Donnerstag, 4. Juli 2024

04.07.2024 - G.G. Marquez and Chile 1979 / A History of Reading 1996 / A tragic sense of life etc.

dali48 and teaching and writing diary & books and cycling & photographing in Erkrath etc.

Donnerstag, 27. März 2008

Interpretation by dali48
1 Million people have fled Chile, a country with a tradition of hospitality - that is, 10% of its population. Since 1979, the civil war in El Salvador has produced almost 1 refugee every 20 min. The country that could be formed of all the exiles and forced emigrants of Latin America would have a population larger than that of Norway ... In spite of this, to oppression, plundering and abandonment, we respond with life. Neither floods nor plagues, famines nor cataclysms, nor even the eternal wars of century upon century, have been able to subdue the persistent advantage of life over death ... Conversely, the most prosperous countries have succeeded in accumulating power of destruction such as to annihilate, a hundred times over, not all the human beings that have existed to this day, but also the totality of all living beings that have ever drawn breath on this planet of misfortune. (G.G. Marquez, Nobel L. 1982)

Gabriel Garcia Marquez (1928 - ?), Latin-American journalist, novelist and short story writer, a central figure in the so-called Magic Realism (surrealism) movement ... Every morning he reads a couple of pages of a dictionary - a habit our author compares to that of Stendhal, ... (from: A History of Reading by Alberto Manguel, 1996) ... (P.A.C.)

A tragic sense of life characterizes Marquez' books - a sense of the incorruptible superiority of fate and the inhuman, inexorable ravages of history ... With his stories Marquez has created a world of his own which is a micro-cosmos! (G. Marquez, Pres. Sp. 1982) 

Gabriel José García Márquez (* 6. März 1927 in Aracataca, Kolumbien; † 17. April 2014 in Mexiko-Stadt, Mexiko), im spanischsprachigen Raum auch bekannt als ...

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