Mittwoch, 10. Juli 2024

10.07.2024 - W. Soyinka & Nobel L. 1986 / Playwright Ken Saro-Wiwa / Biography / African history etc.

dali48 and teaching and writing diary & books and cycling & photographing in Erkrath, 8/1983 - 5/2010

Friday, February 22, 2008
02/21/2008 - Part 2

Interpretation by dali48
The black race has more than enough historical reasons to be a little paranoid about the intrusion of foreign deities into its destiny! ... Economic and political motives, yes. But not religion! ... Certainly the bloody history of the great world religions leads to the creeping suspicion that religion only attains self-knowledge through the activity of war ... Such a society does not belong in this modern world. - We also have our myths, but we have never used them as a basis for the subjugation of others. "Warning! This work is dangerous to your racial self-esteem” ... (W. Soyinka, Nobel L. 1986)

After his release in 1969 (after 2 years in prison), Soyinka went into voluntary exile and soon after began a 2nd phase of intense creativity ... This book (The Open Sore of a Continent, 1996) traces Nigeria's decline into ever more inhumane military governments, a deterioration epitomized by the execution of fellow playwright Ken Saro-Wiwa in 1995 and by the death sentence imposed on Soyinka himself in 1997 ... (W. Soyinka)

Friday, February 22, 2008

Interpretation by dali48
During the Nigerian civil war, Soyinka wrote an article appealing to the population to declare a ceasefire. For this he was arrested in 1967, accused of conspiring with the Biafra rebels and held as a political prisoner for 22 months until 1969 ... (W. Soyinka, Biography)

Whatever the facts about Olof Palme's death, there can be no question about his life. Against the racial oppression of a large part of humanity, Palme said and acted a decisive no! ... The "subhuman" vilification for which their "civilizing mission" was the altruistic remedy, was merely the rationalizing icing on the cake of imperial greed! ... One remembers, still with a touch of pain, Ruth First, destroyed by a letter bomb from the long arm of apartheid (see e.g. the mayor of Vienna in the 1990s? – d. 48) … There are others – André Brink, Abram Fischer, Helen Suzman – Breyten Breytenbach, whose souls are still branded with the scars of martyrdom! ... But enough of these world leaders of duplicity and multiple morals! ... Hegel, Locke, Montesquieu, Hume Voltaire – an endless list – were unabashed theorists of racial superiority and denigrators of African history and African being ... (W. Soyinka)

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