Mittwoch, 10. Juli 2024

10.07.2024 - Civilizations & Religions / Demeter & Dionysus / D.T. Suzuki & Zen / Mystics & Helpers / Contemplative way / Paradise etc.

dali48 and teaching and writing diary & books and cycling & photographing in Erkrath, 8/1983 - 5/2010

Friday, February 22, 2008

Interpretation by dali48
Looking back, we see that the only forces that were able to survive enormous upheavals and the collapse of civilizations were the great religions ... (C. Dunne)

Early humans made natural powers into gods: the sun, the moon, the rivers and springs and everything that helps our lives! Later, those who brought culture and benefactors were made into gods - Demeter and Dionysus, who invented agriculture and bread-making, wine-growing and wine-pressing. A clever man, wise in thought, invented the fear of the gods for the first time in people, so that there would be a deterrent for the bad, even if they did or said or thought something in secret ... (Critias, Plato's uncle)

The intellect is harmful in more ways than one, but for our practical life it is a useful tool, and as long as we use it intelligently, we will derive much benefit from it! ... (D.T. Suzuki)

Morality limits and binds. Living from "Zen" means being yourself, and is therefore always a self-acting man! - A morning with "Zen" is a good morning, every day is a good day, no matter how stormy it may be. - "Zen" is as free as the bird that flies, the fish that swims, the lily that blooms! ... 

The pure ascetic does not enter to "Nirvana", while the "Bikkhu" (monk) who violates the rules does not go to hell, - statements that are completely contrary to the ideas of morality (see heaven & hell, black & white, instead of light grey & dark grey, see e.g. Buddha's middle way etc. - d.48)! ... (D.T. Suzuki)

Friday, February 22, 2008

Interpretation by dali48
Mystics: "so-called initiates" who see and recognize the hidden, divine things through a higher enlightenment given by "God" (see e.g. visions, dreams etc. - d.48) ... (I. Dammer / B. Adam)

14 helpers in times of need, since the 14th century, especially in southern Germany: Achatius for fear of death, doubt; Aegidius for confession; Barbara for dying; Blasius of Sebaste for throat problems, against fish bones; Christopher against death; Cyriacus against stomach pains; Eustace in difficult life situations; George of Cappadocia for sick pets; Catherine of Alexandria for the tongue, for speech problems; Margaret of Antioch for a good birth; Pantaleon against abandonment, patron of doctors; Vitus (St. Vitus) for epilepsy, St. Vitus' dance ... 

But I felt most comfortable among simple people like farmers, fishermen and nomads. People who still live in harmony with their environment. People who took time for everything they thought and did, and lived their lives in a quiet and contemplative way! ... (C. Cerny)

Man drives himself out of the paradise (see e.g. garden etc. - d.48) that is no longer paradise! ...

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