dali48 and playing chess and stopping smoking as a sports student in the 70s...
Author and Online-Teacher in
English, German, French, etc...
- So belauschen Hacker Sie über Ihre Webcam http://www.pcwelt.de/ratgeber/So_belauschen_Hacker_Sie_ueber_Ihre_Webcam-IT-Sicherheit-7915977.html …
#Sicherheit http://www.pcwelt.de/ratgeber/So_belauschen_Hacker_Sie_ueber_Ihre_Webcam-IT-Sicherheit- … 7915977.html see dali48 and being hacked... -
25.5./20:15/3sat Funky Town Minneapolis & Saint Paul. Minnesota gibt als einziger Staat der USA 1 Teil der Steuern für Kunst u.Kultur aus... -
Different bees, different needs -#bees, wildflowers and#garden plants -Part 1 http://wp.me/p267LN-3u via@wordpressdotcom#helpthebees -
Different#bees, different needs Part 2 http://wp.me/p267LN-3G via@wordpressdotcom#gardening#helpthebees#biodiversity -
Gardening for wildlife -#wildflowers,#bumblebees and the Labiate family http://wp.me/p267LN-4b via@wordpressdotcom -
Pls RT .@AmirKingKhan Sustainable Green Initiative: Planting fruit trees to combat climate change, hunger & poverty http://fb.me/2i2xQZNky -
Wool carder bee heading for the flowers of Betony, a beautiful#wildflower and welcome addition to the garden pic.twitter.com/LOyGJHhdreView photo
- Over one million pounds of plastic bags pulled from ocean during 2012. http://huff.to/18bFG4f
#plastic#pollution#environment#marine -
Do not always believe what is written in the books; my white bryony was one of the best plants for#bees last year, dozens of#honeybees -
We plant trees, to combat hunger, poverty & global warming. .@BeingSalmanKhan http://www.greening.in/p/blog-page_22.html … Trees make awesome gifts/ memorials.. -
Sinfully Delicious Chocolate#Eggnog: http://dld.bz/a9ytj -
Healthy Pancake Syrup with Raw Honey: http://dld.bz/b5hhYExpand
25.05.2013 Flight safety & pilots tomorrow... http://dali48.blogspot.com/2013/05/25052013-flight-safety-and-pilots.html?spref=tw … see dali48 on Google,FB,Blogspot,Goodreads,StumbleUpon,Bod.de,PinterestExpand
24.05.2013 - Pasternak & Doctor Schiwagos... http://dali48.blogspot.com/2013/05/24052013-pasternak-und-doctor-schiwagos.html?spref=tw … see dali48 on Google,FB,Blogspot,Goodreads,StumbleUpon,Bod.de,PinterestExpand
Watch Sir David Attenborough at Wed's launch explain why#naturesintrouble and#stateofnature is our call to action http://www.rspb.org.uk/ourwork/science/stateofnature/index.aspx …
“A funny and touching beasts”#PICTURES http://bigpicture.ru/?p=67913 あら…可愛い😍 良い週末を♡ be Vegan Make Peace pic.twitter.com/zL7QFkgTu7
- Looking forward to scattering these later. Forget-me-nots, bee mix, urban meadow mix, butterfly mix.
@seed_ball pic.twitter.com/v4ajdcffRl -
It is so cold here in#Reading that even the Canada goose#chicks huddle under their mothers wings pic.twitter.com/wWUxpIqdDD -
For 1st time, all 6 Nobel Women's Initiative Laureates will meet for#womenbeyondwar! Have you met them (virtually)? http://bit.ly/1313fXX -
#DailyEarthNews Chile fish supply decline catastrophic after years of overfishing http://www.globalpost.com/dispatches/globalpost-blogs/groundtruth/chile-fish-supply-decline-catastrophic-overfishing …Expand
- 80% of the world's known biodiversity lives in tropical rainforests. Save forests = save biodiversity. Act: http://bit.ly/116pyrU
#Africa -
@seed_ball@BarefootBee I fed half-dead Bees who came into the flat with honey since ca. 2000 etc. - "Man produces evil as Bees...(dali48) -
23.05.2013 - Music - Mon Amour: http://youtu.be/VUzVY_qgqFw via@youtube - see dali48 and Music & "Flora & Fauna" since ca. 2000 etc... -
Welcome our followers to the hive ~@Katchoo_etc@Balyolu@BeeFriendAustin@TheGreenMarine@JoshMiIler ~ and plant more bee-friendly plants!
Welcome our new followers to the hive ~@SouthernSARE@pollinateplanet@FaYsaGB@Skullulele@Panglossus ~ and plant more bee-friendly plants
- Joan Baez got it right:"The poor should teach the rich a lesson: Stop selling them food & make them eat their money."
Our work w/@UNITAID is helping 562k children in 40 countries access ARV treatment. http://ow.ly/i/2be02 -
Teacher Jobs – Effective Teaching Online http://tinyurl.com/nq69m28Expand
Awesome! RT@greenroofsuk: The snail shell and the mason bee -#wonderful http://ow.ly/lgU4i#bees#nature#wildlife -
@BeeStrawbridge@tennekes_tox see dali48 & Insects & "Flora & Fauna" since ca.2000 etc. - see "Man produces evil - as Bees produce honey" WG -
22.5.2013 Life & Reality... "By contrast, I came on a beautiful spring day in 1955 unexpectedly on the idea that there only exists a single" -
Did you know? 40% of all food produced in US is wasted. Organizations like@FoodShift are taking on the problem: http://ow.ly/lhIUFExpand
- 22.05.2013 - Life and Reality etc... http://dali48.blogspot.com/2013/05/22052013-life-and-reality-etc.html?spref=tw … see dali48 on Google,FB,Blogspot,Goodreads,StumbleUpon,Bod.de,Pinterest,Twitter
732#moth &#butterfly species in#StateofNature report thanks to us, CEH, Rothamsted Research & all the recorders -@RichardFoxBC -
- If you wouldn't write it and sign it, don't say it. ~Earl Wilson
"What was once thought can never be unthought" - Friedrich Durrenmatt#Quotes
- Mountain Rose Herbs offers a comprehensive line of
#glass and plastic containers for all your herbal needs, http://dld.bz/bNrkK -
I love those who yearn for the impossible. Johann Wolfgang von Goethe#quote -
First Swallowtail of the year seen yesterday (20th) at Wheatfen Reserve. Reported by Andy Brazil on the UK-Leps Yahoo! forum -
@JackieWats see dali48 and Bees since ca.2000 etc. - “If the bees disappeared off the face of the earth, man would have 4 years left... (AE) -
A single apple tree lives for over forty years and provides more than 10,000 pounds of food. A tree truly gives life. http://www.greening.in/p/blog-page_22.html … -
#桃 の細菌病流行のおそれ#福島 http://www3.nhk.or.jp/lnews/fukushima/6054714431.html …#Japan:#Peach bacterial shot-hole is now prevalent in Northern#Fukushima http://yfrog.com/od7qxvjjExpand
- Neonicotinoids don't just kill bees. They have potential to affect entire food chains, killing aquatic life, birds http://bit.ly/10cq4Z8
A plague of deforestation sweeps across Southeast Asia http://ow.ly/lcKoB via@yalee360#deforesetation#Asia -
Make a Watering Hole for Bees in your Bee-Friendly Garden : TreeHugger http://www.treehugger.com/lawn-garden/make-watering-hole-bees-your-bee-friendly-garden.html … via@TreeHugger -
20.5.2013 - Health and Electric car etc... http://dali48.blogspot.com/2009/11/211109.html?spref=tw … see dali48 on Google,FB,Blogspot,Goodreads,StumbleUpon,Bod.de,Pinterest...
Cancer is Curable
@Cancers_Curable 18 May-
ELWHA A Grand Experiment: Tearing down 2 dams. Returning wilderness to its former glory http://ow.ly/l9yFU#DAMS http://sco.lt/6zxQWX -
No two gardens are the same. No two days are the same in one garden. - Hugh Johnson http://www.howtoplant.net/Expand
Appreciating the input from all the#newgooglemaps early adopters, please keep the feedback coming! http://goo.gl/Ntwu1
#Marigold: not just a beautiful flower: http://dld.bz/afDnP
BEE THE CHANGE: Get your free Bee-Friendly Plant List for Gardens and Farms and plant now to Feed the Bees!! http://bit.ly/XDMJs6 -
17.05.2013 - Quotes of Rose Ausländer... http://dali48.blogspot.com/2009/11/271109-2teil.html?spref=tw … see dali48 on Google,FB,Blogspot,Goodreads,StumbleUpon,Bod.de,Pinterest etc. -
16.05.2013 - The Truth about School http://tv.greenmedinfo.com/the-truth-about-school/ … - see dali48 and Teaching, 1975 - 2010 etc...Expand
World's most unique & endangered mammals and amphibians mapped. http://ow.ly/l5c7j#wildlife#animals#nature#environment#conservation -
@knowlegedgirl see B. Bardot & Baby Seals in the 60s etc. - see I.B. Singer & Treblinka & Animals etc. - see Golding & "Man produces evil...View conversation
- Rose Garden: Container gardening class - San Jose Mercury News: A workshop on Container Gardening: Ornamentals... http://bit.ly/13nHlN3
Only Evil could take the life of such a beautiful innocent and defenseless seal ! pic.twitter.com/New2iG4lUm -
“Peace does not mean just to stop wars, but also to stop oppression and injustice.” - Nobel Laureate توكل... http://fb.me/2zJMoNoKzExpand
- Aurora Borealis, Tromsø, Norway. pic.twitter.com/beorgl7qml
15.5.2013 Leaf blower and Microbes... http://dali48.blogspot.com/2013/05/15052013-leaf-blower-and-microbes-etc.html?spref=tw … see dali48 on Google,FB,Blogspot,Goodreads,StumbleUpon,Bod.de,Pinterest,Twitter -
Many loyal Americans still feel obligated to live by laws created by men, long since dead, who owned slaves & prohibited women from voting.Expand
@iamgreenbean see dali48 & Bees since ca. 2000 etc. - see W. Golding and "Man produces evil - as Bees produce honey"...-
diary3 by dali48 on twitter http://www.amazon.de/dp/3839109329/ref=cm_sw_r_tw_dp_OhMKrb06C15MQ … via@amazon diary3 is about healing in the past & the future - focused on the present... -
@SonnyBeez@EPAgov What in God's name is happening to this country? We say we care about the children but at this rate there will no childrn -
Be good to the pollinators - ideas for gardening and recognizing pollinators http://shar.es/Z3Scv -
"...EPA's own classification of the insecticide as "highly toxic to honeybees" EPA- 'Every Pesticide Allowed'@epagov http://www.commondreams.org/headline/2013/05/09-3 …Expand
RT@regibaby67:@blogdiva Screw them and their twisted seeds. Support local, organic farming. Start community gardens.#NoMonsanto -
13.05.2013 - Live http://www.arte.tv/guide/de/live via@ARTEde - see dali48 and TV & ARTE etc...
- Copenhagenize our cities -bike lanes Has your city adopted dedicated bike lanes yet? A new study from the... http://fb.me/LxP5QqGm
13.5.2013 Favourites on Twitter151... http://dali48.blogspot.com/2013/05/13052013-favourites-on-twitter151_13.html?spref=tw … see dali48 on Google,FB,Blogspot,Goodreads,StumbleUpon,Bod.de,Pinterest,Twitter
Annex2 to the blogs of dali48dali48 in Baden-Baden 8/2010
For further reading, see Books, blogs, comments, tweets, buzz... of dali48 on Google, Books by dali48 on twitter, Facebook, Blogspot, Goodreads, StumbleUpon, Amazon, Bod.de, Pinterest, etc...
diary3 by dali48 on twitter
Diary3 by dali48 on twitter is about healing in the past and the future - focused on the present. It includes the following authors: Ayya Khema, S. Hite, VE Frankl, M. Messeguer, G. Marquez, W. Golding, Dalai Lama, DTSuzuki, J. Seiffert, Thich Nhat Hanh, Buddha, Jvd Wetering, Allen Ginsberg, C. Simon, Johannes Paul1, K. Dürckheim, W. Soyinka, S. Freud, Sloterdiyk, J. Brodsky, P. Celan, A. Schweitzer, G. Groddeck, hl.Hildegard, IB Singer, T. Dethlefsen, AT Kushi...
Golden Snow “thank you dali48 for your very informative and interesting Dairy 3 - filled with so much to help us with our health and improve our ways of eating, Herbal information ... I loved learning of others lives and condition they live, writers whose words have been smothered, because truth was written ... loved every moment of reading”...
- Golden Snow "Most interesting book I have read in many years ... the truth within the pages alone are a refreshing change ... covers so many subjects, thank you dali48"...
Tagebuch 2009: Wie ich psychisch und physisch wieder gesund wurde... (Status: 8/2008) von dali48siehe Bod.de, etc. - Diary 2009 by dali 48 on twitter is about a 25-year-old, both psychological and even physical healing process by using natural medicine - especially herbal medicines, and also meditation exercises from Zen Buddhism. Inspiring to further reading are also excerpts from speeches of Nobel laureates in literature from 2009 to currently back 1959, etc...
Golden Snow's review
"a book filled with important information to guide one through life in health both body and mind ... also to learn history as it has taken place ... five stars from me ... Thanks dali48"...
Tagebuch 2008 von dali48, siehe Google, Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/author/dali48
Diary 2008 of dali48 contains many valuable tips of the alternative medicine and phytotherapy. The introduction to Zen Buddhism is also good for laymen to understand. Inspiring and stimulating to further reading are the excerpts of speeches of Nobel Laureates in Literature - starting with Le Clézio (2008), back to Beckett, Boell, Kawabata, Solzhenitsyn, etc... Tags: Ayya Khema, Valerian, Comfrey, Nettle, Buddha, Buddhism, Clézio Covitz Dukkha parents emotions inflammation, earth, cold, food, fennel, woman, joy, peace, feel, danger, feeling, Spirit, Health, gout, happiness, "God", skin heart, helps, cough, immune, St John's, Chamomile, Kawabata, Ayya Khema, children, headache, body, disease, cancer, life, suffering, love, life, dandelion, People, migraine, natural, nerve, Nobel, rheumatoid, patients, parsley, sage, shadow, yarrow, sleep, insomnia, pain, soul, September 2008, Smullyan, Solzhenitsyn, plantain, stress, Centaury, Thich Nhat Hanh, thyme, subconsciously, mourning, past, losses, juniper, water, hawthorn, world, work, world, sugar, etc...
Facebook of Golden Snow https://www.facebook.com/golden.snow.3
Golden Snow “Enjoying your many post on health dali48 ... it means a lot in my life to have sites and blogs to follow and gain better health ... I have been fighting a Chemical war inside my body for 29 years and found relief in so many of your posts ... my health has improved to the point I can do my own shopping at the market ... I love the fact that your Diaries contains a mixture of great information for the readers ... so well chosen ... well thought out to help everyone” ...
see "Banking Crisis 2008" and Climate Change and robots and poor people and social diseases etc. - instead of basic income (ca. 500 euro) - Uncontrolled capitalism produces evil as bees produce honey etc... (dali48)
see dali48 and Climate Change since ca. 2000 and Copenhagen 2009 etc...
Don't see swallows here in Wickrath (2018) as before at Lake Unterbach where they were deeply flying before the rain, and were nearly touching my head till 2010... (dali48)
see E. Kuebler-Ross and R. Moody and Near Death Experiences - and my own experiences in the 80s and 12/2011 etc... (dali48)
see dali48 and Planet and environment and pollution and destructive car traffic everywhere - instead of surviving and UBI etc......
see dali48 and 1968 etc. - compared with 1989 and 2008 etc...
Deposit on plastic & better recycling & cleaning - instead of polluting rivers & sea etc... (dali48)
see @UNrightswire, see Human Rights & Clean Air & Drinking Water & Food & UBI - instead of @BeijingAir & violations & massacres etc... (dali48)
Why bees etc. - are dying by the billions see GMO and#Neonics http://bit.ly/1vJ6vI6 5000 times more toxic to bees than DDT etc... (dali48)
see Ban of Basic Rights and Net Neutrality and Privacy - instead of democratic control of Bavarian Police Law etc... (dali48)
see National Socialist tyranny and History produced evil - as Bees produced honey etc... (dali48)
see dali48 and warning of neo-fascism since 1989 and for UBI since 2008 etc...
see dali48 and deforestation and species extinction by poisons etc. - and Human Rights violations instead of UBI etc...
see beautiful wildflower havens and UBI - instead of tax havens and violations of Human Rights etc... (dali48)
see e.g. BeijingAir @BeijingAir 06-22-2018 14:00; PM2.5; 37.0; 105; Unhealthy (at 24-hour exposure at this level)... (dali48)Copyright Note
The text and all images on this page, unless otherwise indicated, are by Wolfgang G. Greiner (dali48)
who hereby asserts his copyright on the material. Should you wish to use any of the text or images feel free to do so with proper attribution and, if possible, a link back to this page. Thank you.
© Wolfgang G. Greiner (dali48) 8/2013 - 2018 etc...