Mittwoch, 10. Juli 2024

10.07.2024 - Hothouse Earth / Creativity / Isolation versus closeness / Self-love / P. Sloterdiyk etc.

dali48 and teaching and writing diary & books and cycling & photographing in Erkrath, 8/1983 - 5/2010

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Interpretation by dali48
In addition to the knowledge (hothouse earth), suffering must be added before a person changes his behavior! ... (Rhine Post, November 8th)

Welcome to the Hothouse Earth ... Juni 2024. ·. 164. Mal angezeigt.

Creativity does not mean eagerness to work, but creation that compels work! ... 
On the one hand, the feeling of isolation comes from bitter experiences, especially in childhood and adolescence, of being left alone at the decisive moment and for a long time, not being understood, misunderstood, ignored, rejected, not being loved ... We are afraid of closeness, even in our thoughts! ... Reflections at the wrong moment are unloving towards oneself and towards others ... Anyone who thinks about themselves or others at the moment of closeness splits their consciousness off from the relationship ... The oldest of all emotional wounds - not being loved - can always resurface. - In the open wound of depression, emotional lack of connection becomes a permanent condition. If we isolate ourselves from others in memory of early insults, we experience the outside world as unbearable pressure that counteracts our urge to live. - Our loneliness is sterile because it shields itself from love! ... It is not a violent path of sudden release, as with diarrhea or emotional outbursts, that I am suggesting, but an inner path of awareness on which unhealthy cramps and tensions resolve themselves when we turn to them. - It is not the love of another person that can ultimately heal us from early unlovedness, but the love that we give ourselves! ... Unloved people believe that they have to buy their well-being through effort and discipline! ... (P. Schellenbaum)

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Interpretation by dali48
People do not just seek pleasure while avoiding suffering, even if it often seems that way. - They also seek the fulfillment of their humanity through aggression, grief and pain. - Negative emotions are also life and an expression of our life instinct! ... (P. Schellenbaum)

Instead of growing from the stronger, the weaker unconsciously tries to cut the stronger down to his own size. If he finally succeeds in doing this, he despises him as a reflection of his own weakness. - Parents who have succeeded in breaking their children should treat them like poor patients ... The pariah is indeed an outcast, but also free from the duties of those who cast him out. He has access to a world that is closed to the well-structured (adjusted) and the insured (illusionists), to the world of unchanneled life energy and dubious fantasies ... Only the renunciation of later parental love breaks the spell. They were oppressed because they were dangerous. They were dangerous because they were superior. The awareness of their real superiority means the first step on their way to self-respect and self-love ... (P. Schellenbaum)

The amoral ones make way for life - while the "virtuous" citizens with their 100 obsessive ideas already give a taste of what they will do to others (and have done in the past) ... (P. Sloterdiyk)

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