Montag, 3. Juni 2024

03.06.2024 - Zen and thinking & a natural way & the real and philosophy etc.

dali48 and writing ediary4+5 and photographing in the park of Wickrath etc.

"Zen" - calls for us a different way of thinking ... (F.-A. Viallet)

Zen is profoundly understood as a natural way of man, as a return to himself. - This, however, presupposes that the path has been lost. - Zen makes man inwardly free, and makes him discover his love of the real - which he has lost... (cf. H. Marcuse, Alienation in Capitalism, etc. - d.48) ...

The twentieth century has brought revelations about the matter that overthrow everything - that thousands of years of intellectual work have brought together... (S. Lupasco)

Noosphere = Whole of the thinking beings on Earth...

Zen is not a statistic of a rosy future, no promise of an earthly or supernatural paradise. - Zen is the only school that makes a philosophy from the inarticulate ... (A. Koestler)

François-Albert Viallet (Bürgerlicher Name Karl Friedrich Boskowits, Zen-Name Soji-Enku), (* 20. März 1908 in Budapest; † 17. Mai 1977 in Frankfurt am Main) war PhilosophAutor und Zen-Mönch.

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