Dienstag, 20. August 2024

20.08.2024 - Stress & fatigue & rheumatism etc. / Chinese herbal medicine etc.

dali48 and private tuition & writing books and cycling and photographing in Erkrath etc.

Search Results

27.07.2002 - Interpretation by dali48
For stress and exhaustion: Eleutherococcus etc.
For nervousness and sleep: Valerian, hops etc.
In learning and concentration problems: Ginkgo, lavender, peppermint etc.
Acute and chronic pain: Bittersweet, nettle, hemp, devil's claw (rheumatism), willow bark, frankincense resin ...
Acute and chronic anxiety states: Kava-Kava, passionflower etc.
"Burnout" and depressive moods: St. John's wort, catnip, evening primrose etc.
Herbal diet aids (appetite suppressant): Mate tea, Puerh tea etc. (J. Conradi)

Coca tea for altitude sickness - and for endurance etc.
Increased cortisol levels in depression - inhibit the immune system ...
Anxiety disorders are often camouflaged - by headaches and muscle tension ...
Psychosomatic disease caused by mental stress:
Insomnia, migraines, back pain, eczema, chronic fatigue etc.
weakened immune system, physical and mental exhaustion, frequent fatigue, due to strong stress ...
Green tea:
Immune deficiency and mental fatigue, fatigue due to atherosclerotic changes in the blood vessels ... (Chinese traditional medicine)

Chinese herbology - Wikipedia

Jump to Chinese patent medicine - It classifies 365 species of roots, grass, woods, furs, animals and stones into three categories of herbal medicine:.
Preparation · ‎Toxicity · ‎Efficacy · ‎Herbs in use

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