Freitag, 21. Juni 2024

21.06.2024 - Electric cars versus harmful pollution and Hybrids etc. by dali48

dali48 and teaching and writing diary & books and photographing a gold fish in Lake Morper in Erkrath etc.

13.01.2014 - Electric cars1 and harmful pollution etc...
File:Google Electric Car Security 2008
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Interpretation of dali48
Wednesday, 09/12/2009, 21:00 Clock, Climate summit, Knowledge Adventure with Karsten Schwanke
The truth about electric cars... Comments Aladar Stolmar 02/10/2009, 17:17
The public transport is turned to electric before 2015... The private transportation is supplied with
replaceable rechargeable electrical batteries and on the highways replacement batteries are available in new refueling station system for long distance travel from 2014... Only electric cars are sold from 2015... 

Interpretation of dali48
If you believe the media, electric cars are coming. In times of climate change and scarce resources, the emission-streaker seems to be the alternative to the car with a combustion engine - Even after reputable
car manufacturers want to bring electric models to the market, the fragile ecoimage is also restored. But how far are the developers really? - A look at the future of the car... (

Uneingeschränkt unterwegs, jeden Tag. Vollelektrisch. Dank bis zu 440 km Reichweite. Das Elektroauto smart #1. Unsere Vorstellung von Qualität und Premium-Ausstattung. Bis zu 455 km Reichweite. Head-Up-Display.

Hybrid owners enjoy better fuel economy, helping them save money, and can see their driving has less impact on the environment. However, while there are plenty of advantages to driving a hybrid, it's important to consider whether it's the right move for you. Hybrids may not suit everyone's lifestyle.17.10.2022

Interpretation of dali48
An electric car is an automobile that is propelled by one or more electric motors, using electrical energy stored in batteries or another energy storage device... Electric cars were popular in the late 19th century and early 20th century, until advances in internal combustion engine technology and mass production of
cheaper gasoline vehicles led to a decline in the use of electric drive vehicle... As of June 2012, series production models available in some countries include the... The Leaf, with more than 27,000 units sold
worldwide by early April 2012, and the iMiEV, with global sales of more than 17,000 units through October 2011, are the world's top-selling highway-capable electric cars... Electric cars have several potential benefits compared to conventional internal combustion automobiles, including a significant reduction of urban air pollution, as they do not emit harmful tailpipe pollutants from the onboard source of power at the point of operation (zero tail pipe emissions)... However, battery prices are coming down
with mass production and expected to drop further... Several national and local governments have established tax credits, subsidies, and other incentives to reduce the net purchase price of electric cars and other plug-ins... An electric car powered by sunlight is a solar car, and an electric car powered by a
gasoline generator is a form of hybrid car... In 1911, the New York Times stated that the electric car has long been recognized as "ideal" because it was cleaner, quieter and much more economical than gasoline-powered cars... Financial Times in 2010, around three quarters of American and British car
buyers have or would consider buying an electric car, but they are unwilling to pay more for an electric car... The study also examined how this balance will change over the next 10 to 20 years, assuming that battery costs will decrease while gasoline prices increase... The average American drives less than 40
miles (64 km) per day; so the GM EV1 would have been adequate for the daily driving needs of about 90% of U.S. consumers... The Roadster can be fully recharged in about 3.5 hours from a 220-volt, 70-amp outlet which can be installed in a home... One way automakers can extend the short range of electric vehicles is by building them with battery switch technology. An EV with battery switch technology and a 100 miles (160 km) driving range... Fast Chargers are going to be installed at 45 BP and ARCO locations and will be made available to the public as early as March 2011... Electric cars contribute to cleaner air in cities because they produce no harmful pollution at the tailpipe from the onboard source of power, such as particulates (soot), volatile organic compounds, hydrocarbons, carbon monoxide, ozone, lead, and various oxides of nitrogen... Power sources such as roof top photovoltaic solar cell panels, micro hydro or wind may also be used and are promoted because of concerns regarding global warming... (Wikipedia)

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