Freitag, 5. Juli 2024

05.07.2024 - Tibetan religious practice / Revenge & stupid motive / Zen & feeling for nature etc.

dali48 and teaching and writing diary & books and cycling & photographing in Erkrath etc.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Interpretation by dali48
As a refugee, everyone is directly involved with reality. You can't fool yourself into thinking that everything is wonderful. It is a highly desperate and dangerous situation, a very good opportunity to
gain experiences, to gain determination and inner strength ...
It is this non-thinking, a state that is symbolized in Tibetan religious practice by a mirror that takes in everything and reflects it without leaving a trace of it behind; it is a state of being in the here and now that simultaneously transcends the here and now (present), a state of timelessness and peace of mind, "Shunyata" - emptiness! It would be much more beneficial if everyone tried to apply their teachings in everyday life... Theological and metaphysical details easily seduce one into mere intellectualism. Peace cannot be achieved on paper alone! If we allow ourselves to be controlled by anger and hatred, we lose the highest capacity of our intelligence - the wise judgment with which we differentiate. Hatred and war bring no happiness to anyone, not even to the "winners" of battles. Violence always brings unhappiness and misery!... Only in the face of what opponents do to you can you truly become strong inside. And you can help to become more realistic by giving up expectations! ... All such incarnations can influence the place and time of their reincarnation through their wishes in each of their lives, and after each birth they have that lasting memory of their previous existence that enables others to identify them ... Friends, enemies, neutral beings - we have three different attitudes towards them: desire, hatred and indifference! That is why it is impossible to practice a selfless (loving) action. Even in this life, former enemies have become friends and vice versa ... (Dalai Lama)

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Interpretation by dali48
Leave revenge to "God" (the forces of nature & revenge angels etc. - d. 48). Never get revenge on anyone, not even yourself! There is only one unconscious motive for holding on to your anger: revenge! Revenge is a stupid motive. "God" will take revenge on all who deserve it, - or he will forgive them, especially if they regret! (Minirth / Meier)

You don't do what you do because you feel how you feel, - you feel what you feel because you do what you do! ... But the admiration of beauty is basically a religious feeling, because no one can discover and enjoy real beauty who is not religious. And it cannot be denied that Zen has given the Japanese people's innate feeling for nature a tremendous boost! (D. T. Suzuki)

Daisetsu Teitaro Suzuki war ein japanischer Autor von Büchern über den Zen-Buddhismus. Wikipedia

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