Mittwoch, 21. August 2024

21.08.2024 - S. Rinpoche / Milarepa / Geshe Chekhawa / Shantideva / Tertön Sogyal / Buddha etc.

diary of dali48: 13.06.2019 - Mességué and herbal medicine / Hippocrates and food / ... … see dali48 on Twitter,Google,Blogspot,,FB,Pinterest,StumbleUpon

dali48 and living (1948-1968), and teaching (1979-1983), and photographing in SHA etc.

16.12.1997 - Interpretation of dali48
What we split up in our ignorance in "life" and "death" - are in reality only two different aspects of this totality by moving... (S. Rinpoche)

So many contradictory voices, commandments, and feelings are struggling to dominate our inner life - that we have fallen into small pieces scattered in all directions, - and no one is at home...
Meditation now means:
To bring the spirit home! - The real meaning of life is never revealed to those - who are envious, careless, or blinded by wealth...
If you exhale and then can not inhale again, - you are dead! As simple as that...
In Buddhism, six areas of existence are distinguished:
The worlds of the Gods, half-gods, humans, animals, hungry spirits, - and hell creatures (devils)...
They are each the result of the 6 central negative emotions:
pride, jealousy, desire, ignorance, greed and hatred...

Let advantage and profit for the others, - take defeat and loss upon you... (Geshe Chekhawa, 11th century, Tibet)

Our present circumstances, when we use them with skill and wisdom, - can become inspiration and free us from the fetters of suffering...
And when love comes to an end, - all that remains of her - her souvenir, so to speak - are the scars of attachment...

This thing, which we call corpse, and what we fear so much, lives with us - here and now... (Milarepa)

For from the spirit arise all fears, - and infinitely many worries... (Shantideva)

If you absolutely need to think of something, - then think about the uncertainty of your death... (Geshe Rinpoche)

It is a real miracle - if someone dissolves even a single negative feeling... (Tertön Sogyal, Tibetan mystic)

If we keep things for the long term, - we exclude the possibility of learning by changes...
Our whole existence is fleeting like clouds in the autumn! - The birth and death of beings appear like movements in the dance...
A life resembles the lightning in the sky. - It rushes past like a torrent down the mountain... (Buddha)

Milarepa (c. 1052—1135) is the most famous yogi, poet and Buddhist saint of Tibet. A collection of his teachings in the form of poetic songs called The Hundred ...
Sogyal Rinpoche is a Tibetan Dzogchen Lama of the Nyingma tradition. He has been teaching for over 30 years. He travels widely in Europe, America, Australia ...
This is a chronological list of important Tibetan writers. Contents. 1 7th-10th century; 2 11th ... Chekawa Yeshe Dorje, 1102–1176, 'chad ka ba ye shes rdo rjeGeshe Chekhawa, Wrote the Seven Points of Spiritual Training. Phagmo Drupa ...
Shantideva was an 8th-century Indian Buddhist monk and scholar at Nalanda. He was an adherent of the Madhyamaka philosophy of Nagarjuna. Contents.
Born‎: ‎c. 685
Religion‎: ‎Buddhism
Died‎: ‎c. 763
Biography · ‎Works · ‎Bodhicaryavatara
Tertön Sogyal Lerab Lingpa was a Tibetan Buddhist tertön and a teacher of the Thirteenth ... Fearless in Tibet: The life of the Mystic Terton Sogyal, Hay House, Inc, 2014. ISBN 978-1-4019-4146-8 · Matteo Pistono. In the Shadow of the Buddha: ...
Biography · ‎Disciples
A Lord Buddha is a very holy person in Buddhism. The word Buddha means "enlightened one" in Sanskrit. Buddha was born Siddhartha Gautama. He was the ...
Each day is our whole life - from sunrise to sunset etc… (dali48)
"The past is pain, the future uncertainty. The present is all we have" ... (Tao Wong)

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