Mittwoch, 25. September 2024

25.09.2024 - The Snow Dance Part 107 & stay at home etc. by Golden Snow

12.08.2014 - The Snow Dance Part4 etc... by Golden Snow ... …

Source: Golden Snow

"Write your life - Or they'll wait till you're dead to write the lie"...  (@spectraspeaks)

Part 107... by Golden Snow

I managed to stay at home by myself. The nights were the worst because I would awake and hear Wayne out in the living room. I would have to go out to make sure that he wasn't there. I missed him, his supportive nature, and his hugs when I needed them. It felt lonely sitting at the table looking over the sleeping gardens, where once I found joy. I soon stopped the sitting there and sat in the front room. My meals were suffering because I ate chocolate and small meals of whatever was around. I walked the beaches in the middle of the night and listened to the sound of angry waves beating on the winter shores.

Shivering with cold I would go for a hot chocolate then home to the silence of my home. I did not know where I was going with my life, and everyone was concerned for me. Being environmentally ill left very few places I could go. Shopping was done in the night in stores that were open all night. The beach and the walks in the woods and by the brook were my outings. I felt isolated and forgotten. I became very frustrated the more I tried to figure out where I was going, and why it left me feeling more frustrated. I found my life so unmanageable. I was used to raise in the morning and looking after my husband, my gardens, and meals for him. Now the space was empty, and I could not fill it...
Thank you for sharing. Your braveness to fight illness has inspired me to face life in a different way dali48. I love the concept of living in the moment and breathing into it. This has improved my health both in body and mind.

25.09.2024 - Favorites on Twitter149 and Ginger, hungry seagulls, bees, herbs etc.

 28.06.2018 - Me Inc2 and writers and "pantheists"... … see dali48 on Twitter,Google,Blogspot, ,FB,Pinterest,StumbleUpon

dali48 and studying & teaching in the 70s, and photographing in Tübingen etc.


Author and Online-Teacher in English, German, French, etc... 


41189 Wickrath · 


11.04.2013 - Love Bluebirds? Check out the February/March 2013 issue of Birds

and Blooms to get tips 

  1. 11.04.2013 - ginger2 - see dali48 and Ginger and Health etc... 
  2.  11.04.2013 - I wonder why ca. 50 hungry seagulls stayed at the Park of Wickrath near the border of NL over winter... (dali48)

    1.   - Till now I only saw 1 bee - in the Park of Wickrath this spring... 
    2.  - see dali48 and Herbs and Health etc...
    3.  - see wild insects and windscreens of cars on the motorways etc... (dali 48)
    4. 06.04.2013 - Chronicle16 of dali48 on FB...  see dali48 on Google,FB,Blogspot,Goodreads,StumbleUpon,,Pinterest
    5.  I saw a bee in the Park of Wickrath when it was sunny and a bit warmer as usual that day... (dali48)