Mittwoch, 5. Juni 2024

05.06.2024 - Pema Dorje & Tibetan medicine / T. Clifford & emptiness / S. Dali & mother's death etc.

diary of dali48: 29.05.2019 - Chateaubriand / Cuneiform / Max Weber / Juvenal / ... … see dali48 on Twitter,Google,Blogspot,,FB,Pinterest,StumbleUpon
dali48 and writing books and cycling and photographing parks etc.

04.12.1996 - Interpretation of dali48
This is like a tree carrying a bird. - If there is no tree left (see deforestation etc.), - where will the bird then remain? - He flies away... (Pema Dorje, Tibetan doctor)

The fact that decay and death are inevitable - and that we will not be left with our relations, our interests, our status and our possessions - can be a crushing realization. - But if we suppress or deny this knowledge - we divide ourselves from reality, - and create a psychic tension that makes us sick. - The insight that our ego and our actions are ultimately empty - can be deeply frightening... 
(T. Clifford)

Tibetan medicinal substances:
Safran: for liver and gall ... Cardamom: for spleen and kidneys ... Ginger: for the blood ... Bamboo: for the lungs ... Beans for the heart ... Gentian for the bile ... Holarrhene antidysenterica against dysentery ... Castor as purgative ... Urine for wound treatment ... Pepper for mucus and digestion ... Valerian for the nerves and sleep ... Thistle for the liver ... Honey for the vitality ... Aconitum for heart and spirit ... Alant? ... Nutmeg for the heart and spirit ... Turmeric with digestion problems ... Cloves for the liver ... Kalmus? ... Juniper in fever ... Pomegranate for the stomach ... Pea pods? ... Magnolia for the bile ... Aloe for the mind ... Terminolia chebula (blue-flowering lotus-like plant) as a universal medicine ... (Pema Dorje)

Traditional Tibetan medicine also known as Sowa-Rigpa medicine, is a centuries-old traditional medical system that employs a complex approach to diagnosis, incorporating techniques such as pulse analysis and urinalysis, and utilizes behavior and dietary modification, medicines composed of natural materials ...
Salvador Domingo Felipe Jacinto Dalí i Domènech, 1st Marquis of Dalí de Púbol (11 May 1904 .... Dalí was 16 years old; he later said his mother's death "was the greatest blow I had experienced in my life. ... a being on whom I counted to make invisible the unavoidable blemishes of my soul. ...... Eberwein, Robert T. (2014).

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