Freitag, 28. Juni 2024

28.06.2024 - Kant's philosophy and the study of Kantianism and a Rational being etc. by dali48

dali48 and private tuition and writing diary & books and photographing in Erkrath, 8/1983 - 5/2010

13.01.2014 - Kant's philosophy and the study of Kantianism etc. by dali48
File:DBP - 250 Jahre Immanuel Kant - 90 Pfennig - 1974.jpg

01.07.2012 - Interpretation of dali48
Not to be good, but the shall-being-good was Kant's issue. He explored the human reason to determine whether it has a principle by nature which makes morality possible...
He considered that neither the character nor the ability or favorable life circumstances of a person secured the goodness, but only the will... 
Kant had explained reason for the lord and master of the brain. He had no doubt that it is reason that tells us what we have to do...
But as we have seen in the 1st Part of the book, we are determined by the unconscious much more than by the conscious...
Schopenhauer speaks fluently English and French, but he is retired and doesn't trust anyone. An outsider...
Although Weimar is only a small town in Thuringia, but with Goethe, Schiller, Wieland and Herder the most important men of the literary life - live and work there... (R. D. Precht)

Interpretation of dali48 
Immanuel Kant (1724 – 1804) was a German philosopher from Königsberg (today Kaliningrad of Russia), who researched, lectured, and wrote on philosophy and anthropology...
Kant's major work, the Critique of Pure Reason (Kritik der reinen Vernunft, 1781), aimed to unite reason with experience to move beyond what he took to be failures of traditional philosophy and metaphysics... 
He stated: "It always remains a scandal of philosophy and universal human reason that the existence of things outside us... should have to be assumed merely on faith...
Kant proposed a ‘Copernican Revolution' in reverse, saying that:   "Up to now it has been assumed that all our cognition must conform to the objects - but... 
Kant published other important works on ethics, religion, law, aesthetics, astronomy, and history. These included the Critique of Practical Reason (Kritik der praktischen Vernunft, 1788)...
Kant argued that experience is purely subjective without first being processed by pure reason. He also said that using reason without applying it to experience only leads to theoretical illusions... 
His ideas influenced many thinkers in Germany during his lifetime. He settled and moved philosophy beyond the debate between the rationalists and empiricists... 
With his Perpetual Peace, Kant is considered to have foreshadowed many of the ideas that have come to form the democratic peace theory, one of the main controversies in political science...
The Kantian paradigm shift in philosophy and metaphysics has been sustained. Some British and American philosophers trace their intellectual origins to Hume...
Kant's work on mathematics and synthetic a priori knowledge is also cited by theoretical physicist Albert Einstein as an early influence on his intellectual development...
Jürgen Habermas and John Rawls are two significant political and moral philosophers whose work is strongly influenced by Kant's moral philosophy... 
Kant's influence also has extended to the social and behavioral sciences, as in the sociology of Max Weber, the psychology of Jean Piaget, and the linguistics of Noam Chomsky... 
In 2005, that Russian-speaking university was renamed Immanuel Kant State University of Russia in honour of Kant... (Wikipedia)

Für Kant ist der Mensch ein vernunftfähiges Wesen, das nach Prinzipien leben kann, die es sich selbst gegeben hat. Unser Leben hat nur den Wert, den wir uns selbst geben, unabhängig von der Natur. Eine Maxime, an die sich der Philosoph hält.07.01.2016

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