Samstag, 6. Juli 2024

06.07.2024 - Existentially frustrated / Neurotics / Self-image / Buddha / Mental disorders etc.

dali48 and teaching and writing diary & books and cycling & photographing in Erkrath etc.

Monday, March 10, 2008

Interpretation by dali48
Because today's mass neurosis is characterized by a feeling of meaninglessness that is spreading worldwide! - Today, people are no longer as sexually frustrated as they were in Sigmund Freud's time, but rather existentially frustrated! ... (V.E. Frankl)

Neurotics want to be the bride at every wedding and the corpse at every funeral! ... If we separate sexuality from ourselves, then we use intercourse to avoid intimacy. If we are a unit, a whole, we can have close human relationships with others and with our environment all day long! ... Either we have to fight like mad to live a new life, or we die inside, - then we can no longer hurt anything! ... (Lair / Lechler)

Monday, March 10, 2008

Interpretation by dali48
The desire for sexual experience or, in a more subtle form, for confirmation of one's own self-image by the other, turns each person into an object of satisfaction and robs them of their magic, their inner values. When we observe anger, we recognize the desire to offend or humiliate its object in some way. We cannot be angry at anything or anyone without wishing them harm. Even before the other has suffered harm, we have hurt ourselves! ... A less radical remedy is to train ourselves to be moderate in eating and sleeping. Such a mindful approach to sensual satisfaction can often be a good antidote to lustful longings! ... (S. Levine)

You follow your own path, and no one goes ahead of you to show you the way. In this way, everyone creates a piece of reality and must take responsibility for it! ... (Buddha)

Monday, March 10, 2008

Interpretation by dali48
Mental disorders are just as much a part of life as physical illnesses! ... Mental illnesses still carry a stigma for us. The fact that mental disorders are an absolute part of everyday life has not yet become unpleasantly noticeable! ... Fear is what makes us socially acceptable. If you are not afraid, you are not going to get along well with them and you are not very interested in the feelings of your fellow human beings. Too much fear makes you sick! 9% suffer from fear, phobias and panic. But excessive fear or stress are also dangerous! ... Perfectionism makes you susceptible to the fear of making mistakes and showing yourself off. This puts you at risk of developing social phobia. The most important factor for chronic fear is avoidance behavior. Symptoms of depression: no interest in playing etc., failing at school etc., self-isolation, complaining about headaches. 
Prozac (USA) = Fluctin (D) = Stimulation enhancer against depression! ... Under light therapy, the body rhythms are regulated again. The patients feel better afterwards! ... 
Schizophrenia: Withdrawal, loneliness, inflexibility, loner, lack of motivation, thinking disorders, hallucinations, delusions, feeling persecuted, controlled, dominated by foreign powers, losing contact with reality without noticing it, personality changes etc! ... (R. Oehler)

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