Freitag, 21. Juni 2024

21.06.2024 - Hsiang and triple world / Shinjinmai and "Great Way" / Emptiness – Mirroring etc.

diary of dali48: 31.05.2019 - Jung and images of life / Hiroshima, 1962... … see dali48 on Twitter,Google,Blogspot,,FB,Pinterest,StumbleUpon
dali48 and writing books and cycling and photographing flowers etc.

21.06.2019 - Hsiang and triple world / Shinjinmai and "Great Way" etc...

01.09.1997 - Interpretation of dali48
Neither the "Gods" nor the people can predict what will happen to me! - Pain and pleasure are also the result of our previous actions! - Profit and loss, let us accept the "karma" - which brings us one or the other - because the mind knows neither increase nor reduction! - All things are empty, and there is nothing desirable or worth pursuing! - On light follows darkness ...
This triple world - wherever you stay too long, is like a burning house - what has a body, and suffers... - Who may ever know what is rest? - Since the sages are thoroughly familiar with this truth, they never attach themselves to something which is becoming, and so their thoughts are brought to rest, and they do not seek. - In the "Sutra" it is said: Wherever there is a seeking, you will suffer - when the seeking ceases, you are in the salvation ...
What is the unsurpassable meaning of the Holy Truth? - Bodhidarma said: "Empty mirror - nothing is holy!" ...
Shadow follows a body - and echo rises from a sound! - Whoever follows the shadow and thereby exhausts the body, does not know - that the body throws the shadow ... (Hsiang, a disciple)

The "Great Way" is not difficult at all - only in the freedom of hatred and love does it show itself completely and unencumbered ... (Shinjinmai, 3rd patriarch, died 606)

... unencumbered ... (Shinjinmai3rd patriarchdied 606) .... see wgg shared Monsanto Exposed's photo - Why bees are dying by the billions etc. - and see GMO ...
A Zen student called Hsiang-yen went to dokusan with Kuei-shan Ling-yu (771-853) ... One of those disciples was Hsiang-yen who was originally a novice under ...
Daruma – Bodhidharma's Japanese name – answered when questioned, ate when he ... It is a mirrorbecause it is empty, because only emptiness can mirror.

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