Freitag, 5. Juli 2024

05.07.2024 - Stress & essence / V.E. Frankl & meaning / Lassalle & future / W. Golding 1983 etc.

dali48 and teaching and writing diary & books and cycling & photographing in Erkrath etc.

Friday, March 14, 2008

Interpretation by dali48
Stress that damages the essence: 
Identifying with everyday worries, suffering because of relationships and problems, pain, anger, rage, fear, grief, paranoid mania, panic, neurotic beliefs, psychotic insistence on a certain reality, migraines, anesthesia, drugs, orgasms, masturbation, daydreams, sports, rock music and dancing, feelings of pleasure, shock and secondary shock symptoms, e.g. due to accidents or illness, hysteria, violence! 
(E.J. & C. Gold)

What are the three sources of stress in the 21st century? Having a heavy workload or too much responsibility. Working long hours. Having poor management, unclear expectations of your work, or no say in the decision-making process. Working under dangerous conditions.16.04.2024
The will to pleasure only comes into play when the person's will to meaning comes up empty; then the person begins to be subject to the pleasure principle in the sense of psychoanalysis. The sexual libido only proliferates into an existential vacuum! (V.E. Frankl)

Friday, March 14, 2008

Interpretation by dali48
If you want to win everything, try to win nothing. If you want to be everything, go where you are nothing! (John of the Cross / Enomiya-Lassalle)

Be completely yourself in what you do! (Ignatius of Loyola)

We have lost our orientation because the world around us is changing faster than ever before. We no longer know where we are going. Do we even have a future? (Lassalle)

Friday, March 14, 2008

Interpretation by dali48
William Golding's first novel, Lord of the Flies, 1954 - quickly became a global success and has remained so to this day. (W. Golding, Pres. Sp. 1983)

His optimism was similar to that of other utopians, for example H.G. Wells. The Second World War changed his attitude. He discovered what one man can really do to another! . . . There were atrocities committed with cold, professional skill by well-educated and cultured people - doctors, lawyers and those with a long tradition of high civilization behind them. They committed their crimes on their own kind! ... It is the malice in man that creates evil systems or turns what is or could be good from the beginning into something unjust and destructive ... There is a strong religious dimension in W. Golding's worldview, although it is rooted in common sense! ... The aggressive intelligence, the power-hungry self-assertion and the arrogant individualism are the source of evil and violence - both individual and societal violence! ... According to him, man has two qualities - the capacity for murder is one, faith in God is the other! Innocence is not completely lost...
The novel can be seen as a description of hell or purgatory here on earth. The champions of evil appear with almost devilish features in the form of 2 beautiful girls driven by a passion for its own sake ... Darkness Visible, 1979, is a dualistic book. One is tempted to say a mythical illustration of a Manichaean philosophy in which good and evil are two independent forces of life. (W. Golding, Press Release 1983)

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