. Monet & Nature & Divinity and A. Einstein 1954 and Taoism and Vedas etc.

dali48 & private tuition since 8/1983, menaced since 1989 & writing diary & books & photographing in Erkrath etc.

see dali48 and "I think - therefore I am" etc. (Descartes)
Each day is our whole life - from sunrise to sunset etc… (dali48) 
see dali48 and "Zen finds religion in the daily activities." (I-tuan) 
Let go of something you like, and realize how fleeting it is by living without it... (Ayya Khema) 
Buddha realized that all living beings suffer because they desire and cling ... - Peace is an inner attitude to life that consists of letting go and renunciation (see e.g. nuns & monks etc. - d.48) ... (Buddha) 
Das Leben im Daseinskreislauf ist leidvoll: Geburt ist Leiden, Altern ist Leiden, Krankheit ist Leiden, Tod ist Leiden; Kummer, Lamentieren, Schmerz und Verzweiflung sind Leiden." (Buddha)
see dali48 and own experiences and reading & writing about Kübler-Ross, Moody, NDE, LAL etc. 
Hands that help are holier than lips that pray! (Robert Green Ingersoll) 
see dali48 and Climate Change since Copenhagen 2009 etc. - "Uncontrolled capitalism is producing evil - as bees are producing honey" etc.
see dali48 and reading & writing about peace etc. - see e.g. Zen and Buddhism & Peace & Dalai Lama, Thich Nhat Hanh, Ayya Khema etc, and St Nicholas, St Hildegard, St Francis etc. (dali48)
see dali48 and eating less meat, and more fruits & veggies since the 80s etc.
Homeopathy of S. Hahnemann (ca. 200 years old) should be updated, - i.e. for me more Mother tincture & less shaking, and why is there no homeopathic vaccination? - see "similibus" principle etc. (dali48)
see dali48 and "I hope that Biontech (formerly in Mainz, now in London) & #mRNA #vaccines etc. - will develop a vaccination against cancer etc."
see dali48 and Vollgeld-Initiative & Basic Income in Europe etc. - instead of Banking Crisis 2008 etc.
I also like weeping willow trees - e.g. when I was on camping vacation in the 80s in France & Spain, I had my lunch (fish soup) under such a tree (that was like a tent) in the park of Bordeaux etc. (dali48)
see dali48 and "flora & fauna" since ca. 2000, and deforestation instead of planting trees etc
see dali48 and trees and "flora & fauna" and healthy air etc..
see dali48 and Bread - instead of fire-works harming animals, pets etc.
see dali48 and Democracy & human rights & gender justice etc.
"Respect for life - should be the only religion in the world!" - "Religion is a journey inside - and meditation is the way there." ... (Osho)
see dali48 and health and suitable shoes & foot hygiene etc.
see dali48 and “If the Trees disappeared off the face of the earth - mankind would only have little left to live healthy,” see e.g. Amazonas forest, Indonesia etc, see e.g. @CGShanghaiAir Shanghai - 2023-03-06 4PM - PM2.5 - 103 AQI - Unhealthy for Sensitive Groups ... etc. 
see dali48 and trees & photo synthesis and fresh air and health and cooling and biodiversity etc.
see dali48 and "flora & fauna" and reforesting etc.
siehe „Eine Gesellschaft ohne Gott, ist wie eine gut organisierte Räuberbande“, hat Papst Benedikt den Bundestagsabgeordneten ins Stammbuch geschrieben (see e.g. Cum-Ex etc. - d.48)
see dali48 and demand for the repayment of 300 euros of self-approved inflation compensation for politicians at the taxpayer's expense etc.
see dali48 and health and herbs (see e.g. M. Mességué), and e.g. kidney-tea, gastrointestinal tea, tea for colds etc.
see dali48 and "Words have no direct reference to life, are only a pale echo or image of something that itself is no longer there" ... (D. T. Suzuki)

                           Wolfgang G. Greiner in BAD in 2010
dali48 was born in SHA in 1948... Studies in Tübingen in 1970 etc. Teacher & Author in Erkrath, 8/1983 till 5/2010 ... retired in Wickrath since 6/2013 etc.

Interpretation of dali48 in 2009
How do authors see themselves today: as a modern version of a "damned poet"? As a "Me Inc" or "micro-business"? Or as the idealized form of our Entertainment Companies? ... (ARTE, 15.10.2009)

Writers see themselves as such because they have always liked to read and write a lot! - For example they have come to writing by many fateful reverses or a difficult medical history lasting for years! - Some also tried to connect what they had read to their own painful experiences - and to heal in a literary process... (dali48)

The confessing "pantheist" (Claude Monet) couldn't and didn't want to be burried in blessed soil. His only "God" was nature - and its image of his beloved garden... (Rhinish Post, 14.10.2009)

Claude Monet, France: 
Musée Marmottan Monet, 2 Rue Louis Boilly, 750-16 Paris, Frankreich

get directions

Interpretation of dali48
A micro-enterprise is a type of small business, often registered, having five or fewer employees and requiring seed capital of not more than $35,000. The term is often used in Australia to refer to a business with a single owner-operator, and having up to 20 employees. The European Union EU defines micro-enterprises as those that meet 2 of the following 3 criteria and have not failed to do so for at least 10 years: fewer than 10 employees, balance sheet total below EUR 2 million, turnover below EUR 2 million. The term microenterprise connotes different entities and sectors depending on the country...
A writer is a person who produces literature or nonfiction, such as novels, short stories, plays, screenplays, poetry, essays, articles, or other literary art. Skilled writers are able to use language to portray ideas and images...
A writer's output sometimes contributes to the cultural content of a society, and a society may value his or her work as art...
Broadly, a writer is anyone who writes, especially one who writes professionally. The term writer is customarily used as a synonym of author, although the latter term has a somewhat broader meaning...
Pantheism is the view that the Universe (or Nature) and "God" (or divinity) are identical (see Cosmological Principles, etc. - d.48). Pantheists thus do not believe in a personal, or anthropomorphic god. The word derives from the Greek (pan) meaning "all" and the Greek (theos) meaning "God". As such, pantheism denotes the idea that "God" is best seen as a process of relating to the Universe. The central ideas found in almost all pantheistic beliefs are the view of the Cosmos as an all-encompassing unity, reverence for the Cosmos, and recognition of the sacredness of the Universe and Nature...
There is no official universal symbol for all types of pantheism, but one symbol used by the World Pantheist Movement (WPM) is the spiral as seen in the curves of the nautilus shell, or in the spiral arms of a galaxy, showing the link between the cosmic physical and the biological...
He (J.T.) clarified the idea in a 1710 letter to Gottfried Leibniz when he referred to "the pantheistic opinion of those who believe in no other eternal being but the universe". However, many earlier writers, schools of philosophy, and religious movements expressed pantheistic ideas...
The early Taoism of Lao Zi and Zhuangzi is also sometimes considered pantheistic...
The first open revival was by Giordano Bruno (burned at the stake in 1600)...
Moses Mendelssohn helped to spread pantheism to many German thinkers in the late 18th and in the 19th century...
For a time during the 19th century pantheism was the theological viewpoint of many leading writers and philosophers, attracting figures such as William Wordsworth and Samuel Coleridge in Britain; Johann Gottlieb Fichte, Friedrich Wilhelm Joseph Schelling and Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel in Germany; Walt Whitman, Ralph Waldo Emerson and Henry David Thoreau in the USA...
It persisted in eminent pantheists such as the novelist D. H. Lawrence, scientist Albert Einstein...
Prominent atheist Richard Dawkins' The God Delusion gave Naturalistic Pantheism increased credibility among atheists by describing it sympathetically as...
In 2008, Albert Einstein's 1954 German letter in which he dismissed belief in a personal God was auctioned off for more than US$330,000. Einstein wrote...
Physicalism is a strong form of metaphysical naturalism. This position was held by John Toland, Ernst Haeckel, D.H. Lawrence and Paul Harrison. This version is represented today by the World Pantheist Movement founded by Harrison. In this version, the term god — if used at all — is basically a synonym for Nature or Universe, seen from the point of view of reverence...
Taoism in the tradition of its leading thinkers Lao Tzu and Zhuangzi, is comparable with Pantheism, as The Tao is always spoken of with profound religious reverence and respect, similar to the way that Pantheism discusses the "divinity" of the Universe...
This idea of pantheism is traceable from some of the more ancient Vedas and Upanishads to vishishtadvaita philosophy... (Wikipedia)

diary3 by dali48 on twitter

diary3 is about healing in the past - and the future - focused on the present. - It includes the following authors: Ayya Khema, S. Hite, VE Frankl, M. Messegue, G. Marquez, W. Golding, Dalai Lama, DT Suzuki, J. Seiffert, Thich Nhat Hanh, Buddha, Jvd Wetering, Allen Ginsberg, C. Simon, Johannes Paul1, K. Dürckheim, W. Soyinka, S. Freud, P. Sloterdiyk, J. Brodsky, P. Celan, A. Schweitzer, G. Groddeck, St Hildegard, IB Singer, T. Dethlefsen, AT Kushi, E. Drewermann, O. Pamuk, Naguib Mahfouz, F. Nietzsche, CJ Cela, O. Paz, A. Schopenhauer, N. Gordimer, Anais Nin, Abrahms / Spring, R. Dahl, Ryokan, DH Lawrence, T. Morrison, etc... 

16.01.2025 - Healing and phyto-therapy and alternative therapies and religions and writing diary and physical activity etc.

dali48 & private tuition since 8/1983, menaced since 1989 & writing diary & books & photographing in Erkrath etc.

see dali48 and "I think - therefore I am" etc. (Descartes)
Each day is our whole life - from sunrise to sunset etc… (dali48) 
see dali48 and "Zen finds religion in the daily activities." (I-tuan) 
Let go of something you like, and realize how fleeting it is by living without it... (Ayya Khema) 
Buddha realized that all living beings suffer because they desire and cling ... - Peace is an inner attitude to life that consists of letting go and renunciation (see e.g. nuns & monks etc. - d.48) ... (Buddha) 
Das Leben im Daseinskreislauf ist leidvoll: Geburt ist Leiden, Altern ist Leiden, Krankheit ist Leiden, Tod ist Leiden; Kummer, Lamentieren, Schmerz und Verzweiflung sind Leiden." (Buddha)
see dali48 and own experiences and reading & writing about Kübler-Ross, Moody, NDE, LAL etc. 
Hands that help are holier than lips that pray! (Robert Green Ingersoll) 
see dali48 and Climate Change since Copenhagen 2009 etc. - "Uncontrolled capitalism is producing evil - as bees are producing honey" etc.
see dali48 and reading & writing about peace etc. - see e.g. Zen and Buddhism & Peace & Dalai Lama, Thich Nhat Hanh, Ayya Khema etc, and St Nicholas, St Hildegard, St Francis etc. (dali48)
see dali48 and eating less meat, and more fruits & veggies since the 80s etc.
Homeopathy of S. Hahnemann (ca. 200 years old) should be updated, - i.e. for me more Mother tincture & less shaking, and why is there no homeopathic vaccination? - see "similibus" principle etc. (dali48)
see dali48 and "I hope that Biontech (formerly in Mainz, now in London) & #mRNA #vaccines etc. - will develop a vaccination against cancer etc."
see dali48 and Vollgeld-Initiative & Basic Income in Europe etc. - instead of Banking Crisis 2008 etc.
I also like weeping willow trees - e.g. when I was on camping vacation in the 80s in France & Spain, I had my lunch (fish soup) under such a tree (that was like a tent) in the park of Bordeaux etc. (dali48)
see dali48 and "flora & fauna" since ca. 2000, and deforestation instead of planting trees etc
see dali48 and trees and "flora & fauna" and healthy air etc..
see dali48 and Bread - instead of fire-works harming animals, pets etc.
see dali48 and Democracy & human rights & gender justice etc.
"Respect for life - should be the only religion in the world!" - "Religion is a journey inside - and meditation is the way there." ... (Osho)
see dali48 and health and suitable shoes & foot hygiene etc.
see dali48 and “If the Trees disappeared off the face of the earth - mankind would only have little left to live healthy,” see e.g. Amazonas forest, Indonesia etc, see e.g. @CGShanghaiAir Shanghai - 2023-03-06 4PM - PM2.5 - 103 AQI - Unhealthy for Sensitive Groups ... etc. 
see dali48 and trees & photo synthesis and fresh air and health and cooling and biodiversity etc.
see dali48 and "flora & fauna" and reforesting etc.
siehe „Eine Gesellschaft ohne Gott, ist wie eine gut organisierte Räuberbande“, hat Papst Benedikt den Bundestagsabgeordneten ins Stammbuch geschrieben (see e.g. Cum-Ex etc. - d.48)
see dali48 and demand for the repayment of 300 euros of self-approved inflation compensation for politicians at the taxpayer's expense etc.
see dali48 and health and herbs (see e.g. M. Mességué), and e.g. kidney-tea, gastrointestinal tea, tea for colds etc.
see dali48 and "Words have no direct reference to life, are only a pale echo or image of something that itself is no longer there" ... (D. T. Suzuki)

dali48 profile image

dali48 was born in SHA in 1948... Studies in Tübingen in 1970 etc. Teacher & Author in Erkrath, 8/1983 till 5/2010 ... retired in Wickrath since 6/2013 etc.

Interpretation of dali48 in 2009
For healing all kinds of diseases, I recommend herbs as effective, because for about 25 years, I have self-experience with about 1000s of herbs (see phyto-therapy etc.) and 100s of alternative therapies combined with a strong belief in nature and in my faith that saved my life during very serious diseases! It is also helpful to write a diary etc or to express your inner situation by painting, singing, making music, dancing etc. If it's possible it will be helpful to do sports as e.g. walking (through the forest, around a lake etc.), cycling, swimming, sauna etc. - (d.48)

Phytopharmaka haben meist wenig Wechselwirkungen und sind häufig gut verträglich. Ein Phytopharmakon enthält einen Pflanzenextrakt, der sich aus mehreren hundert Inhaltsstoffen zusammensetzen kann. Das Zusammenspiel der Inhaltsstoffe macht die Wirkung des pflanzlichen Arzneimittels aus.

Heilkräuter-Liste – Überblick und Download-PDF
RhabarberDurchfall, Verstopfung
RingelblumeBlutergüsse, Gallenbeschwerden
RosmarinKrampf lösend, anregend, Blähungen, nervöse Kreislaufbeschwerden
SalbeiHemmung der Milchsekretion, Mandelentzündungen, Mundschleimhaut- und Rachenentzündungen
19 weitere Zeilen
Complementary and alternative medicine includes practices such as massage, acupuncture, tai chi, and drinking green tea. Integrative medicine is an approach to medical care that combines conventional medicine with CAM practices that have shown through science to be safe and effective.31.10.2024
Religionen drehen sich um historische Persönlichkeiten (wie Jesus, Buddha oder Mohammed) und ihre Lehren, wobei der Schwerpunkt stark auf äußeren Praktiken liegt. Spiritualität: Dabei geht es darum, sich mit etwas Größerem als sich selbst verbunden zu fühlen, mit Ehrfurcht zu leben und nach Sinn und Zweck zu suchen.25.09.2023
Diaries are a record of entries which describe what happened over the course of your life. A diary is a place where you can be honest with yourself, describe what you have observed and sound your thoughts about things that happened in life. It is also a place where you can speak with ease, reflect, and dream.
Yes, exercising daily can significantly improve your overall health, but the key is to balance the intensity and type of workouts to avoid burnout or injury. When done correctly, regular physical activity benefits not just your body but also your mental and emotional well-being.02.04.2024

16.01.2025 - Self-healing and Music, Meditation, Therapy, Autogenic training, Jazz dance, Exercise, Walking etc.

dali48 & private tuition since 8/1983, menaced since 1989 & writing diary & books & cycling & photographing in Erkrath etc.

see dali48 and "I think - therefore I am" etc. (Descartes)
Each day is our whole life - from sunrise to sunset etc… (dali48) 
see dali48 and "Zen finds religion in the daily activities." (I-tuan) 
Let go of something you like, and realize how fleeting it is by living without it... (Ayya Khema) 
Buddha realized that all living beings suffer because they desire and cling ... - Peace is an inner attitude to life that consists of letting go and renunciation (see e.g. nuns & monks etc. - d.48) ... (Buddha) 
Das Leben im Daseinskreislauf ist leidvoll: Geburt ist Leiden, Altern ist Leiden, Krankheit ist Leiden, Tod ist Leiden; Kummer, Lamentieren, Schmerz und Verzweiflung sind Leiden." (Buddha)
see dali48 and own experiences and reading & writing about Kübler-Ross, Moody, NDE, LAL etc. 
Hands that help are holier than lips that pray! (Robert Green Ingersoll) 
see dali48 and Climate Change since Copenhagen 2009 etc. - "Uncontrolled capitalism is producing evil - as bees are producing honey" etc.
see dali48 and reading & writing about peace etc. - see e.g. Zen and Buddhism & Peace & Dalai Lama, Thich Nhat Hanh, Ayya Khema etc, and St Nicholas, St Hildegard, St Francis etc. (dali48)
see dali48 and eating less meat, and more fruits & veggies since the 80s etc.
Homeopathy of S. Hahnemann (ca. 200 years old) should be updated, - i.e. for me more Mother tincture & less shaking, and why is there no homeopathic vaccination? - see "similibus" principle etc. (dali48)
see dali48 and "I hope that Biontech (formerly in Mainz, now in London) & #mRNA #vaccines etc. - will develop a vaccination against cancer etc."
see dali48 and Vollgeld-Initiative & Basic Income in Europe etc. - instead of Banking Crisis 2008 etc.
I also like weeping willow trees - e.g. when I was on camping vacation in the 80s in France & Spain, I had my lunch (fish soup) under such a tree (that was like a tent) in the park of Bordeaux etc. (dali48)
see dali48 and "flora & fauna" since ca. 2000, and deforestation instead of planting trees etc
see dali48 and trees and "flora & fauna" and healthy air etc..
see dali48 and Bread - instead of fire-works harming animals, pets etc.
see dali48 and Democracy & human rights & gender justice etc.
"Respect for life - should be the only religion in the world!" - "Religion is a journey inside - and meditation is the way there." ... (Osho)
see dali48 and health and suitable shoes & foot hygiene etc.
see dali48 and “If the Trees disappeared off the face of the earth - mankind would only have little left to live healthy,” see e.g. Amazonas forest, Indonesia etc, see e.g. @CGShanghaiAir Shanghai - 2023-03-06 4PM - PM2.5 - 103 AQI - Unhealthy for Sensitive Groups ... etc. 
see dali48 and trees & photo synthesis and fresh air and health and cooling and biodiversity etc.
see dali48 and "flora & fauna" and reforesting etc.
siehe „Eine Gesellschaft ohne Gott, ist wie eine gut organisierte Räuberbande“, hat Papst Benedikt den Bundestagsabgeordneten ins Stammbuch geschrieben (see e.g. Cum-Ex etc. - d.48)
see dali48 and demand for the repayment of 300 euros of self-approved inflation compensation for politicians at the taxpayer's expense etc.
see dali48 and health and herbs (see e.g. M. Mességué), and e.g. kidney-tea, gastrointestinal tea, tea for colds etc.
see dali48 and "Words have no direct reference to life, are only a pale echo or image of something that itself is no longer there" ... (D. T. Suzuki)

dali48 profile image60

Wolfgang G. Greiner (dali48)

20.11. 2009 - Interpretation of dali48
Somehow music conveys of things beyond that can't be uttered with words...
The latest musical production I was involved in was the story of Siddharta and how he became Buddha...
You wrote in your Hubs that your life changed when you discovered your healing powers...
Main purpose of many Hubs is to uplift us, and teach us to express the gratitude towards life and build up self-esteem...
Tell us more about it and why it is so important to be who we really are instead of being what others expect from us?
I believe with all my heart that "love" heals (see e.g. spontane healing, placebo effect, self healing, etc. - d.48). Love is the answer to the wounded spirit within us ... (Tatjana-Mihaela and ripplemaker on HP)

Interpretation of dali48
Self-healing (see dali48 in Erkrath, 8/1983 till ca. 2008) is a phrase applied to the process of recovery (generally from psychological disturbances, trauma, etc.), motivated by and directed by the patient, guided often only by instinct. Such a process encounters mixed fortunes due to its amateur nature, although self-motivation is a major asset. The value of self-healing lies in its ability to be tailored to the unique experience and requirements of the individual. The process can be helped and accelerated with introspection techniques such as Meditation...
Self-healing is the ultimate phase of Gestalt Therapy...
Self healing may refer to automatic, homeostatic processes of the body that are controlled by physiological mechanisms inherent in the organism. These have been acknowledged for many hundreds of years, as in the observation of...
In a figurative sense, self-healing properties can be ascribed to systems or processes, which by nature or design tend to correct any disturbances brought into them. Such as the regeneration of the skin after a cut or scrape, or of an entire limb. Or (in a more abstract sense) the setting of one's own broken bone, because once set, the bone will grow back into itself and heal. In each case, the injured party (the living body) repairs the damaged part by itself...
Beyond the innate restorative capacities of the physical body, there are many factors of psychological nature that can influence self-healing. Hippocrates, considered by many to be the father of medical treatment, observed: "The physician must be ready, not only to do his duty himself, but also to secure the co-operation of the patient, of the attendants and of externals." — Hippocrates [Aphorisms, in Hippocrates, trans. W. H. S. Jones (1931), Vol. 4, 99].

Self-healing may also be achieved through deliberately applied psychological mechanisms. These approaches may improve the psychological and physical conditions of a person. Research confirms that this can be achieved through numerous mechanisms, including relaxation (see e.g. J. H. Schultz & Autogenic training etc. - d.48), breathing exercises, fitness exercises, imagery, meditation (see dali48 after grammar school in SHA in the 60s, and in Erkrath in the 80s etc. - d.48), Meditation [Review of meditation research: [Murphy, Michael; Donovan, Steven; Taylor, Eugene. The Physical and Psychological Effects of Meditation: A Review of Contemporary Research With a Comprehensive Bibliography, 1931-1996, Sausalito, CA: Institute of Noetic Sciences 1997/]; [Searchable meditation bibliography:], Yoga [Research:], qigong, t'ai chi, biofeedback [research:], and various forms of psychotherapy, among other approaches...
Varieties of mechanisms for self-healing have been proposed, including: Decreases in stress hormones that may impair physiological functions when there is chronic stress; Decreases in muscle tension, which can worsen or produce pains in muscles, tendons and joints when there is chronic muscle tension due to stress; Improved sleep that can be achieved through relaxation, which improves physiological functions; Improvements in emotional tensions, depression, anger and other emotions that can otherwise impair social relationships and functioning in the workplace, leading to vicious circles of increased psychological symptoms ... (Wikipedia)

see dali48 and reading & writing about Psychology & Psychiatry and e.g. Freud, Adler, Jung, and Groddeck, Frankl, Fromm, Reich, and Laing, Cooper, and M. Rufer, A. Wolf-Schuler, T. Wollf, I. D. Yalom, J. Bradshaw, V. Kast, A. Lowen, W. Reich, P. Lauster, P. Schellenbaum, J. Murphy, S. Steinbrecher, E. Kübler-Ross, R. A. Moody, K. Ring, I. D. Suttie, E. Jacobson, S. Forward, H. Gastager, C. M. Steiner, W. G. Niederland, R. Funk, N. Schwartz-Salant, A. Janov, A. & M. Mitscherlich, H. König, W. Hollstein etc.