Freitag, 5. Juli 2024

05.07.2024 - The Snow Dance Part 69 by Golden Snow / dali48 and photos etc.

dali48 and writing books and photographing a white feather in the park of Wickrath etc.

05.07.2018 - The Snow Dance Part 69 by Golden Snow

"Write your life - Or they'll wait till you're dead to write the lie"...  (@spectraspeaks)
Golden G. Snow (died, 7 March, condolence, 09.03.2024 by dali48)

Part 69... by Golden G. Snow
Sometimes the way is not clear, sometimes our head rules our heart, our minds get clouded, we are not certain what our next step should be. What will it be like, what will become of us with the decision we have made. I had guidance from Laura, but I was so afraid to let my babies out of my sight that I was walking right back into the fire...

All people make mistakes but they can cope and overcome them  and become better. Sometimes our weakness can become our strong point, but in our repressed minds we look only on the negative part of the lesson. These are lessons in our life but we do not recognize them as such at the time. As we heal we will know that our flaws and imperfection will some day determine our uniqueness...

I knew I had to work hard towards a future, and it never left my mind. I was a loving mother, and I could care and teach my children their roots. Even though I was leaving Laura I knew she would be there for me if I needed her. I had good friends with the people in the building. If I was going back to, so I would have friends there also. Having good friends in ones life tends to build you up, and we feel we are not alone. It was wonderful having the berth where the children could laugh and play in the small but private place. When we arrived at the station in London (Ontario, Canada - d.48), Danny was there to help us into the taxi. He said good bye, and that he would see us the next week. It was his week to see the children...

Golden Snow "Reading your Diairies keeps me encouraged dali48, thanks for your encouragement by posting ..."

Golden Snow
"Lots of memories and feeling, your posts are wonderful dali48, they encourage me to continue ..." 

Love everything to do with gardening, Herbs and healing, walking the beaches, reading good books (bible tops ) firesides in winter . good Friends.

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