Dienstag, 28. Januar 2025

28.01.2025 - Stimulating substances and Healing clay & Diarrhea, Stomach, Irritable bowel syndrome etc.

dali48 and private teaching since 8/1983, menaced since 1989, and writing diary & books & photographing in Erkrath till 5/2010

see dali48 and "I think - therefore I am" etc. (Descartes)
Each day is our whole life - from sunrise to sunset etc… (dali48) 
see dali48 and "Zen finds religion in the daily activities." (I-tuan) 
Let go of something you like, and realize how fleeting it is by living without it... (Ayya Khema) 
Buddha realized that all living beings suffer because they desire and cling ... - Peace is an inner attitude to life that consists of letting go and renunciation (see e.g. nuns & monks etc. - d.48) ... (Buddha) 
Das Leben im Daseinskreislauf ist leidvoll: Geburt ist Leiden, Altern ist Leiden, Krankheit ist Leiden, Tod ist Leiden; Kummer, Lamentieren, Schmerz und Verzweiflung sind Leiden." (Buddha)
see dali48 and own experiences and reading & writing about Kübler-Ross, Moody, NDE, LAL etc. 
Hands that help are holier than lips that pray! (Robert Green Ingersoll) 
see dali48 and Climate Change since Copenhagen 2009 etc. - "Uncontrolled capitalism is producing evil - as bees are producing honey" etc.
see dali48 and reading & writing about peace etc. - see e.g. Zen and Buddhism & Peace & Dalai Lama, Thich Nhat Hanh, Ayya Khema etc, and St Nicholas, St Hildegard, St Francis etc. (dali48)
see dali48 and eating less meat, and more fruits & veggies since the 80s etc.
Homeopathy of S. Hahnemann (ca. 200 years old) should be updated, - i.e. for me more Mother tincture & less shaking, and why is there no homeopathic vaccination? - see "similibus" principle etc. (dali48)
see dali48 and "I hope that Biontech (formerly in Mainz, now in London) & #mRNA #vaccines etc. - will develop a vaccination against cancer etc."
see dali48 and Vollgeld-Initiative & Basic Income in Europe etc. - instead of Banking Crisis 2008 etc.
I also like weeping willow trees - e.g. when I was on camping vacation in the 80s in France & Spain, I had my lunch (fish soup) under such a tree (that was like a tent) in the park of Bordeaux etc. (dali48)
see dali48 and "flora & fauna" since ca. 2000, and deforestation instead of planting trees etc
see dali48 and trees and "flora & fauna" and healthy air etc..
see dali48 and Bread - instead of fire-works harming animals, pets etc.
see dali48 and Democracy & human rights & gender justice etc.
"Respect for life - should be the only religion in the world!" - "Religion is a journey inside - and meditation is the way there." ... (Osho)
see dali48 and health and suitable shoes & foot hygiene etc.
see dali48 and “If the Trees disappeared off the face of the earth - mankind would only have little left to live healthy,” see e.g. Amazonas forest, Indonesia etc, see e.g. @CGShanghaiAir Shanghai - 2023-03-06 4PM - PM2.5 - 103 AQI - Unhealthy for Sensitive Groups ... etc. 
see dali48 and trees & photo synthesis and fresh air and health and cooling and biodiversity etc.
see dali48 and "flora & fauna" and reforesting etc.
siehe „Eine Gesellschaft ohne Gott, ist wie eine gut organisierte Räuberbande“, hat Papst Benedikt den Bundestagsabgeordneten ins Stammbuch geschrieben (see e.g. Cum-Ex etc. - d.48)
see dali48 and demand for the repayment of 300 euros of self-approved inflation compensation for politicians at the taxpayer's expense etc.
see dali48 and health and herbs (see e.g. M. Mességué), and e.g. kidney-tea, gastrointestinal tea, tea for colds etc.
see dali48 and "Words have no direct reference to life, are only a pale echo or image of something that itself is no longer there" ... (D. T. Suzuki)
see dali48's mother Gabriele and playing piano in Steinbach in the 50s, see dali48 and playing piano for 1 year with Mrs Kirsch in SHA in the 50s, and Christmas songs with Mrs Takahashi in Erkrath in the 80s
see dali48 and writing Tagebuch 2008 + 2009, diary3 (2010) in Erkrath, ediary4+5 (2011+2012), Collection of ediary6-12 (2013-2019) in Wickrath etc.

dali48 was born in SHA in 1948... Studies in Tübingen in 1970 etc. Teacher & Author in Erkrath, 8/1983 till 5/2010 ... retired in Wickrath since 6/2013 etc.

26.12.2000 - Interpretation of dali48
Stimulating substances (forming serotonin and opiates): sugar, caffeine, fats, light, - morphine (hops), alcohol (forming opiates) exorphine (milk, wheat), pungent (for the release of endorphins)! ...
Pickles (sour), contain the PQQ Vitamin that pregnant women need to build the placenta! ...
Everyone seems to have different preferences from birth! - For every man there is good something else! - As we all look different like humans (see also animals and plants, etc. - d.48), so some are small, others large, some thin and some fat, there is no “mandatory nutrition recommendation” for all! - We know the pleasure that the refreshing draft is preparing to the thirsty, the nutritious food to the hungry! - The highest pleasure and the deepest sorrow - that comes through the fulfillment or frustration of the sexual instinct has always been a main theme of the poem! ... (U. Pollmer etc.)

Meanwhile, until the building of the world / is fixed by philosophy, the transmission of the world is maintained / by hunger and by love (see e.g. "pane et circensis", etc. - d.48) ... (F. Schiller)

Acorns are edible only when they are irrigated and the bitter is washed out or the acorns are eaten with clay (see healing clay, etc. - d.48) ...

If the bakers had to disclose all supplements of their ready-mix, the nation would bake itself again! ... (U. Pollmer etc.)

The use of medicinal clay in folk medicine goes back to prehistoric times. - The indigenous peoples around the world still use clay widely, which is related to geophagy. - The first recorded use of medicinal clay goes back to ancient Mesopotamia. - A wide variety of clay is being used for medicinal purposes, - primarily for external applications, such as the clay baths in health spas (mud therapy), but also internally! - Among the clay most commonly used for medicinal purposes are kaolin and the smectite clayssuch as bentonite, montmorillonite, and Fuller's earth ...
Galen, the famous Greek philosopher and physician, was the first to record the use of clay by sick or injured animals back in the second century AD. - This type of geophagy has been documented in "many species of mammals, birds, reptiles, butterflies and isopods, especially among herbivores! ...
As Pliny reports about the Lemnian Earth, "... if rubbed under the eyes, it moderates pain and watering from the same, and prevents the flow from the lachrymal ducts. - In cases of haemorrhage it should be administered with vinegar. - It is used against complaints of the spleen and kidneys, copious menstruation, also against poisons, and wounds caused by serpents"! ...
Authors report that the clay mineral, "... exhibits bactericidal activity against E. coli, ESBL [Extended-Spectrum Beta-Lactamases] E. coli, S. enterica serovar Typhimurium, P. aeruginosa, and M. marinum, and significantly reduces growth of S. aureus, PRSA, MRSA, and nonpathogenic M. smegmatis approximately 1,000-fold compared to cultures grown without added mineral products"! ... (Wikipedia)

Diese Stoffe können im Magen-Darm-Trakt an die Heilerde gebunden und ausgeschieden werden. Unter anderem werden gebunden: belastende Substanzen (radioaktives Cäsium) Schwermetalle (Blei, Cadmium, Quecksilber und Bestandteile des Amalgams)

Je nachdem, welche Symptome vorherrschen, soll beispielsweise die Einnahme von Pulver oder Kapseln etwa Linderung bei Durchfall, Magenbeschwerden oder Reizdarm bieten und die äußerliche Anwendung etwa als Maske bei diversen Hautproblemen wie Akne helfen.28.05.2021
Was ist das beste Mittel für eine Darmreinigung?
  • Einlauf mit Wasser oder Ölgemisch.
  • Flohsamen, Leinsamen, Chiasamen.
  • Glaubersalz, Bittersalz.
  • Sauerkrautsaft, Apfelessig.

28.01.2025 - Isabella Rossellini & famous parents & "the life of a butterfly" & endangered species etc.

dali48 and private teaching since 8/1983, menaced since 1989, and writing diary & books & photographing in Erkrath till 5/2010

see dali48 and "I think - therefore I am" etc. (Descartes)
Each day is our whole life - from sunrise to sunset etc… (dali48) 
see dali48 and "Zen finds religion in the daily activities." (I-tuan) 
Let go of something you like, and realize how fleeting it is by living without it... (Ayya Khema) 
Buddha realized that all living beings suffer because they desire and cling ... - Peace is an inner attitude to life that consists of letting go and renunciation (see e.g. nuns & monks etc. - d.48) ... (Buddha) 
Das Leben im Daseinskreislauf ist leidvoll: Geburt ist Leiden, Altern ist Leiden, Krankheit ist Leiden, Tod ist Leiden; Kummer, Lamentieren, Schmerz und Verzweiflung sind Leiden." (Buddha)
see dali48 and own experiences and reading & writing about Kübler-Ross, Moody, NDE, LAL etc. 
Hands that help are holier than lips that pray! (Robert Green Ingersoll) 
see dali48 and Climate Change since Copenhagen 2009 etc. - "Uncontrolled capitalism is producing evil - as bees are producing honey" etc.
see dali48 and reading & writing about peace etc. - see e.g. Zen and Buddhism & Peace & Dalai Lama, Thich Nhat Hanh, Ayya Khema etc, and St Nicholas, St Hildegard, St Francis etc. (dali48)
see dali48 and eating less meat, and more fruits & veggies since the 80s etc.
Homeopathy of S. Hahnemann (ca. 200 years old) should be updated, - i.e. for me more Mother tincture & less shaking, and why is there no homeopathic vaccination? - see "similibus" principle etc. (dali48)
see dali48 and "I hope that Biontech (formerly in Mainz, now in London) & #mRNA #vaccines etc. - will develop a vaccination against cancer etc."
see dali48 and Vollgeld-Initiative & Basic Income in Europe etc. - instead of Banking Crisis 2008 etc.
I also like weeping willow trees - e.g. when I was on camping vacation in the 80s in France & Spain, I had my lunch (fish soup) under such a tree (that was like a tent) in the park of Bordeaux etc. (dali48)
see dali48 and "flora & fauna" since ca. 2000, and deforestation instead of planting trees etc
see dali48 and trees and "flora & fauna" and healthy air etc..
see dali48 and Bread - instead of fire-works harming animals, pets etc.
see dali48 and Democracy & human rights & gender justice etc.
"Respect for life - should be the only religion in the world!" - "Religion is a journey inside - and meditation is the way there." ... (Osho)
see dali48 and health and suitable shoes & foot hygiene etc.
see dali48 and “If the Trees disappeared off the face of the earth - mankind would only have little left to live healthy,” see e.g. Amazonas forest, Indonesia etc, see e.g. @CGShanghaiAir Shanghai - 2023-03-06 4PM - PM2.5 - 103 AQI - Unhealthy for Sensitive Groups ... etc. 
see dali48 and trees & photo synthesis and fresh air and health and cooling and biodiversity etc.
see dali48 and "flora & fauna" and reforesting etc.
siehe „Eine Gesellschaft ohne Gott, ist wie eine gut organisierte Räuberbande“, hat Papst Benedikt den Bundestagsabgeordneten ins Stammbuch geschrieben (see e.g. Cum-Ex etc. - d.48)
see dali48 and demand for the repayment of 300 euros of self-approved inflation compensation for politicians at the taxpayer's expense etc.
see dali48 and health and herbs (see e.g. M. Mességué), and e.g. kidney-tea, gastrointestinal tea, tea for colds etc.
see dali48 and "Words have no direct reference to life, are only a pale echo or image of something that itself is no longer there" ... (D. T. Suzuki)
see dali48's mother Gabriele and playing piano in Steinbach in the 50s, see dali48 and playing piano for 1 year with Mrs Kirsch in SHA in the 50s, and Christmas songs with Mrs Takahashi in Erkrath in the 80s
see dali48 and writing Tagebuch 2008 + 2009, diary3 (2010) in Erkrath, ediary4+5 (2011+2012), Collection of ediary6-12 (2013-2019) in Wickrath etc.

dali48 was born in SHA in 1948... Studies in Tübingen in 1970 etc. Teacher & Author in Erkrath, 8/1983 till 5/2010 ... retired in Wickrath since 6/2013 etc.

Interpretation of dali48

From the life of a butterfly: There are many examples of children of famous parents who are involved in the challenge with this legacy. - Isabella Rosselini, 1952-born daughter of legendary film star Ingrid Bergman and director Roberto Rossellini, has mastered this task and distinguished herself as an independent artist, in addition to their parents. - Filmmaker Gero von Boehm presents the many facets of Isabella Rosselini in his article, and tells the life of a orginelle woman who grew up in Italy, lives in Rome and New York, engages herself for the rescue of endangered species in Patagonia (see dali48 and "flora & fauna" and bees and biodiversity etc. - d.48), and also excels as an artist and director ... (ARTE, 2 / 2010)

Isabella Fiorella Elettra Giovanna Rossellini ist eine italienisch-US-amerikanische Schauspielerin. Wikipedia

Isabella Rossellini ist die Tochter des italienischen Regisseurs Roberto Rossellini und der schwedischen Schauspielerin Ingrid Bergman.

However, travelers to Patagonia can be looking out for "The Big Five" of that region! The Guanaco, Puma, South Andean Deer (huemul), Andean Condor, and Nandu make up this group of wildlife species. Sightings of these animals are coveted - especially sightings of the elusive puma or the endangered huemul.

Laut ihrer Satzung hat es sich die IUCN zur Aufgabe gemacht, „Gesellschaften weltweit zu beeinflussen, zu ermutigen und zu unterstützen, die Unversehrtheit und Vielfalt der Natur zu erhalten und sicherzustellen, dass jeglicher Gebrauch natürlicher Ressourcen gerecht und ökologisch nachhaltig erfolgt“.

Endangered species in Germany are classified as such by an international agreement known as Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora. Nearly 100 endangered species from the CITES list are native to Germany.

28.01.2025 - Dany Dattel & Kindheit im KZ & Verfolgung und Rettung etc.

dali48 and writing diary & books, and photographing in the park of Wickrath since 6/2010 etc.

see dali48 and "I think - therefore I am" etc. (Descartes)
Each day is our whole life - from sunrise to sunset etc… (dali48) 
see dali48 and "Zen finds religion in the daily activities." (I-tuan) 
Let go of something you like, and realize how fleeting it is by living without it... (Ayya Khema) 
Buddha realized that all living beings suffer because they desire and cling ... - Peace is an inner attitude to life that consists of letting go and renunciation (see e.g. nuns & monks etc. - d.48) ... (Buddha) 
Das Leben im Daseinskreislauf ist leidvoll: Geburt ist Leiden, Altern ist Leiden, Krankheit ist Leiden, Tod ist Leiden; Kummer, Lamentieren, Schmerz und Verzweiflung sind Leiden." (Buddha)
see dali48 and own experiences and reading & writing about Kübler-Ross, Moody, NDE, LAL etc. 
Hands that help are holier than lips that pray! (Robert Green Ingersoll) 
see dali48 and Climate Change since Copenhagen 2009 etc. - "Uncontrolled capitalism is producing evil - as bees are producing honey" etc.
see dali48 and reading & writing about peace etc. - see e.g. Zen and Buddhism & Peace & Dalai Lama, Thich Nhat Hanh, Ayya Khema etc, and St Nicholas, St Hildegard, St Francis etc. (dali48)
see dali48 and eating less meat, and more fruits & veggies since the 80s etc.
Homeopathy of S. Hahnemann (ca. 200 years old) should be updated, - i.e. for me more Mother tincture & less shaking, and why is there no homeopathic vaccination? - see "similibus" principle etc. (dali48)
see dali48 and "I hope that Biontech (formerly in Mainz, now in London) & #mRNA #vaccines etc. - will develop a vaccination against cancer etc."
see dali48 and Vollgeld-Initiative & Basic Income in Europe etc. - instead of Banking Crisis 2008 etc.
I also like weeping willow trees - e.g. when I was on camping vacation in the 80s in France & Spain, I had my lunch (fish soup) under such a tree (that was like a tent) in the park of Bordeaux etc. (dali48)
see dali48 and "flora & fauna" since ca. 2000, and deforestation instead of planting trees etc
see dali48 and trees and "flora & fauna" and healthy air etc..
see dali48 and Bread - instead of fire-works harming animals, pets etc.
see dali48 and Democracy & human rights & gender justice etc.
"Respect for life - should be the only religion in the world!" - "Religion is a journey inside - and meditation is the way there." ... (Osho)
see dali48 and health and suitable shoes & foot hygiene etc.
see dali48 and “If the Trees disappeared off the face of the earth - mankind would only have little left to live healthy,” see e.g. Amazonas forest, Indonesia etc, see e.g. @CGShanghaiAir Shanghai - 2023-03-06 4PM - PM2.5 - 103 AQI - Unhealthy for Sensitive Groups ... etc. 
see dali48 and trees & photo synthesis and fresh air and health and cooling and biodiversity etc.
see dali48 and "flora & fauna" and reforesting etc.
siehe „Eine Gesellschaft ohne Gott, ist wie eine gut organisierte Räuberbande“, hat Papst Benedikt den Bundestagsabgeordneten ins Stammbuch geschrieben (see e.g. Cum-Ex etc. - d.48)
see dali48 and demand for the repayment of 300 euros of self-approved inflation compensation for politicians at the taxpayer's expense etc.
see dali48 and health and herbs (see e.g. M. Mességué), and e.g. kidney-tea, gastrointestinal tea, tea for colds etc.
see dali48 and "Words have no direct reference to life, are only a pale echo or image of something that itself is no longer there" ... (D. T. Suzuki)
see dali48's mother Gabriele and playing piano in Steinbach in the 50s, see dali48 and playing piano for 1 year with Mrs Kirsch in SHA in the 50s, and Christmas songs with Mrs Takahashi in Erkrath in the 80s
see dali48 and writing Tagebuch 2008 + 2009, diary3 (2010) in Erkrath, ediary4+5 (2011+2012), Collection of ediary6-12 (2013-2019) in Wickrath etc.
diary 3: by dali48 on twitter : Dali, 48: Amazon.de: Bücher
ediary4 by dali48 : Greiner, Wolfgang G.: Amazon.de: Bücher

vor 12 Stunden — Ein Dokumentarfilm erzählt die bewegende Lebensgeschichte von Dany Dattel, der als kleines Kind Auschwitz überlebte.
Es ist eine bewegende Lebensgeschichte, wie es sie nur selten gibt. Sie erzählt von Verfolgung und Rettung, von Selbstbehauptung und zweiter ...
„Mein Spielplatz war ein Ort des Massenmords“, sagt Dany Dattel bei einem Besuch in Auschwitz. Sein Leben war eine Odyssee durch Verfolgung, Todesmarsch, ...
vor 18 Stunden — - Es ist die Geschichte des kleinen Jungen, der Auschwitz überlebte und viel später mitverantwortlich wurde am Bankrott. In einer Doku, die das ...
dany dattel doku von www.nachrichten.at
vor 14 Stunden — Heute, ARD: Berührende Doku "Die sieben Leben des Dany Dattel" über eine Kindheit im KZ Auschwitz. Von Karin Schütze, 27. Jänner 2025, 17:45 Uhr.