Freitag, 28. Juni 2024

28.06.2024 - A. Schopenhauer and Life as Suffering and later Thinkers etc. by dali48

dali48 and private tuition and writing diary & books and photographing in Erkrath, 8/1983 - 5/2010

14.01.2014 - Schopenhauer and later thinkers etc. 
Caricature of Schopenhauer by Wilhelm Busch (1832–1908)
File:Arthur Schopenhauer by Wilhelm Busch.jpeg 

04.01.2010 - Interpretation of dali48 
Schopenhauer (1788 - 1860) - the great pessimist...
Life as Suffering: Basically, life is not worth living. In addition, it rushes inexorably towards death. Also, the knowledge does not continue to help - quite the contrary: The genius suffers most...
By pity the care for other beings - including animals (see flora & fauna, etc. - d.48) becomes our own motif...
Redemption is the negation of the will - as in asceticism, which may come to the extinction of the will and thus to a state of ecstasy. In addition, the music is a kind of reflection of the will in itself. So it is the deepest essence... (Rhine Post, 04.01.2010)

Heute vor 150 Jahren ist der große deutsche Philosoph Arthur Schopenhauer 72-jährig gestorben. Sein Werk hat Wirkung bis zum heutigen Tag – etwa in der aktuellen Diskussion über Massentierhaltung und Vegetarismus.21.09.2010

Comments on HP  
dali48 from Germany Hub Author 
There is a series of philosophers in the "Rheinische Post, Düsseldorf": Nietzsche, Marx, Heidegger, Bloch, Adorno, Gadamer, Arendt, Carl Schmitt, Habermas, N. Luhmann, P. Sloterdijk, see
tonymac04 from South Africa 
Interesting! Wish it were a little longer. Don't know all that much about Schopenhauer but always wanting to learn! Thanks for sharing, Love and peace, Tony
Interpretation of dali48  
Arthur Schopenhauer (1788 – 1860) was a German philosopher known for his pessimism and philosophical clarity. At age 25, he published...
Schopenhauer's most influential work, The World as Will and Representation, claimed that the world is fundamentally what humans recognize in themselves as their will. His analysis of will led him to the conclusion that emotional, physical, and sexual desires...
Schopenhauer's metaphysical analysis of will, his views on human motivation and desire, and his aphoristic writing style influenced many well-known thinkers, including... 
However, only five students turned up to Schopenhauer's lectures, and he dropped out of academia. A late essay, On University Philosophy, expressed his resentment towards the work conducted in academies...
In 1821, he fell in love with nineteen-year old opera singer, Caroline Richter (called Medon), and had a relationship with her for several years. He discarded marriage plans, however, writing...
In 1831, a cholera epidemic broke out in Berlin and Schopenhauer left the city. Schopenhauer settled permanently in Frankfurt in 1833, where he remained for the next twenty-seven years...
Schopenhauer had a robust constitution, but in 1860 his health began to deteriorate. He died of heart failure on 21 September 1860, while sitting on his couch with his cat at home. He was 72...
A key focus of Schopenhauer was his investigation of individual motivation. Before Schopenhauer, Hegel had popularized the concept of Zeitgeist...
Music, for Schopenhauer, was the purest form of art because it was the one that depicted the will itself without it appearing as subject to the Principle of Sufficient Grounds...
These ideas foreshadowed the discovery of evolution, Freud's concepts of the libido and the unconscious mind, and evolutionary psychology in general...
As a consequence of his monistic philosophy, Schopenhauer was very concerned about the welfare of animals...
For this reason, he claimed that a good person would have sympathy for animals, who are our fellow sufferers...
Compassion for animals (see e.g. St. Francis, etc. - d.48) is intimately associated with goodness of character, and it may be confidently asserted that he who is cruel to living creatures cannot be a good man...
Many of the stories that surround the life of St. Francis deal with his love for animals. Perhaps the most famous incident that illustrates the Saint's humility towards nature is recounted in the "Fioretti" ("Little Flowers"), a collection of legends and folklore that sprang up after the Saint's death. It is said that, one day, while Francis was travelling with some companions, they happened upon a place in the road where birds filled the trees on either side. Francis told his companions to "wait for me while I go to preach to my sisters the birds." The birds surrounded him, intrigued by the power of his voice, and not one of them flew away...  
In 1841, he praised the establishment, in London, of the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, and also the Animals' Friends Society in Philadelphia...
The Upanishads was a great source of inspiration to Schopenhauer, and writing about them he said...
Schopenhauer noted a correspondence between his doctrines and the Four Noble Truths of Buddhism...
Buddhist philosopher Nishitani Keiji, however, sought to distance Buddhism from Schopenhauer...
The argument that Buddhism affected Schopenhauer’s philosophy more than any other Dharmic faith loses more credence when viewed in light of the fact that... 
Schopenhauer said he was influenced by the Upanishads, Immanuel Kant and Plato. References to Eastern philosophy and religion appear frequently in Schopenhauer's writing...
Among Schopenhauer's other influences were: Shakespeare, Jean-Jacques Rousseau, John Locke, Baruch Spinoza, Matthias Claudius, George Berkeley, David Hume, and René Descartes...
We usually are not aware of the breathing of our lungs or the beating of our heart unless somehow our attention is called to them. Our ability to control either is limited. Our kidneys command our attention on their schedule... 
Schopenhauer has had a massive influence upon later thinkers, though more so in the arts (especially literature and music) and psychology than in philosophy... (Wikipedia)

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