Samstag, 22. Juni 2024

22.06.2024 - Immune system / Freudian “unconscious” / “Virtual reality”/ V. Frankl & search for meaning etc.

dali48 and teaching and writing diary & books and cycling and photographing in Erkrath etc.

see dali48 and writing Tagebuch 2008 + 2009, diary3 (2010) in Erkrath, ediary4+5 (2011+2012), Collection of ediary6-12 (2013-2019) in Wickrath etc.

Interpretation of dali48
Weak low frequency electromagnetic fields (10 volts) are capable to strengthen the immune system - and “cure cancer” etc… (J. Walleczek)

On the surface he bears the artificial mask of self-control, politeness and the spurious compulsively made sociality. - He covers the second layer underneath, the Freudian “unconscious” in which sadism, greed, lust, envy, perversions of all kinds, are kept in prison, but without sacrificing the slightest force. - The European world is suffering from a character neurosis (see e.g. E. Fromm etc. - d.48), which is irrational in break-outs of fascism (see e.g. Neo-fascism in Germany etc. since 1989 – d.48)... 

The doctors still believe in the physicist, - while physicists think long again in “God”… (Thure v. Uxkiill)         

Healing processes of so-called terminally ill patients often happened, - once the patients had changed their existence and their aims in life... 
Sun and sea water - to help with inflammations and skin problems etc… (dali48)

Self-healing power is strongest when it is “rebound to creation” (religion). Miracles happen not in opposition to nature - but in contrast to what we know about nature… (St Augustine)

As long as we do not even understand Nature, - we needn’t try to understand the “Gods,” – see “Cosmic Principles” etc… (dali48)

The world of artifice (see “virtual reality” etc. - d.48) wants to take us in solitary confinement for controlling us every second in each nerve fiber...
The Christian churches of the West have made “God” to a shop owner (see Luther & market of indulgences etc. - d.48) and made man into a terrified, joyless life cripple. Slowly stir insight and repentance... (F. Capra) 

Interpretation of dali48
Who am I? - Where do I come from? - Where do I go to? - These questions are asked more frequently in a senseless world… (B. Dost)

Religion yes, - church no (see as a student in southern France: “Spain yes, - Franco no” etc. - d.48)…

Under this motto, many go on search for finding meaning. - Finding sense and purposes is closely connected to physical and mental health… (V. Frankl)

If the person does not find sense in its search for meaning, it falls into an existential hole. - This existential frustration is a risk to mental and physical health, and is the breeding ground of many disorders such as depression, addiction and crime...
Disease is due to our vacuum of existence: boredom, “apathetic behavior”, addiction, aggression, burned out, vandalism, suicide - Self-murder in the form of heart attacks and cell proliferation... 

"Write your life! - Or they'll wait till you're dead to write the lie"... (@spectraspeaks)

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