Donnerstag, 4. Juli 2024

04.07.2024 - Suppressing feelings of displeasure / Edith Jacobson 1971 / Secretive family / Mass medicine etc.

dali48 and teaching and writing diary & books and cycling & photographing in Erkrath etc.

Friday, March 14, 2008

Interpretation by dali48
Drugs (especially alcohol etc. – d.48) have a very special power to achieve denial by artificially suppressing the most intense feelings of displeasure! (L. Wurmser)
If he/she feels rejected or even mildly reprimanded, it is as if a knife had hit him/her. He/she feels crushed by shame and loneliness and seeks refuge (see shelter, inside asylum etc. – d.48) in a system of fantasies that must be made into reality through lies and drugs. If he/she is not punished, he/she enjoys his/her triumph over any authority, over any setting of boundaries and limits, ultimately the triumph over the "super-ego" ... The more intense guilt and shame threaten to become, the greater the need to suppress and eliminate conscience and its external representatives ... In denial fantasies of "protective animals" it becomes very clear that the power of the father, which is embodied in the animals, serves to protect against the father himself ... As is well known, the super-ego acts as a mood and affect stabilizer! (Jacobson, 1971)

The effect of disappointment on ego and superego formation in normal and depressive development. ... Int' University Press, New York 1971. Literatur.

The life that one tries to lead without a super-ego is thrown around chaotically and without control ... Such protectors, whether drugs or rituals, or ideologies, leaders and groups, are therefore greatly overrated and experienced as absolutely good. They are "narcissistic objects, self-objects" (projections) that are expected to be all-powerful, all-forgiving and limitless. But if they disappoint you, they quickly turn into destructive, failing, and therefore absolutely evil figures. God and the devil again... Finally, it is the return of the repelled conscience in the form of shame, of provoked degradation and dishonor and thus - by reversal - of challenging shamelessness and impudence. (L.Wurmser)

Léon Wurmser war ein aus der Schweiz stammender US-amerikanischer Psychiater und Psychoanalytiker und der Autor mehrerer umfangreicher psychoanalytischer Studien. Wikipedia 

Friday, March 14, 2008 

Interpretation by dali48
The compulsion to bring about defeat and humiliation, usually following a success or a great promise believed by all, has an eminent meaning: you - the parents - have frightened and wounded me so much - now I disappoint, frighten and hurt you... In fact, each new episode of drug abuse and each new financial and legal catastrophe had the effect of bringing his parents back together - this time for the purpose of rescuing him. His actions thus took on the character of a rescue mission in a double sense - his own rescue by his parents, but also, more latently, the rescue of the family, which he had brought about again. Like the intrusive family, the secretive family also promotes depersonalization, a pervasive feeling of unreality, alienation and falsehood - deepened or broken through by various drugs ... The Talmud says: Jerusalem was destroyed because its population no longer had any shame (and what is it like today etc.? - d.48) ... (L. Wurmser)

What computers cannot do ... humans can. Imagination, spontaneity, feeling! (H.L. Dreyfus)

This undifferentiated practice of mass medicine has contributed to the development of more and more chronic illnesses, and at the same time it has triggered a large number of avoidable new illnesses through the side effects of many medications! If illnesses are caused by social isolation, job stress or lack of it, by noise, air pollution and destruction of the natural environment, by self-destructive behavior, excessive alcohol and tobacco consumption, by inhumane living conditions, by traffic accidents or violence, they can only be alleviated temporarily and to a very small extent by medical treatment! (H. Milz)

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