Samstag, 6. Juli 2024

06.07.2024 - Aristides, Socrates etc. / Mutual loyalty / Artificial means / W. Golding 1983 etc.

dali48 and teaching and writing diary & books and cycling & photographing in Erkrath etc.

Monday, March 10, 2008

Interpretation by dali48
Aristides, always a model of justice and incorruptibility, died in poverty (d.f. for me: wealth is "unjust and corrupt" - d.48)! ... Socrates is one of the great teachers of humanity, but like Zarathustra and Buddha, he too did not leave a single written word behind! ... Mutual loyalty and the fear of being coward before the master or the lover (the beloved) gave such armies tremendous fighting power. Many of the famous heroic deeds of Spartan troops can be explained by this! ... 
But if ecstasy is to return often, artificial means are required: 
1. Asceticism and fasting, 2. alcohol and tobacco, 3. dance and music etc. (1. + 3. = positive, 2. = negative etc – d.48) ... 
You don't belong to your party for ideological reasons, but because the clan with which you have always been enemies has joined the other party ... (H. & G. Schreiber)

Monday, March 10, 2008

Interpretation by dali48
And what about the dignity of old age? - There is, they say, no greater fool than an old fool ... Under critical questioning, I described myself as a universal pessimist (realist), but as a cosmic optimist ... You will believe less and be less afraid. But just as bad money drives out good, inferior culture drives out superior ... Frankly speaking, we are faced with two problems: either we blow ourselves off the face of the earth or we destroy the fertility of the earth bit by bit until we have ruined it ... (W. Golding, Nobel Prize 1983)

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