Dienstag, 20. August 2024

20.08.2024 - G. Groddeck and psychosomatic medicine and follies and Freud's "It" etc.

06.03.2014 - Vegetarians and Recipes etc...

dali48 and writing diaries & books and photographing in Wickrath etc.

31.05.2008 - Interpretation of dali48
Nevertheless, the fact remains that a woman can kiss and heart without fear any other female being, whatever age it may be. This is not "homosexual" - just as the female masturbation is no "masturbation" - there is no such thing... - Man is bisexual... - all his life, and will remain for the rest of his life. - And at most this or that age reaches as a concession for its fashionable morality, that in a part, a very small part, homosexuality is suppressed, but it is not destroyed, but only narrowed. - Just before the brain arises, the "It" of man already thinks, without a brain (intuitively), builds up the brain first. This is something fundamental, something man should never forget, and yet always forgets. - In this assumption that one thinks with the brain, an assumption which is certainly false, is the source of thousands of follies - and, of course, the source for valuable discoveries and inventions, - and for everything that makes life more beautiful and more susceptible... - Success is not determined by what we do according to our knowledge, but by what the "It" of our patient makes with our ordinances. - It sounds absurd, but it is true that every treatment of the patient is the right one, - that he is always and in all circumstances treated properly... (G. Groddeck)

Georg Walther Groddeck was a physician and writer regarded as a pioneer of psychosomatic medicine. Contents. 1 Early life; 2 Publications; 3 Association with ...

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