Samstag, 22. Juni 2024

22.06.2024 - eDiary4 and Own happiness / E. Kübler-Ross / Health care system / Aging process etc. by dali48

dali48 and visiting and photographing near spa house in BAD, 8/2010

see dali48 and writing Tagebuch 2008 + 2009, diary3 (2010) in Erkrath, ediary4+5 (2011+2012), Collection of ediary6-12 (2013-2019) in Wickrath etc.

eDiary4 by dali48

eDiary4 contains entries in English, – and Blogs which are partly published on, – interpretations of speeches by Nobel Prize Laureates in Literature, - and of books about Alternative Medicine, Phyto-therapy, and Zen etc. 

Interpretation of dali48

One seeks the culprit in other authorities. If it were always the others who was it then in the end? - Are we a planet full of poor victims, where no one wants to take his own responsibility? - Everyone is the source of his own happiness, and whatever we sow - we shall reap… We are always striving to think of ourselves and to satisfy our own needs - We take or, worse yet give in order to get... (I. Hobert) 

If there is no heaven - there is no hell. And if there is no hell, - then there is no fear of death… (dali48)

Most people realize in their last moments - that they have never lived. To see that life is simply passed by, without that one has taken the time - to enjoy it to the fullest, often is the sad realization of the last moments... Death is also a new beginning, a birth into another life form. Thus, death is the emergence of the higher self from the physical body, comparable to the hatching of a beautiful butterfly from its cocoon… The inner voice tells us what to do: e.g. do not smoke, not eat too much, do more exercise, do meditation, do prayer, do good, and let’s separate from people who make us unhappy, - but we are too strong addicted to the “ego” to listen to that voice… (E. Kübler-Ross)  

Interpretation of dali48

Diagnosis of the health care system: too much diagnosis, insufficient treatment, and solidified management, incompetent medical theorists, senseless war between orthodox medicine and natural medicine, unscrupulous doctors + health insurance + pharmaceutical industry (the winners etc. - d.48) against patient (the loser etc. - d.48 )... (R. Holzhüter)

Conflicts with feelings of guilt associated with these sexual-sensual feelings that are associated with pleasure (this suggests to us: lust = guilt, etc. - d.48)... (G. &. M. Boyesen)

Interpretation of dali48

Aging process: Rigid in thought and deed, reduced hearing, seeing, feeling and taste, - and say: “For this I am too old”, develop hard, tight, short muscles, less strength, energy and mobility, moan and more and more complain, - lose and shrink in size…  Trauma and stress have been stored up gradually, layer by layer, to form trigger points and lead to functional impairment of organs. Dysfunction and pain occur. We glide slowly towards the grave... Every family has its own soundproofed, private and secure home to retire when you want it... (W. S. Leigh)  

Interpretation of dali48

Wobe enzyme: against inflammation and edema - stimulates blood flow, it lets disappear pain and edema; prevents thrombosis, splits immune complex; it reduces the defective body tissue; activates the defense against tumor cells; combats viral infections (see e.g. herpes, etc. - d.48)... (B. Dost)

Persecuted doctors and scientists are: J. R. Meyer (asylum), A. Wegener (geophysicist), I.P. Semmelweis (Psychiatry), Wilhelm Reich (prison), Robert Koch and G. Domagk (bacteriologists), J. Lister, K. L. Schleicher, F. Sauerbruch (surgeons), etc. 

They all worked on - what is not there yet... (Lao Tzu) 


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