Dienstag, 20. August 2024

20.08.2024 - Reed & death / Kliman & "Preventive Psychiatry" / Robertson & separation / Veeneklaas & "Observatrics" / Prinzhorn & pictorial design etc.

dali48 and writing diaries & books and photographing near spa house in BAD, 8/2010 etc.

28.02.1999 - Interpretation of dali48
It is not so much about the dying of sick children, as about the experience of death in the life of a child... - It is spoken of the realization that our life is a transition - The worst thing about death is the fear of it... (Reed, 1972)

Kliman, "Preventive Psychiatry" - Kliman shows how many ways to prepare children for the experience of separation and grief...
Robertson, 1974, parents' letters. In his parents' letters, which Robertson published in his book on Children in the Hospital, there are examples in which the nature of the children after the release - was completely different from before the hospital stay...
Robertson, 1974. Remarks on the feelings of parents and paternalism by doctors and sisters... - The English psychotherapist Robertson has reproduced this in his book "Letters of parents". This means that long-term disturbances were observed in children after the dismissal from hospital who had not been allowed to be visited...
G. Veeneklaas, professor of pediatrics in Leiden, introduced the profession of "Observatrics" for the psychological care of sick children since 1975...
Rene Spitz, 1974, explains "hospitalism" by the lack of emotional affection by the mother. 4-year-old children can not sit, stand, walk or speak, have an increased mortality, although they are well-fed and well-groomed ...
Prinzhorn, 1968:
Already around the turn of the century, the nerve physician Prinzhorn recognized the importance of pictorial design as a means of expression (see, for example, "graffiti" etc. - d.48) of the mental patients...

Death is the permanent cessation of all biological functions that sustain a living organism. ... Other concerns include fear of death, necrophobia, anxiety, sorrow, grief, emotional pain, depression, sympathy, compassion, solitude, or saudade. ..... Their genes are thus eventually bred out of a population, leading at worst to ...
Missing: (Reed, ‎1972)

Kliman, "Preventive Psychiatry" - Kliman shows how many ways to prepare children for the experience of separation and grief... Robertson, 1974, parents' letters ...

The Platt Report formerly known as the Welfare of Sick Children in Hospital (Ministry of Health, .... Children could only be admitted, if they were sponsored by a letter of .... Robertson focused his research on separation of mother and child due to ..... The seminal report by Pamela Hawthorn, published in 1974 and called Nurse, ...

GVeeneklaasprofessor of pediatrics in Leiden, introduced the profession of ... G. Marquez, W. Golding, Dalai Lama, DTSuzuki, J. Seiffert, Thich Nhat Hanh, ...

Spitz coined the term "anaclitic depression" to refer to partial emotional deprivation (the loss of a loved object). ... He called this total deprivation "hospitalism." In 1945, Spitz investigated hospitalism in children in orphanages and foundling hospitals in South America.
Missing: explains ‎| Must include: explains

Hans Prinzhorn (June 6, 1886 – June 14, 1933) was a German psychiatrist and art historian. Born in Hemer, Westphalia, he studied art history and philosophy at ...
Missing: nerve ‎physician ‎1968

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