Mittwoch, 21. August 2024

21.08.2024 - Uncertainty and meditation and true peace and disarmament etc.

diary of dali48: 17.06.2019 - Jean Carper and health and nutrition... … see dali48 on Twitter,Google,Blogspot,,FB,Pinterest,StumbleUpon

dali48 and living and cycling and teaching (1979-1983), and photographing in the park of SHA etc.
18.12.1997 - Interpretation of dali48
Meditation requires the highest degree of perseverance, enthusiasm, intelligence, discipline... - With the way we live now, at this moment, everything is at stake:
How we live now decides on our whole future! - We usually forget what we do, and the results of our actions only reach us a long time later. - Until then, we are no longer able to connect them to their causes. - Is it not surprising that this intelligence makes you suffer only more - instead of being helpful and useful, as you should expect? - It's almost as if your intelligence is actually responsible for the extent of your pain...
But our mind is no more reliable than our body! It is like a flea. - You will notice that thoughts appear without any cause, and without connection with one another (i.e. for me: at the moment of death, we can not count on both. - But what about the soul? - d.48)...
This constant uncertainty makes everything seem inscrutable and almost hopeless - but when we look deeper, we see that the nature of this insecurity is always to create gaps, spaces in which there are always great opportunities and opportunities for comprehensive change - when it is possible to recognize and use them as such. - Yet all these changes are not more real than a dream...
If you look deep enough, you realize - that nothing is permanent and stable...
Meditation as a true practice of non-aggression and non-violence - is true peace work, and the most complete disarmament... (D. K. Rinpoche)

Peace is a concept of societal friendship and harmony in the absence of hostility and violence. ... 5.1 Pacifism; 5.2 Inner peacemeditation and prayerfulness; 5.3 Satyagraha; 5.4 Monuments .... and many of those studying the success of these methods, including a United Nations working group on Restorative Justice, have ...
see dali48 and meditating after grammar school in SHA in the 60s, and being animated by reading the Osho Times in Düsseldorf in the 80s etc.

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