Freitag, 12. Juli 2024

12.07.2024 - Mood enhancers / Main theme of poetry / Bakers & additives / Dalai Lama / Defending Brodsky / Resolve a conflict etc.

dali48 and teaching and writing diary & books and cycling & photographing in Erkrath etc.

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Interpretation by dali48
Mood enhancers (serotonin builders and opiates): Sugar, caffeine, fat, light, morphine (hops), alcohol (opiate formation), exorphins (milk, wheat), hot substances (endorphin release) ... Pickles (sour) contain the vitamin PQQ, which pregnant women need to build the placenta ... Every person obviously has different needs from birth. Something different is good for every person. Just as we humans (see animals and plants etc. - d.48) all look different, some are small, some are tall, some are skinny and some are fat, there are no "binding nutritional recommendations" for everyone. We know the pleasure that a refreshing drink gives to the thirsty, and a nutritious meal to the hungry ... (U. Pollmer)

The highest pleasure and the deepest suffering that comes about through the fulfillment or disappointment of the sexual drive has always been a main theme of poetry! ... In the meantime, until the structure of the world / philosophy holds together, it maintains the mechanism / through hunger and through love (see "pane et circensis" in ancient Rome etc. – d.48) ... (F. Schiller)

Acorns only become edible when you water them and wash out the bitter substances or eat the acorns together with clay (see healing clay etc – d.48) ... If bakers had to disclose all additives in their prepared mixtures, the nation would bake itself again! ... (U.Pollmer)
What food additives cause inflammation? Food additives – food flavor enhancers, such as monosodium glutamate, trigger chronic inflammation and impair normal liver functioning. Artificial sweeteners, such as aspartame, and artificial food colors are common mediators of inflammation as well.
Thursday, February 7, 2008

Interpretation by dali48
This peaceful abiding which destroys suffering is achieved by those who love not to cling to the world! ... (14th Dalai Lama)

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Interpretation by dali48
Among those defending Brodsky and calling the trial illegal was composer Dmitri Shostakovich... Brodsky was sentenced to 5 years hard labor, but the sentence was commuted in 1965 after protests from prominent figures such as French philosopher Jean-Paul Sartre and poet Anna Akhmatova, the anti-Stalinist icon and close friend of his! ... (P.A.C.)

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Interpretation by dali48
But in truth, emotional engagement requires just the opposite behavior: Facing what you fear most ... Anyone who wants to resolve a conflict with you fairly and lovingly will: talk openly about the conflict with you; find out your feelings and concerns; seek an explanation for why you are resisting what they want; take their share of responsibility for the conflict. Anyone who wants to emerge victorious from a conflict with you will: try to control you; ignore your protests; insist that their character is better and that their motives are more important than yours; avoid taking any responsibility for the conflict between you... As soon as blackmail takes hold in a relationship, it freezes and gets stuck in patterns of demands and capitulation ... (S. Forward)

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