Samstag, 6. Juli 2024

06.07.2024 - Power relationship / Today's people / Modern technology / Seifert's philosophy / W. Golding etc.

dali48 and teaching and writing diary & books and cycling & photographing in Erkrath till 5/2010

Friday, March 7, 2008

Interpretation by dali48
The promise of the modern macho is closeness, his tactic is openness, but the result is flight! ... In the patriarchy, lust and love are replaced by power. Words are meant to bridge feelings, but not express them. Any declaration of inability by a man appeals to the solidarity and willingness to help of the woman! ... On the one hand, the woman must help the man to secure his power, but at the same time she is the first to suffer from this power relationship! ... (S. Steinbrecher)

Friday, March 7, 2008

Interpretation by dali48
Today's people are in danger of turning the earth into a desert, the person into an automaton, brotherly love into systematic collectivization (see abuse of "love" etc. - d.48 ), and in many cases of bringing death where "God" (see nature, cosmos etc. - d.48) wants life! ... (John Paul 1, Lumen Gentium)
Almost all modern technology is in the service of the Faustian delusion (see Sorcerer's Apprentice etc. - d.48) of having to correct creation, and thus be able to increase people's happiness. At most it can reduce misfortune, but not increase "happiness"! ... The question was annoying, immorality or Pharisaism, has occupied Christianity for almost 2000 years! ... (V.J. Willi)

Friday, March 7, 2008

Interpretation by dali48
He came into contact with contemporary European modernism at an early age, especially with French surrealism and dadaism... (J. Seifert, Lecture Sp. 1984)

In short, all those who, whether happy or unhappy, lead a life that is an adventure and an experience, but not a life of oppression according to a party program. People are the ones who create society! The state is there for people and not the other way around. Seifert's philosophy of life contains an element of anarchy, a protest against everything that limits the possibilities of life and turns people into cogs in a machine! ... But in the 1930s and 1940s the horizon darkened. The economic and political reality proved incapable of living up to the rosy dreams! ... He signed Charter 77 ... (J. Seifert) 

His scientific intellect believes in the possibility of miracles inside a black hole, while his religious intellect believes in miracles outside the hole. In fact, both now believe in miracles, "credimus quia absurdum est" (we believe what is absurd etc. – d.48) … (W. Golding, Nobel L. 1983)

But perhaps at midnight, when the clock strikes and another year has passed, he may muse occasionally on the disadvantages of old age rather than the advantages! ...  King David and King Solomon/led merry, merry lives/with many, many girlfriends/and many, many wives/but when old age came upon them/with many, many misgivings/King Solomon wrote the Proverbs/And King David wrote the Psalms ... Indeed, and indeed, small can be beautiful! ... (W. Golding)

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