Freitag, 12. Juli 2024

12.07.2024 - Groddeck & mother / Tablets, alcohol & Children & environment & fate / Intestinal flora & well-being & diet etc.

 dali48 and teaching and writing diary & books and cycling & photographing in Erkrath etc.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Interpretation by dali48
People who hate their mother are childless, and this is so true that in infertile marriages one can easily assume that one of the two parties is the enemy of his mother. Anyone who hates his mother is afraid of his own child because people live by the saying: Do unto others as you would have them do unto you! ... (G. Groddeck)
Friday, February 8, 2008

Interpretation by dali48
Tablets are easy to obtain. In the end they are cheaper than alcohol. - There are enough drugs available without a prescription. They can be taken unnoticed anywhere, taken anywhere. Drug addicts do not seek the company of others! ... (F. Matakas)

It is not easy to understand the peculiarities of the elderly or even to cope with their “stupidity.” - And everyone anxiously thinks, I would rather go away soon... A mental disability is never naturally combined with character defects. Character defects only arise from bad experiences with the environment! ... 
Raising children: Harshness creates aggression, understanding care that is intense but not "monkey love" leads to a friendly nature. - Most difficulties are actually caused by the environment! ... There is an insatiable hunger for love, and there is hatred because this hunger cannot be satisfied! ... Many people take sleeping pills, tranquilizers or painkillers for years against depression, anxiety, nervousness, mental pain, etc! ... (F. Matakas)
Friday, February 8, 2008

Interpretation by dali48
The fates of my patients, especially those from childhood, are too bad, they destroyed their entire later life, the need for help is too great. Being raped (psychologically, emotionally), beaten half to death, neglected, that seems quite commonplace to me now... I think helping is an adventure. You don't always come out of it unscathed! ... (F. Matakas)

Friday, February 8, 2008

Interpretation by dali48
Most of the effects of intestinal flora are still unknown. - A well-trained intestinal flora reduces the release of stress hormones. It has an influence on mood and well-being! ... 
Tryptophan (serotonin) and getting up early in combination with sugar help with depression! Light and sugar affect serotonin metabolism... Well-being: Physical work or sport, sunlight (or artificial light, infra-red etc. - d.48), coffee (see country coffee, malt coffee, cappuccino etc. - d.48), cocoa (see bitter chocolate etc. - d.48), tobacco, sugar, beer (see sparkling wine, liqueur etc. - d.48), curd (see yogurt, kefir. buttermilk etc. - d.48), white bread (see farmer's bread, spelled bread, wholemeal bread, crispbread, rusks etc. - d.48), and Prozac (USA). The cradle of mankind lies in the tropics ... (U. Pollmer)

08.01.2024 — Diets high in fibre, unsaturated fatty acids (found in fish and nuts), and polyphenols (chemicals found in plants) will promote a healthy gut, ...

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